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Chapter 91

For Economic Victory

Viscount Carpenter.

A huge man with a deep knowledge of art and business, with the persona of an okama (effeminate man).

In addition, various trading companies.

Some were under my wing, some were affiliated with the Carenheit Margrave family (who are said to be my patrons), and some were friends of the Viscount Carpenter family.

I gathered them all at the mansion I built on the former slum grounds and began the banquet.

Although it was a banquet, it was in a standing buffet style at the insistence of Viscount Carpenter. He seemed to want to experience and use it as a reference for a new and unconventional style of party.

And so, this time we had a standing buffet-style party, something not yet seen in this world.

The dishes were lavish, delicious even when cold, or crafted to not cool easily… all designed to be easy to eat while standing.

I arranged for homunculi, both male and female and all quite beautiful, to serve the guests.

“Welcome to my mansion. Let’s make this a grand occasion.”

I greeted them lightly and began my speech.

“Today, I will talk about the ‘media mix’—the act of turning our Aurora group’s game machine software into books… but before that, let’s share a meal to foster mutual understanding. I want you to know beforehand that we are not here as enemies trying to outdo each other, but rather as stakeholders. After all, we…”

I made a brief note of “Don’t start any fights,” and then the meal began.

I had burned calories during training, so I was hungry.

Originally, the main point of a party isn’t the food… but, oh well.

I instructed one of the male homunculi waiting by the hotplate to prepare a small steak.

While waiting, I lightly sipped champagne and picked some leafy greens from the salad bar.

The steak was grilled medium rare on the hotplate, then cut into bite-sized pieces and served with a sauce based on soy sauce and red wine.

Mm, delicious.

“I see… so you intentionally prepare the food in front of the guests and let them eat it fresh. The smell of the meat grilling and the visual effect… that’s quite something, isn’t it?”

That was Asman von Carpenter, Viscount Carpenter.

He stroked his blue-bearded chin while having his servant document the details of the party.

“Viscount Carpenter, it’s been a while.”

“Oh my! Hello, Exus dear! Thank you so much for the invitation.”

“No need for thanks. This is business. I arranged this party because I figured you’d all want to network. It would be a hassle if those involved in the same business started quarrelling. Take this as an opportunity to talk things through.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

And so, while eating, I exchanged greetings with various merchants.

One of the wholesalers of Aurora products in the capital was Beaks Trading Company.

Their president, Backs.

Apparently, Backs had realized he couldn’t compete with the shopping mall and had converted his shop entirely under my control, essentially running it like a convenience store.

In short, it’s like a convenience store chain.

Thanks to that, he had achieved top-class sales in the capital. Impressive.

Those who resisted us with their pride? They can’t do business in the capital anymore.

At first, the guilds in the capital—kind of like the “za” from Japan’s Sengoku period—kept coming to complain, but after I used my noble status to justify cutting them down for their rudeness, they stopped complaining.

Naturally, the merchants’ guilds appealed to their patron nobles for help, but…

Whenever a noble came to complain to me, I immediately challenged them to a duel.

And I killed them all.

Of course, nobles aren’t fools, so they sometimes sent skilled adventurers to duel on their behalf… but every time, I slaughtered the proxy and immediately challenged the noble again until they died.

After showing this strong-handed approach repeatedly, no one dared oppose me anymore.

I know full well that this behavior is completely unacceptable in noble society—it’s an abuse of the dueling system and a disgrace.

As a result, I have none of the connections that nobles are expected to have.

I’ve never been invited to engagement parties or seasonal gatherings. I don’t attend social events unless it’s the annual royal party.

As a noble, I’m basically finished.

But considering this country is heading toward its own demise, I suppose it’s fine.

Anyway, Beaks Trading Company became part of my network, and not only survived but began making more money than before.

I even had them rename their store to “Aurora Mart.”

Many other small and medium-sized companies swallowed their pride and bowed their heads. To those, I’m generous—I’ll let them use the Aurora Mart name.

As for the major companies in the capital that refused? I have no idea. Maybe they’re dead by now.

This party, though…

It seemed like even the merchants from other territories weren’t sure how to deal with me.

Some immediately accepted the Aurora Mart brand and submitted, while others suggested ways to coexist and prosper together.

A variety of people.


“Impossible…! This is a landlocked country! How are there fried shrimp here?!”

“I tasted this once, long ago, from a traveling merchant. This is… a fruit from the southern lands!”

“I’ve never seen anything like this!”

“The cooking techniques are so refined…”

“Impossible…! Is this spoon made of mithril?!”

“That wall decoration is adamantite!”

When they saw my overwhelming wealth, everyone understood.

Submit or die.

“My, Exus darling, you have such a nasty personality, don’t you?”

Viscount Carpenter said this while nibbling on a shrimp fritter.

“Honestly, our house is barely holding on, even though we’re nobles. So, it’s no shame for us to come under someone’s wing. But breaking the merchants we deal with… that, I cannot accept.”

“Any members who can’t bounce back from breaking here are not needed for future projects.”

“Oh my, still as scary as ever… You run things not with sentiment but with reason and profit. It’s more like how merchants operate, but you’re even more thorough than them.”

“Nobility as a status will soon become irrelevant.”

“Hah! Aren’t you the one making that happen?”


“Come now, I’m not foolish. Anyone who pays attention can see it. You’re not interested in money or fame… but here you are, doing business, and you’re on good terms with the second prince… What you want is influence, right?”

Viscount Carpenter took a sip of champagne offered by a handsome homunculus and savored the taste.

“By now, there’s not a single wealthy person in this country who hasn’t heard of your games. Even in other countries, it’s the same. Even if someone else manages to produce games, the title of ‘Emperor of Entertainment’ belongs to the one who introduced it—you.”

He returned the empty glass to the homunculus.

“And the same goes for everything else. Franchise, you called it? Your ‘convenience store’ strategy, your ‘electronics’… If you gain the support of the people and control not power but all practical benefits… you’ll essentially be the ‘king.’ A ‘Shadow King,’ ruling society from behind the scenes… Oh, is that why you call it a secret society? Haha, how amusing.”

… I see.

“Viscount Carpenter, you’re quite sharp. So, what do you think would be the smart move?”

“Naturally, I’m all in—with you, of course. So, in the next society, do take care of my position, won’t you?”

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese

A story in which the heroine begs for the enemy's life

Reincarnated into another world! A programmer who died on Earth wakes up to find himself a baby in a fantasy world! Though it may seem like a fantasy world, magic is processed in a computer-program-like manner for some reason! Being an Earth programmer, he can manipulate spells to wield powerful magic! It's cheating! Totally OP! I see, it's a common setup. ...But there's one problem. This guy is fatally unsuited to be the protagonist.



not work with dark mode