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Chapter 5

Neighboring town Retvik

“Hey, I was wondering, is it okay for a rabbit-person to dismantle and eat the meat of a rabbit monster, considering the species?”

As he bit into the well-roasted Gluttony Rabbit meat, Noein asked Mathilda, who was also chewing on the same meat, across from him.

Afterwards, the Gluttony Rabbit was bled, gutted, skinned, and butchered into cuts of meat by Mathilda.

Given that she had only learned to dismantle monsters theoretically, her skill was impressive.

“With all due respect, Lord Noein, although rabbit-people and Gluttony Rabbits have similar ears and legs, that’s just appearance. Just as humans and goblins are completely different despite walking upright, there’s no connection between me and this monster.”

“…Well, that makes sense. Sorry for asking such a strange question, Mathilda.”

“No need to apologize, Lord Noein.”

It is unknown how beastmen were born or where they came from. Their origins are said to date back to the mythological era.

Some stories say that gods mixed humans and beasts for amusement, while others claim that beastmen are the ancestors of humans, with different species branching out from them, leading to present-day humans.

In any case, beastmen and monsters or beasts are vastly different entities. They share no significant connection beyond appearance. Noein’s question was merely a result of his curiosity.

After finishing their lunch of Gluttony Rabbit meat, it was time to resume their pioneering work.

Clearing the forest, tilling the fields, and securing an area large enough for Noein and Mathilda to live.

They planted cut potatoes and also sowed onions, beans, leafy vegetables, and more.

Then, they kept cutting down trees to expand the area for living space. They could only clear the eastern and northern sides as moving west or south would lead to the river they first encountered.

During the day, they cut wood into lumber, hunted approaching monsters, and at night, Noein comforted and healed Mathilda’s body and spirit. This routine continued for about two weeks.

“We should probably go shopping in the Keinitz Viscounty soon.”

Their stockpile of food was running low.

It would be three months before they could harvest crops from their fields. They couldn’t sustain themselves solely on monster meat until then.

Even though they were in the forest, they wanted to maintain some semblance of human living. Therefore, they needed to procure essentials like bread, barley, pickled vegetables, salt, and spices.

So, they had to leave the forest and go to the nearest town.

“What about the fields, Lord Noein? Should I stay and guard them?”

“No, if a dangerous monster were to come by, you’d be in danger, Mathilda. I can’t leave you here alone. Let’s go to the town together.”

It was unlikely for large, dangerous monsters to appear in the shallow parts of the Bezel Great Forest, but it wasn’t impossible.

Even if several Gluttony Rabbits showed up, Mathilda could get injured.

Thus, Noein decided to take Mathilda, his golems, and leave the territory completely to go shopping.

Leaving the golems to guard would be ideal, but their only flaw was that they could only be operated within the range of Noein’s sight and magical power.

While it was concerning to leave the fields unguarded, the area was surrounded by a wall of cut logs, making it unlikely for monsters to invade.

It took less than an hour to follow the path they made through the forest and exit the Earlkvist territory.

Then, about half a day’s journey east after exiting the forest brought them to the capital of the neighboring Keinitz Viscounty, Retvik.

With a population of about 5000, it wasn’t a metropolis, but neither was it a rural village. That was Retvik.

The gate guard stopped Noein and questioned him, but upon identifying himself as “Sir Noein Earlkvist,” the guard saluted and opened the gate, having been informed by the Viscount of Noein’s pioneering activities in the western Bezel Great Forest.

Entering the town, Noein and his entourage attracted considerable attention.

Accompanied by a beastwoman with a slave collar and three golems that moved almost like real creatures, Noein, impeccably dressed, was impossible to ignore.

Despite the attention, Noein walked through the town unfazed, with Mathilda following behind him proudly.

“Welcome… Oh, it’s the Forest Baron!”

“Hello, Eliza.”

Noein entered a shop near the town’s west gate.

Two weeks ago, before entering the forest, he had bought supplies here and had appreciated the friendly service of the owner, Eliza, which is why he returned.

“I’m here to buy food again. I need enough for three weeks for me and Mathilda. Barley, salt, herbs, pickled vegetables, and I’d like to buy cabbage and onions. Can you help me with that?”

“Of course, have a seat over there and wait… Marco! Help load the supplies into the baron’s cart! Anna! Bring tea for the baron!”

Eliza responded cheerfully, directing her children, who worked in the shop, to assist Noein.

Since losing her husband to illness, Eliza had run the shop single-handedly with help from her children. Her shop was quite large for an individual business, employing several workers besides her children, and had a table and chairs for meetings with local farmers.

As Noein sat, Eliza’s daughter Anna brought him a wooden cup of tea.

“Here you go, Baron.”

Anna, with her green hair tied back and a simple but intelligent expression, placed a cup in front of Noein and another in front of Mathilda, which Noein appreciated as it matched the courtesy they had received during their previous visit.

“Thank you, Anna. How old are you?”

“I-I’m 17, Baron.”

“Is that so? So, you’re older than me. Do you help with the bookkeeping and accounting here?”

“Yes, I handle the inventory and accounts.”

While chatting with Anna over tea, Marco came to inform Noein that the supplies were loaded onto the cart.

Outside, Noein checked the load and Eliza quoted the price.

“—That will be 200 Rebro.”

“200 Rebro. Here you go.”

Noein handed Eliza two 100-Rebro silver coins.

“…Yes, it’s all here.”

“Thank you for your help again. I’ll be back.”

“Please do come again.”

“And if you ever want to move to my territory, you’re welcome anytime.”

“Haha! That’s a delightful offer. I’ll consider it.”

Eliza laughed heartily at Noein’s joking remark.

Behind her, Anna, who was watching with her mother and brother, seemed to sparkle slightly with excitement, which Noein did not miss.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



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