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Chapter 8

Facing Monsters

Six months have passed since I began my training.

Every day I run, swing my sword, and practice my combat aura. Thanks to my excellent physique, I can clearly feel the growth.

Right now, I’m probably as strong as I was at fifteen in my previous life. I had no talent back then, but in this life, I’m overflowing with it. If my past self could see this, he’d cry tears of blood at how wonderful this reality is.

At present, I’m riding in a carriage. It’s a far cry from the old carriage I used during my adventurer days in my previous life. This one is luxurious both inside and out, and it vibrates less.

Our destination is a forest located next to the Raynostia Territory, and the purpose of this trip is to hunt down the monsters prowling there.

My parents aren’t accompanying us. It’s just me, my older brother, each of our dedicated maids, Frill and Alma, and two mage guards. We won’t be venturing deep into the forest, so this should be sufficient.

Also, this monster-hunting expedition was something I asked my father to arrange. For some reason, my older brother is coming along as well… but that’s fine. I just wish he’d stop touching my hair.

My brother is an impressive person with a good appearance and magical talent. However, due to his behavior towards me, I find it hard to respect him.

“Brother. Your touch, eyes, and face are creepy.”

“Ugh… Heh, heh… That disdainful look is nice too…”

This is exactly it. Lately, no matter how much I scold him or treat him coldly, he seems to get even more pleased. Perhaps he has surpassed the limits of being a pervert. It’s noisy.

Similarly, Frill is a bit strange. Although not as overtly as my brother, there are times when I catch her giving me weird looks. Also, the expressions she makes occasionally are unsettling. She’s another one who shouldn’t be left unchecked.

The only normal ones are my parents and Alma. I wonder why such a pervert as my brother was born from them. The mystery only deepens.

As for the mage guards… they remain silent, indifferent. Even though they’re hired by the marquis family, they probably don’t want to get involved in any trouble. In fact, when I made eye contact, they quickly looked away.

“…Frill. I can see you.”

“…What are you talking about?”

Frill was making an unpresentable face again. It seems the frequency of these occurrences has increased recently. I’m worried about what’s to come.

…I should refrain from sleeping.


After being jostled around in the carriage, we finally arrived at the entrance to the forest. I stepped out of the carriage and stood on the ground, taking in the surroundings with a deep breath.

The smell of earth and vegetation, the rustling of the wind… It’s been a while since I’ve experienced this. It’s been just over five years since my reincarnation, and I’ve been inside the mansion the entire time. Although the garden was vast, it’s not the same as nature. It’s as if… old memories are resurfacing.

The adventurer days, covered in sweat and mud. Entering forests, killing monsters, and honing my skills through countless wounds in real combat. I still remember those sights, smells, and sounds.

“Wow, it really is amazing!”

“Brother, this is your second time, right?”

“Yeah. I came once last year when kraze was still four years old.”

I remember it, as my brother mentioned. I wanted to go too, but at just four years old, and without having learned combat aura yet, I had to give up.

“Well then, shall we go? kraze, if you’re anxious, you can hold my hand.”

“I’m fine.”

“…Damn it.”

I ignored the hand he offered and heaved a sigh behind me. It’s a usual scene, so I ignored it. I’m eager to kill monsters. I don’t have time to indulge in such nonsense.

“Frill. How much experience do you have in monster hunting?”

“A few times. Of course, it’s with magic, not a sword.”


Having experience in monster hunting means having experience in killing living beings. Even though they’re monsters, they’re still living creatures. Most people feel sick after killing living beings with their own hands. They might even vomit.

It’s not a matter of being pathetic. It’s a sign of being a normal person. I asked Frill to determine if I need to be considerate.

“What’s this, kraze-sama? Were you considering my feelings?”

Frill had a slack-jawed, grinning face. Is she… becoming more blatant because she’s tired of hiding it? Should I have Alma give her a knock on the head?

“I just wanted to avoid having a liability.”

“I see, I see. I’ll take it that way. kraze-sama, you’re quite the shy one.”

She’s not listening. No matter what I say, she’ll interpret it in her own convenient way, so there’s no point in denying it further. It’s a waste of time and mental effort.

I touched the scabbard of the sword on my back to refocus. Even though we’re in a relatively shallow area and I’m experienced, there’s no reason to be careless. Humans die easily.

The relaxed atmosphere we had earlier tightened slightly. Even my usually perverted brother and the usually fluffy Frill will likely switch to a serious mode when the situation calls for it.

I keep my body relaxed and ready for combat at all times. There’s no need for excessive vigilance. I just need to stay natural while keeping my awareness outward.

The monsters in this shallow part of the forest are goblins and orcs.

Goblins are the size of human children and have green skin. Individually, they can be killed by a villager, but their strength lies in their numbers. Even if you’re not outmatched in skill, you can be quickly overwhelmed and killed if attacked by a group.

Moreover, they are cruel and cunning. Many new adventurers end up being ambushed and killed by goblins because they underestimate them. Despite being weak monsters, they should not be underestimated.

Orcs are larger than humans. They’re generally fat, with pig-like faces on their bulky bodies.

They sometimes form groups or settlements like goblins, but they’re not as cunning. The main thing to watch out for is their powerful blows.

Their attack speed is not fast, but each strike has considerable destructive power. A normal human hit by one would be blown away and killed instantly.

Personally, I dislike goblins more than orcs. Orcs can be dealt with by outmaneuvering them with speed. However, goblins use devious attacks.

They might throw knives coated with poison, or launch surprise attacks from hiding. These attacks can be avoided with vigilance, but they are troublesome because they require constant attention.

I fight only with a sword. If I were a mage, I could deal with them from a distance, but I can only attack up close.

I’m good at dealing with single opponents, but I’m somewhat less adept at handling multiple enemies.

“――――There are monster reactions ahead. Small and multiple… probably goblins.”

Among the two mages, the female mage reports while closing her eyes.

Immediately after, something brushed against the combat aura I had spread. It’s still vague due to my inexperience, but small and multiple… probably goblins.

“There are five of them… no traps, probably stragglers from the goblin group.”

Goblins generally form groups or settlements. The number varies, but it’s typical to have at least twenty. However, there are only five goblins here.

The female mage’s prediction is that these are stragglers separated from the main group.

“Shall we reduce their numbers and then handle the last one ourselves?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll kill them all.”

“…Are you serious?”

The two mages and Alma look at me with disbelief. It’s understandable. Even though they know about my training, it’s unusual for a five-year-old to claim they will kill all the goblins.

But I’m not just any five-year-old. In this life, I’m only five years old, but in my previous life, I was an adventurer who survived many deadly situations.

There’s no room for hesitation.

“Frill. You’re next.”

“Yes. Have a good time.”

Frill understands me better than anyone… or perhaps my smiling, seemingly unconcerned brother is just as understanding.

While I’m glad they understand, the unease they cause is stronger… than I’d like.

Well, it’s fine. Let’s make this the first kill since my reincarnation.


I relaxed my whole body like water. As I nearly fell face-first into the ground, I kicked the earth strongly.

My physically enhanced abilities, powered to their limits by combat aura, propelled me like an arrow. Between the trees and through the grass, I saw the five goblins ahead.

I drew the sword from its scabbard.

The goblins haven’t noticed me yet… no, one of them at the front made eye contact. Alright, I’ve decided. I’ll take this one with my first swing.

The goblin raised a wooden stick. It’s meaningless to me. The steel sword wrapped in combat aura can’t be stopped by something so trivial.

I aim for the neck. I’ll cut through anything in my way.


I gripped the relaxed hand firmly and swung the sword while running sideways.


I felt the impact. I clearly severed the obstructing arm and the main target’s neck. Even without looking, I knew it.

Now, onto the next one.

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

剣鬼転生 極めし剣は魔術を斬り裂く, Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic, Kenki Tensei: Kiwameshi Ken wa Majutsu o Kirisaku
Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In a certain world, there was a man. In that world, magic had developed, and the common belief was that swordsmen wore armor and used shields. However, the swordsman the man had seen as a child was different. He wore no armor, used no shield. He faced off against monsters with nothing but a single sword. The man was captivated by that image and longed to be like him. But the man had no talent. As he grew older, he came to face reality and eventually became a swordsman who wore armor and carried a shield. One day, the man stood before a monster. All his comrades had died, and he was the only one left. In that extreme moment, the man remembered his true desire: —I want to wield the sword. He stripped off his armor and threw away his shield. Just like the figure he once saw, he faced the monster with nothing but a single sword. But in an instant, his chest was pierced, and he realized he was going to die. Frustration welled up inside him, and he wished: —In my next life, I want talent. This is the story of a man captivated by the sword, driven mad by it, and ultimately dedicating his life to it.



not work with dark mode