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Chapter 45

Encounter between a devil and a powerless human

Mastema’s appearance was the same as when I first met her.

A ruler of the night, spreading both dignity and fear, while possessing stunning beauty.

The only difference now was the absence of the red light that once seemed to engulf the world. She had adapted to this world, regaining her strength by consuming food and absorbing the surrounding magic. However, it seemed she still couldn’t perform certain tasks, as her link to the other side had yet to be restored. Her core had only just recently healed.

The two royal guards, who had been attacking me, ignored me entirely and charged at Mastema, as if they could still recognize her as a threat despite being robbed of their senses by their swords.

In their right hands, they wielded their original swords; in their left hands, half of their dual swords. They rushed forward with the speed and ferocity of a large beast.


With a roar loud enough to tear their throats, they swung their swords down. Their speed and power were impressive. Even if they were being controlled by their swords, it was commendable how well they fought.

But it was pointless.

Their swords struck Mastema’s shoulders and were instantly deflected. The high-quality steel blades chipped after just one touch against her body.

They were top-class weapons as far as human-made swords went.

But considering even the magical Thunder Sword couldn’t endure a fight with Mastema, it wasn’t surprising.

The difference between humans and demons is literally on a different plane of existence. Even as demons adapt to this world, that fact doesn’t change.

They are humanity’s natural enemies.

Mastema gazed lazily at the royal guards. That alone caused the dual swords controlling them to falter.

Could they perhaps understand each other as fellow eerie beings?

No, it didn’t matter. The royal guards charged at Mastema again. Each time they attacked, their steel swords became more battered, until they finally broke.

With no other option, they aimed the forbidden dual swords at Mastema. Gripping them tightly in both hands, they reached her faster than before.

However, Mastema caught the blades between her index and middle fingers.

The two royal guards didn’t even budge.

“What’s this constant noise?”

She lightly tilted her fingers upward, and the royal guards were lifted into the air.

The sight of the two massive bodies flailing their legs was so comical and out of place that it seemed like a farce.

Of course, to them, it was nothing short of a tragedy.

Mastema then flicked her fingers, moving them slightly inward. To onlookers, it appeared as though no real force had been applied. However, the dual swords broke without resistance, and the royal guards were slammed into the wall.

They didn’t move after being thrown against the wall, but knights of their rank wouldn’t die from something like this. Probably. They might be bedridden for a while, though…

When I turned to check on the prince, I saw that he had collapsed, his legs giving out beneath him.

What, is this your first time seeing a demon? Of course it’s terrifying.

I mean, I fought this being with a sword drawn. Almost died, too.

Mastema approached me.

“You’re late. Because of your delay, I had to run some errands.”

“Sorry, I got held up a bit by some trouble.”

“Yet you’re still the man who defeated me. Unbelievable.”

Apparently, my concerned servants had sent Mastema to meet me. It seems even demons will comply if their stomachs are satisfied.

“Not all of us can knock away swords with our bare hands, you know.”

“Humans sure have it rough,” Mastema said with genuine sympathy. It probably wasn’t sarcasm, just her honest opinion.

“By the way, why are you dressed like that? I told you to stop wearing such indecent clothes.”

“This is my formal attire. I put it on because I felt the night’s darkness after so long. Doesn’t it suit me well?”

It suited her far too well. Mastema, in this outfit with horns and wings displayed, was quite the sight.

“Don’t worry. No one saw me on the way here.”

“I hope that’s the case.”

With that, I led Mastema over to the prince. He had completely lost his nerve, desperately trying to crawl away with his hands but failing.

Well, at least he hadn’t fainted after seeing Mastema in her formal attire with her power unleashed.

“What is that… what is that thing?”

“Want to know about me, human? My name is Mastema, one of the generals serving the Demon Lord. I am a demon who governs enmity and hatred.”

“A demon… you’re the one who…”

The prince tried desperately to create distance between them, but he was blocked by the wall.

Mastema stepped closer to him, her red eyes peeking out from her black hair and piercing the prince’s gaze.

His face turned pale with fear, and his once resplendent royal blue hair became white, like that of an old man.

“Your soul seems… unappetizing, but shall I make use of it anyway?”


The prince finally burst into tears.

Well, I guess that’s understandable. He must feel like prey in the presence of a predator, knowing he can neither resist nor escape, and that his fate is sealed. It’s his own fault he ended up like this, though.

By the way, Mastema doesn’t actually eat human souls. She does like meat, but that’s just normal human taste.

Basically, she’s just scaring him for fun. She probably finds the fresh reactions amusing.

That said, there are demons who do prefer eating humans. Somehow, they manage to obtain humans even in hell.

But before the prince’s heart gives out, I should probably stop her.

As Mastema placed her hand on the prince’s neck, he began to cry uncontrollably and ceased moving.

He sure gave up quickly.

“Give me a break. My shift’s already over.”

That wasn’t my voice.

The man who suddenly appeared at my side had a hand on my shoulder.

He was Fofs, the head of the royal guards, a knight directly under the emperor’s command, and ranked first. Known as the Giant Slayer, he was the man who defeated the most feared warrior of the giant race.

It seemed he had come here after hearing the commotion.

“Mind pulling back the demon lady? It would be a real hassle if a royal family member with succession rights died in the middle of town.”

“I was the one attacked, though.”

“I get it, I get it. But you don’t want to be known as a royal killer, do you?”

I called Mastema back to me. Fofs whistled at her beauty.

“If she were a bit older, she’d be just my type. Though I wouldn’t dare make a move on someone so dangerous.”

“I couldn’t care less about your preferences. Can I leave the rest to you?”

“Yeah, no choice. I get paid well enough to handle stuff like this.”

It seemed the reason no one else had shown up was due to some sort of restriction he had implemented along the way. He had probably been waiting for the right moment to step in.

Or perhaps… this was why no one had seen Mastema earlier.

I’d only met the emperor a few times, so I had no idea what he was thinking.

With Mastema, I headed home. I imagine that prince had learned his lesson by now.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

帝国最強のパーティー、突然の解散 可愛い従者を手に入れて人生を自由に旅することにした, The Empire’s strongest adventurer party suddenly disbands. Getting married and retiring as adventurers? Opening a shop too? Lowering the prices so we can visit? Well, if that’s the case, there’s no helping it. Be happy!
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
I had achieved great success as an adventurer of the empire and was even called a heavenly knight. I was at the forefront of the empire's strongest party and had a promising future ahead. However, one day, I suddenly ceased to be at the forefront of the empire's strongest party. If the other two are retiring due to marriage, there's nothing I can do about it.



not work with dark mode