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Chapter 5

Magical Training

Three months have passed since then. During this time, I’ve consulted with my father through letters about hiring a steward, begun recruiting soldiers, witnessed Emelia join the territorial army for a subjugation expedition, and saw the former steward Brown’s title revocation approved, followed by his public execution.

Things are going smoothly for now.

My father also said, “Ultimately, you will need to restore order, but I’ve spoken to His Majesty, and he will send several officials who can train stewards and tax collectors.”

From his writing, it seemed like he was quite flustered.

He even mentioned, “This cannot be overlooked.”

The gravekeepers are vital to the country; if they collapse, the nation’s downfall could easily follow. Although the monsters of Heinfield don’t typically invade the entire country, even if the nation doesn’t fall outright, its weakened power would make it a target for other nations.

It’s exasperating that the Emperor has left such an important region unattended, but considering that this allowed me to be here, I guess it worked out in the end.

A major incident occurred during the knights’ subjugation expedition. Emelia was severely injured and returned in a near-collapse.

While healing magic is a monopoly of the church, fortunately, I can use it, so I managed to save her. Had we waited for the formalities to summon a high-ranking priest, which can take time, she might not have survived. That’s how critical her condition was.

Due to this, Liel was deeply worried and declared that Emelia should be banned from future expeditions. However, Emelia insisted on continuing, so their argument went in circles.

Personally, I think if she wants to do it, she should be allowed to. She’s not good with academics and dislikes the idea of marriage, so she’ll need a job. Given her talent for fighting in deep zones at her young age, she clearly has innate abilities—truly a natural talent.

If she plans to stay here, becoming the commander of the knights would be the most fitting role for her. As long as she performs her duties properly, no one should have any complaints.

That said, survival is paramount.

I advised her that if she wants to continue going on expeditions, she first needs to develop the strength to handle crises on her own. She agreed and is now preparing to spend more time training in the dungeon.

The embezzlement incident has concluded with the public execution and the revocation of the noble title. We’ve already begun developing replacements for the dismissed staff. Right now, the dukedom is sending aides to help train the new recruits.

As for the steward issue, we’ve selected a young man from a cadet branch of the family, who wasn’t involved in the scandal, and have started training him. Most of the men I brought with me can handle administrative duties, so those not involved in the current survey are helping out. Thanks to this, Liel has finally been freed from her previous workload and has been spending her days training in magic.

Even now, the two of us are practicing magic together indoors.

I approach her and call out.

“How’s it going?”

“Thanks to you, it’s going smoothly,” she replied.

When I looked, she was maintaining a magic sphere, a fundamental part of magic control. She had already gotten rid of all the magic blockages, and now she was proficient enough to handle basic control with ease.

“Then, all that’s left is to learn this magic formula,” I said, offering her a book. Though it’s called a book, it’s really more of a notebook I wrote for personal research. However, since it contains the necessary magic script arrangements, it should be sufficient. I handed it to her.

“Aren’t you going to work with me?” she asked, looking uneasy.

“No, I’ll be with you most of the time. But having this is helpful, right?”

Honestly, I had no idea how much others could handle. And until recently, Liel couldn’t use magic at all—she was a complete beginner. Magic control also varies depending on the individual. I worried that the magic formula might be too difficult for her.

This slimming spell is an improved version of the enhancement formula, and it’s something only I can use.

If she can’t manage it, she’ll have to slim down the regular way. If I become slim first, it could cause her a lot of mental stress trying to catch up.

That’s why I was genuinely concerned about whether she had any magical talent.

At least until I saw how fast she was improving in her control skills.

To be honest, I thought she could probably master this with just the book alone.

“The formula involves combining these elements within your body, but since this is your first time seeing these symbols, let’s start with that.”

“No need, I’ve been thoroughly studying magical scripts before bed, so I’m fine.”

Wait… it shouldn’t be that simple…

I had her try it, and while not perfect, she could manage it. This is something that takes some people years to master.

Is it because they practice as children when their attention is scattered?

No, I’ve heard even noble children mostly start learning magic at the academy.

Based on the average learning time, I was abnormally fast too, and once you learn the control, having a large magic reserve becomes an advantage.

“It’s way too fast…”

Faster than me.

“Oh my, this child is a genius. Yep, I’m just an ordinary person…”

“Please stop… It’s a bit embarrassing hearing that from you, Lord Licht, who even develops magic spells.”

As we engaged in this playful exchange, I pointed at the magic formula in the book and said, “Combine this with this, and if you can assemble the final part, it’ll activate.”

…When explained like this, it doesn’t seem like such a complicated spell. I finished explaining in just a few seconds.

At least, that’s what I thought, but it seemed more difficult than expected.

The difference lies in the fact that I can naturally envision the magical letters and their meaning, while Liel has to compare each letter and shape the magic accordingly.

She has to create and stabilize over sixty letters, one by one, in a three-dimensional form. If her concentration slips, the shape collapses.

Liel is already incredibly talented, but it seems even she can’t accomplish this in one go.

Around the time she reached the eighth letter, the first one began to waver.

“Um, could you try floating the magical letters for me, Lord Licht?”

“Sure,” I said, aligning the formula before her eyes.

I laid out the flat formula in three rows in front of her, making it easier for her to see. Even though flat formulas normally still activate, since this is a reinforcement spell, it won’t trigger if cast outside the body.

Dozens of magical letters floated before Liel.

“Wow, you did that in an instant…”

“I use it for body strengthening too. I’ve done this one so many times, it’s second nature now.”

Taking occasional sips from her teacup, Liel slowly assembled the formula piece by piece.

She completed the simplest formula, moved it into her body, and as it briefly activated, the teacup’s handle snapped and fell. Lune quietly tidied up the broken pieces.


“Congratulations. That was body reinforcement. But wow, you really learned fast. It’s making me lose confidence…”

I confessed that it took me a month just to master the basics of reinforcement, to which she responded with a laugh, “It actually took me three months.”

Apparently, she had been secretly practicing from the very beginning without telling me.

And yet, she was still swamped with her duties as head of the household…

“I’m sorry for keeping it a secret. I just wanted you to praise me…”

“No, I should apologize. I should have just praised you outright. You really are amazing, Liel.

But, you know, you have so many amazing qualities that if you don’t mind, I could praise you endlessly?”

“W-Well, if you say it too much, I’ll get embarrassed… so just occasionally, please.”

Even as we spoke, the disrupted formula from earlier, after the teacup fell, was repaired. She moved it back into her body, and the reinforcement spell activated again.

But now, she didn’t know what to do with it. She looked at me, unsure, her face asking for guidance.

“Try standing up while maintaining it. Slowly, okay?”

Following my instructions, she stood and sat down repeatedly.

“Amazing… Now I understand why you said to move slowly. It feels like I could leap up any moment.”

“Heh, magic is pretty fun, right?”

“Yes, it really is. Hehe.”

As we continued talking and training, I suddenly noticed Martha and Lune watching us with gentle, loving eyes.

Once I realized, I felt so embarrassed I could barely stand it.

I sighed and turned to Lune.

“L-Lune, what’s with that look…?”

“Oh, nothing, really. I was just thinking how relaxed Lord Licht seems when he’s with his attendants.”

…Wait, what?

Was Lune always like this…?

“Lord Licht, you seem to be quite friendly with your servants,” Liel observed curiously.

“Eh? Oh, well… Normally, Lune hardly talks and barely shows any expression. It’s just rare, that’s all.”

“Oh, is that so? Lune, did something happen?”

Liel asked Lune, puzzled.

“Not particularly. It’s just that Lord Licht is usually engrossed in his books, so seeing him try hard to converse with someone is quite adorable.”

“W-What!? Lune, what’s gotten into you!?”

“Nothing at all. It’s just that Lord Licht has finally started to pay attention to people around him.”


Oh, I see.

Now that she mentions it, I’ve been so focused on my research—trying to find a cure—that I may have neglected everything else.

It wasn’t that she was silent; I just never gave her the chance to speak.

But still… teasing your master like this isn’t quite right, is it?

“Yeah, but could you please stop looking at me like that? It’s making me uneasy.”

I shot her a pleading look, and although she responded with “Understood,” she still had a slightly amused expression.

“Mmm… You really do seem close.

Lord Licht, are you the kind of person who keeps mistresses?” Liel suddenly asked, giving me a suspicious look.

For some reason, the magical letters she had assembled started to collapse.

“W-What? Why would you ask that? I would never! I’m a son-in-law, for goodness’ sake. Neither my situation nor my feelings allow for such a thing!”

“If I had been married into a duke’s house, would you have kept one?”

“Wait, Liel! What’s gotten into you!? I wouldn’t, no matter what! Honestly!”

Not that I could even pull it off with this body type. And I don’t want the kind of relationship you buy with money, either.

Besides, if I had a wonderful wife, there’s no way I’d need a mistress.

“Forgive my impertinence, Lord Licht, but Lady Liel is simply being affectionate with you.

At times like this, you should whisper sweet words to her,” Martha chimed in.

“Martha!?” Liel gasped, staring at her in shock.

“Ah, so that’s what you mean. I’d be more than happy with that. Liel, you’re the only one I need.”

Before coming here, I had thought that if my desires piled up without any outlet, I might resort to a brothel. But now, I can honestly say I don’t want to betray her like that.

That’s how important Liel has become to me.

“R-Licht-sama too!!”

Liel, her eyes wandering in confusion, clearly unsure of what to do, puffed out her cheeks in an adorably frustrated expression and, with a “I can’t concentrate in this kind of environment!” hurriedly left the room.

“Huh, is she mad…?”

“No, she isn’t angry. Licht-sama, you need to work a little more on understanding people’s feelings.”

“Hehe, it’s been a while since Lady Liel has acted so adorably.”

…I don’t know why, but I feel like no matter what I say now, I wouldn’t win.

I can’t even find a place to rest my eyes… Time for a strategic retreat.

“Anyway, that’s enough for today. I’m heading back to my room.”


And so, I returned to my room to plan for the future.

If Liel can control herself that much, it won’t be long before we can return to the academy. After all, she’s been keeping up with her studies here.

The main concern is the malice we’ll likely face.

I’ve been ignored too long by the others because I didn’t have time to deal with their childish antics. Since I’ve been sick with an incurable disease, the adult nobles didn’t see me as a failure or a stain on the family name. But to me, surrounded only by adults before enrolling, there was no point wasting time dealing with the mockery of children.

It would be good if I could return to the academy after losing more weight, but waiting until I’m fully fit would take too long. I need to attend school again to avoid any problems.

When we go back, we’ll undoubtedly face ridicule. But it’s become impossible for Liel and me to ignore insults anymore.

That means we’ll have to show our strength to shut them up.

That means I need to improve my individual power, too.

I’m a magic freak, so in a serious fight, I’d have the advantage. But I can’t just unleash deadly magic within the academy. Even as the son of a duke, if it became known that I used magic against someone from another family, it wouldn’t end with just a scolding.

So, the best solution would be to duel one of the high-ranking students to settle things quietly.

If I challenge them, they’ll undoubtedly accept. They look down on me that much.

What a bunch of fools.

They think power doesn’t exist within the academy walls, but that shield vanishes the moment they graduate.

And it’s not like family disputes can’t be brought up during school…

No, there’s no point in thinking about that now.

The main issue is shutting up the students who look down on us.

To duel, I need to build my physical strength by defeating monsters.

Right now, I’m just a magic freak. I’m still much stronger than average, but my physical strength is weak.

I do have a trump card, but I’d prefer not to use it due to the risks.

So, I want to raise my level by defeating monsters.

The best place for me to fight safely would be a dungeon, but going back and forth takes too much time. It’s too inefficient to just go and return quickly.

My parents are overprotective, so they’d never let me go to a dungeon, but the Heinfield family, with Emelia, would probably understand.

In that case, it’d mean a long-term expedition, and I’d be away for a while. I wonder if Liel would accept that…

Well, I’ll have to discuss it with her.

Dinner is coming up soon, so it’s a good time.

As I gathered my thoughts, I picked up a monster encyclopedia to pass the time until dinner.

Once time had passed, I sat down with Liel and the others for dinner.

“What… Licht-sama is going to a dungeon with Emelia!?”

I mentioned that I wanted to go to a dungeon as planned, but it seems Liel misunderstood and thought I was going with Emelia.

“No, I’m not going with Emelia. The difference in skill between me and someone without combat experience is too great.”

“I-I wouldn’t mind helping out once. I’ll protect you since you can’t help it.”

Emelia said, slightly embarrassed, while Liel watched with a slightly annoyed expression.

“What a troublesome situation.

Honestly, I’d prefer to go alone…”

“I plan to go to get stronger, so I don’t intend to bring any guards.”

“As a maid responsible for your protection, Lord Licht, I cannot approve of that. Please propose another option.”

Just as I heard that voice from behind and turned around in surprise, I found Lune staring at me intensely.

“I-I see. In that case, I’ll go with Lune alone.”

“Please wait. If you’re going, I’d like to accompany you as well. As a marquis of the borderlands, I also need to gain strength. There won’t be a better opportunity than now, with the backing of the Grande Duke family.”

Wait… Liel wants to fight monsters?

Could she really do it? If she can, it’s not a bad idea…

As a future marquis, she’ll be traveling between the capital and the borderlands frequently. There will be times when we won’t be together. If it’s known that she lacks strength, it wouldn’t be surprising if people took advantage of her. This could be the right move.

“Can you take the lives of humanoid monsters without hesitation? If you waver, the lives of those around you will be in danger.”

“Yes, I have no such concerns. Though, I would like to further refine my magic skills beforehand.”

I see. In that case, it sounds like a good plan.

“Alright, then how about we all go? It’ll be a two-week long camp,” I said, looking at both of them. They smiled in response.

“Now that’s more like it. I’m ready! But you’d better be prepared—it’s going to be tough!” said Emelia, her face lighting up with enthusiasm.

“No, you’ll only join us partway. If you’re serious about gaining strength, we’ll need to go deeper into the dungeon. Since Liel is coming, we’ll definitely bring proper guards,” I responded.

Even so, Emelia refused to budge, insisting she would act as a guard this time. She must be really worried about her sister.

“Even if I’m not with you, please make sure to bring guards! Lord Licht, your safety is of the utmost importance!”

I wouldn’t say it’s that serious, but given I’m a guest from the duke’s family and also her fiancé, I guess it makes sense…

“Alright, I understand. But this time, I’m going all out.”

With that, I agreed to her request, while directing a sharp gaze at the two of them.

Born the Son of a Pig Duke, Engaged to the Ugliest Woman, Together We Rise to Power

Born the Son of a Pig Duke, Engaged to the Ugliest Woman, Together We Rise to Power

豚公爵令息に生まれて国一の醜女に婿入りすることとなったが、僕は彼女と成りあがる。~ふふふ、絶対的な立場を作ってわからせてやろうじゃないか~, I Was Born the Son of a Pig Duke and Became Engaged to the Ugliest Woman in the Kingdom, but Together We Will Rise to the Top. Heh Heh Heh, Let’s Build an Absolute Position of Power and Make Them Understand
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
While I was attending the academy, often insulted as a “pig,” I was summoned by my father during the summer break. When I listened to what he had to say, it turned out I was to be engaged to a girl who was a frontier marquis, suffering from the same illness that caused limitless weight gain and eventual death, just like I had.
Since she’s the head of her family, I would marry into hers.
Apparently, it was an order from His Majesty the Emperor. They said it would be just right for us to comfort each other, since we’re both going to die from the same illness. But I’m already cured… So what happens in this case? And so, I ended up marrying into her family. I rebuilt the territory and silenced those who mocked me at the academy, gradually establishing my own position of power.



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