In a world where humanity and demonkind are at odds, Damon Gokua was renowned as the number one candidate for the next generation of heroes. However, during the selection ceremony overseen by the saintess, he was eliminated and became just an ordinary commoner.
With Damon’s disqualification, the attitude of the townspeople and nobles around him changed completely. Moreover, Damon’s friend was chosen as the hero, while his female friends, junior girls, and even his first love were swiftly taken away by his friend, who had once admired him.
Despairing over everything, Damon was driven out of his hometown when the saintess who had announced his disqualification appeared before him, kneeling and revealing that there had been an error in the selection ceremony.
However, having already lost hope in justice and humanity, Damon abandoned the path of becoming a hero. Instead, he decided to embrace a life filled with desires that he had previously suppressed for the sake of reason and social standing, choosing to walk this new path alongside the saintess, who had become a slave.
“I’ll no longer offer goodwill without recompense! If you want power, pay the price! Let me have you!”