Switch Mode

Chapter 55

Snow's Reason

“Are you awake, Aki?”

“Yeah, Snow, I’m awake.”

The Tower of the Sorcerer.

Strangely, in this world, there is no word for ‘wizard.’

Professor Ansverna’s tower seems to be both his residence and his laboratory.

In this place, besides the guest room where Aki is currently lying down, there are rooms filled with jars of unfamiliar plants and glowing liquids—clearly resembling a lab.

As a fan of life fields, I’d love to investigate further.

Those plants… they look similar to the Mother Tree saplings that can only be harvested in the hidden jungle of Roma, a southern region from the game.

I’m sure Kasuya would be interested too…

“…Snow? What’s up?”

“Oh! Um, sorry, I was just… thinking about something.”

Aki, lying on his back in bed, murmured suddenly.

All of his wounds have healed now.

That’s just like Aki—naturally sturdy.

“…Are you thinking about Kasuya Takihito?”

“Huh, no, not really, it’s nothing like that.”

I was a bit startled.

Aki’s beautiful, almost girlish face gazed at me.

His green eyes were gentle.

It reminded me of the Aki from that time, back in that country, in that house, when he protected me.

“Sigh, Snow, just so you know, you’re easy to read. It’s totally obvious, you know.”

“…Aki, have you… changed somehow?”

No, it’s more like… it’s not that you’ve changed, but rather…

“Hey, hey, hey, I’m feeling down here because I lost to Kasuya Takihito. Of course, I’d be feeling a bit down.”

“…No, Aki, that’s not it. Lately, you’ve been… always so tense, shutting others out, becoming sharper… I’m sorry, it’s because I’m so unreliable. I almost turned you into a sword.”

“…Sigh, don’t spring such royal-sounding remarks on me out of nowhere. …Sorry, Snow.”


“I couldn’t let you live the way you wanted. Even though we came to a world free from blood ties, in the end, you’re trying to shoulder duties here too. Or rather, maybe you already are.”

Aki looked down.

He seemed like a child who had just lost a match in a club activity.

No, that’s not right. We’re still just kids.

“Aki, it’s okay. Just like this.”


“Long ago, someone I owed a lot to told me something: ‘Show respect for your role.'”

“A benefactor?”

“Yeah, if I say this, Aki might get mad again… but… Life Field. I encountered it in a game. It was only a short time before my father took it away from me, but…”

“Oh, that game… Was it a good one?”

“Yeah, it was a really wonderful… girl.”

“Huh, a girl?”

“Yes, she was a very lovely character… A descendant of a cursed lineage, with heterochromatic eyes, dressed in a frilly black maid outfit, wearing an eyepatch…”

“Uh, I see… quite a unique sense of style…”

“Yes, she was truly wonderful. We formed a guild called Sisterhood… Oh, I got off track. Anyway, Aki, you’re trying too hard! I’m doing my best too, you know! …I’m not just someone you need to protect anymore.”

“…Have you… grown up a bit?”

“Huh, no way! Really? My height!? Or maybe… maybe, could it be… b-bo—”

I reflexively put my hands on my chest.

Did drinking milk every day and exercising actually pay off?

“No, I mean, your attitude… haha.”

“…Take this!”

“Ouch!! Hey! Snow! I’m still injured, you know!? It hurts!”

I accidentally hit Aki’s stomach with my fist.

He’s been acting a bit smug just because he’s a little popular…

“Ouch, ouch, ouch… Seriously… So, Snow, won’t you tell me?”

“Mmph, what, Aki?”

What’s with him all of a sudden?

“What do you like about Kasuya?”

“…Wh-What!? What are you talking about!? Why are you bringing up Kasuya all of a sudden!? I mean, Aki! Why did you suddenly start getting involved with Kasuya this time!? And it’s not like I… Kasuya is, well… it’s just that, when he was all alone in the village, I couldn’t… do anything, so that’s why.”

“Ah, enough, enough, calm down, it’s long, it’s long. Honestly, your taste in men, as both your brother and a knight, I find it hard to accept.”

“It’s not like that! Stop it! It’s disrespectful to Kasuya, too! You always turn things into romance topics, it’s so… uncle-like!”

“Ugh, u-uncle-like, huh? I see… Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter.”


Aki plopped his head onto the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

“Well, he’s at least meeting the minimum standard of what I’d expect for Snow von Untzu-Richte’s guy.”

“W-What’s that supposed to mean… that’s… gross, Aki…”

“Shut up, I’m your big brother. It’s only natural that a brother has to approve of his sister’s choice in men.”

“That’s… gross…! …Aki, just to ask, what’s that standard…?”

In response to my question, Aki gave a slight smile.

“Someone stronger than me. Well, that’s just the minimum standard, though. Even so, among those who have feelings for you, he’s the best choice so far.”


W-what, n-now, what did he just say?

“…Hey, Snow? What’s wrong, you’re frozen there.”

“J-Just now, Aki, what do you mean?”

“Huh? It’s exactly what I said. He’s the best of the bunch. Better than Nanase, Okajima, the other guys, and even that prince.”

“…W-Why do you know about everyone? Well, I guess the prince makes sense… but the others, and even Kasuya…”

“Ah? Well, isn’t it obvious? It’s clear Kasuya Takihito is trying to get your attention. Do you think a guy would try to impress a girl without liking her? If there were a guy like that, he’d be a real fool, no, an idiot.”

“Kasuya isn’t an idiot!”

“Then, that’s how it is. So, Snow, what do you like about him? Oh, now that I think about it, he was pretty friendly with you during the school trip too. Haha, looking back, even then, he was trying to win you over in front of others. He might have more spirit than I thought.”

“There’s no way… Kasuya would…”

It doesn’t make sense; Aki is saying such weird things.

For some reason, my heart is beating a little faster.

—’It suits you, Snow, that role.’

…I suddenly recall the words he said to me at school.

They were similar to what my benefactor in Life Field once told me.

“…Well, it’s fine, I suppose. Maybe I can accept it a little.”

“A-Aki, who do you think you are!? B-But you know, Aki, you lost that fight because of… well, your own mistakes, right…?”

“Huh!? What are you talking about, Snow? Are you serious?”

“Huh, what, wasn’t it?”

“Ah, Snow, you need to pay more attention in class, and keep up with your Gift training, and level up. Once I’m fully recovered, I’m seriously going to train you.”

“W-What’s with this all of a sudden…”

“Honestly, if Instructor Yudar found out, he’d still give me a hard time… It’s just what Ansverna said. I don’t know if he’s being considerate or has another motive. That teacher is hard to figure out. He’s trying to downplay Kasuya’s abilities.”

“W-What do you mean by that…?”

“Kasuya is strong. Much stronger than I am… Fine, I agree, Snow.”


“Including him in the group… The dungeon studies class will start soon, right? I heard from Haru that you were worrying about how to convince me. She’s another one who’s hard to read, like she knew everything would turn out this way from the beginning.”

I was too shocked by Aki’s words.

It’s true that I wanted to include Kasuya in our class group.

But I knew Aki would never agree.

Haru figured it out right away, though…

Maybe she helped.

No, more importantly—

“W-What do you mean? Aki, you’re saying that Kasuya is stronger than you? But that’s because… you lost control of your Gift, right?”

“Oh, come on, do you think I’d make such a rookie mistake? If it was a full-power Black Knight Charter, maybe, but all I used were the gauntlets and greaves. It was purely a loss of skill. You should revise your understanding of G-rank Gifted. I couldn’t sense any magic power from him, but… there’s something to him.”

It’s hard to believe that Aki is admitting someone else’s strength so openly.

But, is Kasuya… really stronger than Aki?

…If that’s the case…

“Why would he keep it a secret from me?”

The words slipped out unconsciously.

For some reason, there’s a slight prick in my chest.

‘It’s because he’s a disciple of those three powerful people, Snow.’


I heard the voice.

The voice that’s been whispering to me since that day.

‘My brave Snow… Let me tell you something. If you seek the truth, then follow those three. White, Scarlet, and Kuro are dangerous.’


‘That will be the key to fulfilling your wishes and your duty. First, Snow… head to the labyrinth. To Pandora, the labyrinth owned by the Magic Academy.’

‘Quest activated: “Seeking the Truth.” Objective—Reach the labyrinth of Pandora.’


The voice fades away.

God, what are you trying to show me…

“Snow? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, no… it’s nothing, ahem, so, so Aki, um, about letting Kasuya join our group…?”

“Well, he’s better than the other guys, at least. But you should ask him yourself, right? Hey, how long do you plan on politely waiting outside the room? Come on in.”


Aki calls out toward the door.

Why—just as I wondered that, I realized the answer.

“Ah, um, excuse me for intruding…”

“Ah, K-Kasuya…!?”

“Uh, hey, um, was it okay for me to come in?”

The boy with black hair, lacking in confidence.

He’s usually a bit timid, but sometimes he surprises you with an unexpectedly resolute expression.

Kasuya Takihito entered the room.

“Kasuya, you should be more confident. You’re slouching.”

“Oh, uh, sorry, Aki von Schwarz… sir.”

“Just call me Aki… That’s what those close to me do.”

“Oh, um, okay.”

Kasuya bowed his head, and Aki gave a small chuckle, smiling slightly.

I don’t know why, but I really like this atmosphere right now.

“Oh, right. Kasuya, what were you discussing with the professor?”

Right, conversation, conversation!

It’s rare for Aki to be kind to someone.

I have to make the most of this opportunity and talk to Kasuya—yes!

I’ll try to keep the conversation steady!

Aki and Kasuya aren’t great at small talk, after all—

“Ah, um, it was about a marriage proposal, from Professor Ansverna—”

“Marriage proposal? Haha, did you hear that, Snow—”

“What do you mean by that?”

What is this?

A voice colder than I ever thought possible slipped from my throat.

“Huh, Snow?”

“Aki, stay quiet.”


I stood face-to-face with the still frozen Kasuya.

The Ordinary Sorcerer: Growing My Trash Gift to Become the World’s Strongest While Hiding My Identity as a Mastermind Villain—Now S-Rank Beauties Are After Me!

The Ordinary Sorcerer: Growing My Trash Gift to Become the World’s Strongest While Hiding My Identity as a Mastermind Villain—Now S-Rank Beauties Are After Me!

凡人呪術師、ゴミギフト【術式作成】をスキルツリーで成長させて遊んでたら無自覚のまま世界最強〜異世界で正体隠して悪役黒幕プレイ、全ての勢力の最強S級美人達に命を狙われてる? …悪役っぽいな、ヨシ!, The Ordinary Sorcerer: While I Was Playing Around and Unknowingly Growing My Trash Gift [Spell Creation] Using the Skill Tree, I Became the Strongest in the World—In Another World, I Hide My Identity and Play the Mastermind Villain Role, But Now All the Most Powerful S-Rank Beauties Are After My Life? …That Sounds Like a Villain, Perfect!
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
He’s the only one who hasn’t realized he’s the strongest. During a school trip, he was reincarnated. While his classmates were reborn as nobles or knights, Takuto Kasuya, the mob character, started his new life as a homeless orphan.
The gift he was granted as a reincarnator was the lowest-ranked G-grade gift. With no protection or privilege as a reincarnator, he was forced to start his life over from scratch as someone who has nothing. But this man realizes something. —An unfortunate environment, a life at the bottom of the caste system… Wait, doesn’t this sound like the setup for a villain? Not magic, but Kasuya’s own unique power. He hones his curses and earns money, aiming to play the mastermind villain role! However, one day Kasuya realizes something. All the events happening around him… are they the same as in the god-tier game Life Field?
Wait a second… are there others trying to play the mastermind villain role too!? Unforgivable! The true mastermind villain is going to be me! To achieve that, he trains his gift, strengthens his curses, completes his spells, and collects his perks— Without even realizing it, Kasuya became the most powerful being, rampaging through the other world with misunderstandings, momentum, and sheer enthusiasm. He has fun interacting with his classmates who still retain their memories of their previous lives, while hiding his true identity. He starts spreading wild ideas to some overly delusional high-ranking beautiful girls, and before he knows it, he’s worshiped as the King of Curses. Before he realizes it, he also ends up becoming the leader of a shadowy organization that lurks in the world’s darkness, created by a group of high-spec beautiful girls.
He finds himself being hunted for his life and virtue by powerful, intense beauties from high-ranking races. And in the end, he’s going to have to kill a god. All of this, for the sake of shedding his mob character status! To enjoy playing the mastermind villain role! This is the story of an idiot who, while swallowing up every troublesome event, continues to be misunderstood by those around him, as he gathers spells and strives to become the strongest.



not work with dark mode