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Chapter 38

The People and the Rebels ①

The governance of Baron Noein over the Arlkvist Barony would undoubtedly be regarded as one of the most exemplary among all the lords in the current Kingdom of Lordberg.

While this is partly due to the fortunate situation where the baron’s income is unusually high in proportion to the population, thanks to the lapis lazuli vein, Noein’s personal virtue is reflected in his willingness to generously invest that income into improving the lives of his people and ensuring the stability of the barony.

Naturally, the loyalty of the subjects who benefit from such extensive protection is extraordinarily high. Law and order are well maintained, and the people are all good-hearted.

However, in any time or place, exceptions always exist.

“Noein-sama, I apologize for interrupting your work.”

The one who entered Noein’s office after saying that was Pence. He usually oversees public order in Noeinia, the barony’s capital, supervises the citizens’ land development efforts, and trains the men of the territory in case of emergencies.

His expression was unusually stiff. Noein could sense that Pence had come to report something difficult to convey.

“What is it, Pence?”

“The truth is… there’s a resident who has caused a major issue. It’s something severe enough that I must ask you to personally judge the matter, Noein-sama.”

“Could it be one of the new immigrants reported at the last meeting?”

“Yes, it is. I have warned him several times already, but this time it’s beyond what I can handle…”

At the recent regular meeting, Pence had reported, “One of the new immigrants keeps causing trouble.” It was a young man named Bendera who had arrived about half a month ago.

The problems he caused included harassing young women, cutting in line at the well, and entering other people’s farmland without permission, all of which, while not severe enough for harsh punishment, were sources of discord.

The frequency of incidents was about every few days, and Pence had warned him sternly, stating, “Next time, I’ll have to bring this before the lord.”

“So, what kind of trouble did Bendera cause this time?”

“…Please stay calm while I explain. First of all, Mathilda is safe.”


Hearing Pence’s words, Noein’s expression immediately darkened, to the point where Pence instinctively flinched.

Noein had sent Mathilda to fetch Edgar for a discussion regarding future agricultural plans. It had been less than ten minutes since she had left, but from Pence’s tone, it was clear that she had become involved in this incident.

“Bendera tried to assault Mathilda, but she fought him off before he could lay a hand on her. So, she is completely unharmed. Right now, several men who were nearby have restrained Bendera and taken him into custody. He’s apparently arguing that ‘attacking a slave woman shouldn’t be that serious of a crime.’”

“…I see. Understood.”

“Would you like to come to the scene?”

“Of course. I’ll head there right away.”


The scene of the incident was on a road leading from the plaza in the city center to the farmland on the northern side, just behind a street lined with houses of single households.

As Noein headed toward the scene and listened to Pence, he learned that Mathilda, who had been walking to deliver a message to Edgar, was approached by a troubled-looking Bendera, who asked her, “Sorry, but could you help me?” Mathilda followed him to assist, not knowing he was a problematic citizen.

Even though she was suddenly attacked in the alley, she managed to fend him off without letting him lay a finger on her, countering him with a roundhouse kick that literally swept him away.

The city of Noeina is still small, and there aren’t many buildings. Even though the attack took place behind the houses, it was in full view of the surroundings, with three witnesses. That number of witnesses would suffice.

“Mathilda! Are you okay?”

When Noein arrived at the scene, he rushed toward Mathilda, who was standing alone, a bit removed from where the citizens were restraining Bendera.

“Lord Noein… I’m sorry for causing you trouble due to my carelessness.”

“That doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you’re safe.”

“…Thank you, Lord Noein.”

Mathilda, in an unusual moment, allowed a rare smile as she responded, as Noein, without concern for appearances, embraced her tightly.

After confirming Mathilda’s safety, Noein turned his attention to Bendera. His gaze was as cold as ice.

“Pfft. Do you really think I’m that much at fault?”

Even in front of Noein, Bendera responded with a sulky attitude.

How could he maintain such an expression in this situation, Noein and Pence, who stood behind him along with the citizens restraining Bendera, couldn’t help but be impressed by his sheer nerve.

“Do you even realize what you’ve done?”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s ‘attempted minor damage to another’s slave,’ right? Since it’s my first offense and it was only an attempt, I’d get, what, 10 strikes with the cane?”


Noein fell silent at Bendera’s remark.

What Bendera said was true. According to customary law in the Kingdom of Lordberg, slaves were considered the “property” of their masters. Moreover, even in cases of rape against female slaves, unless visible injuries were inflicted, the crime was only treated as minor damage to property, with a relatively light punishment. While it was considered a shameful act, the legal penalty remained light.

Even though the victim in this case was a noble-owned slave, the punishment Bendera suggested—a flogging—was likely all that could be imposed.

The lord has nearly absolute discretion over judicial matters within their domain, but Noein believed that if he were to establish his own regulations that deviated significantly from the kingdom’s general legal principles, they should be widely proclaimed beforehand.

As much as Noein personally detested Bendera, if he created a new rule to punish assaults against slaves more harshly and applied it retroactively to judge the citizens, it would be an act of tyranny.

Even if a rule that deviates from general legal understanding is to be established, it should not be applied retroactively.

“In the name of Lord Noein Earlkvist, I hereby sentence Bendera to ten lashes. The punishment will be carried out tomorrow morning in the central plaza. Make sure the other citizens are informed.”

With a bitter expression, Noein conveyed the sentence to those present.

The next morning, in the central plaza, under the watchful eyes of the entire town, Bendera’s punishment was carried out without issue.

That punishment consisted of striking Bendera’s back with a wooden cane. The executioner was Pence, but he couldn’t strike hard enough to kill a criminal with a simple flogging.

After the punishment, Bendera’s back was covered in bruises, and though he looked like he was in considerable pain, there still seemed to be a rebellious glint in his eyes.

Even though he was being glared at by other citizens for his vile attempt at assault, his audacity was astonishing, and Noein couldn’t help but feel the same.

Noein’s work today didn’t end with overseeing the punishment. He also had to proclaim a new rule to the gathered citizens.

“From this moment forward, I declare a new regulation for all who live in the domain of Earlkvist. Any crimes such as assault, injury, or murder committed against those of slave status will be punished the same as if they were committed against a commoner. This has been decreed by the authority of the lord. From now on, keep this in mind as you live your lives.”

This new law had already been communicated to Yuri and the others stationed at the mining camp in the Restio Mountains during the regular “Far Talk” reports. The new law was now in effect.

Noein thought to himself that he should have done this sooner.

It was obvious to anyone that Noein highly valued and cared for Mathilda. His retainers and citizens naturally understood this and treated her with the appropriate respect.

That was why no problems had arisen until now. However, as long as there were people who thought, “Even if she’s owned by the lord, she’s still a slave, so it’s fine to look down on her,” such incidents could still happen.

“…I’m sorry, Mathilda, it’s my fault for being too lenient.”

As Noein finished proclaiming the new law, he muttered this to Mathilda, who stood next to him.

“There is no way Lord Noein could be at fault. Please don’t wear such a gloomy expression,” she said, gently touching Noein’s hand.

Several days after Noein had enacted a decree to legally protect Mathilda, and with the expectation that Bendera would learn his lesson and calm down a bit.

Noein would soon realize just how naive he had been, and that fools remain fools to the bitter end.

“Lord Noein. It’s Bendera again. This time, he tried to assault a farmer’s daughter…”

Pence reported with a look of both anger and exasperation, to which Noein responded with a sigh.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



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