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Chapter 25

The house is completed

“It’s quite the sight, isn’t it, Mathilda?”

“Yes, it’s wonderful, Lord Noein.”

Noein’s mansion, which had been under construction at an astonishing pace, was completed by mid-September.

Although relatively modest for a noble’s residence, it was more than large enough considering the size of Noein’s domain. Furthermore, there was room left for future expansion, should it be necessary.

This was because Noein had anticipated the future development of the Earlkvist territory and wanted a mansion befitting a lord.

The two-story building, when viewed from above, formed a wide, rectangular shape. It included a living room, dining room, bedrooms, guest rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom, providing all the necessary facilities.

Additionally, the living spaces were concentrated on one side of the mansion, while the other side housed Noein’s office, a large workspace for his retainers, and a reception room for visitors. There were also several private rooms for live-in servants, should the need arise.

Prioritizing practicality over luxury, the mansion was designed for easy living and working. Noein was deeply satisfied with how it turned out, feeling it truly reflected his own style.

“The walls are thick and sturdy, too. Now you can raise your voice all you want at night, Mathilda. Isn’t that nice?”


When Noein teased her, Mathilda blushed and nodded.

However, Noein’s words weren’t entirely just a joke.

The concern about voices carrying meant the tent walls they had been living with were thin. Even though they were made of thick, waterproof fabric, it was still just cloth, after all.

While they hadn’t suffered from the cold in spring or summer, the rainy season had been tough. Though they pitched their tent on raised ground to prevent flooding, the continuous rain still dampened their spirits.

But now, they could live in a mansion with solid walls and a roof. There would be no need to worry about the rainy season or winter. That was a big deal.

With the completion of a comfortable living environment, along with the symbolic “lord’s mansion,” it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the history of the Earlkvist territory was now truly beginning.

After Noein’s mansion was completed, the construction of homes for the citizens rapidly progressed.

Unlike the lord’s mansion, which used a lot of brick, the citizens’ homes were simple wooden structures, but they would be far more comfortable than the tents they had been living in.

The first house to be completed, even before the others, belonged to Yuri, the chief retainer. His house was slightly larger due to his position.

Although Yuri had been spending most of his time overseeing the lapis lazuli mining at the Restio Mountain camp recently, he returned to the settlement now that his home was finally finished.

“I’m overwhelmed. To think I finally have a home of my own.”

After leaving his family home, Yuri had lived as a wandering mercenary, and at one point, he even fell to the life of a bandit. But now, he owned farmland, held the title of chief retainer serving a noble lord, and had his own house.

It was hard to imagine a more fulfilling life.

Standing beside him was Mai, the woman who would soon officially become his wife. She leaned against his arm, smiling as they both admired their new home.

“Let’s be happy… No, I’ll make sure you’re happy, Mai.”

“Yes, my love.”

As they exchanged those words and looked forward to their bright future—

“Well, well, you two are getting quite cozy for the middle of the day—and outdoors, no less.”

Noein approached with a playful remark.

“Shut it.”

“Oh, come now. No need for such a scary face. The farmland and house are my gifts to you, after all.”

Noein grinned as he teased Yuri, who frowned in response.

It was true that Yuri owed all his current happiness to Noein. But even so, Yuri wished Noein could have been more considerate, at least during this sentimental moment in front of his long-awaited home.

“Are you satisfied with the house?”

“…Of course. I have no complaints. As your retainer, I sincerely thank you and swear my continued loyalty.”

Feeling a bit shy, Yuri answered honestly.

“I’m glad to hear that. It seems I don’t need to worry about you killing me after all.”

Yuri blinked in confusion at Noein’s unsettling words, then let out a chuckle when he understood what Noein meant.

“Oh yeah, there was that promise.”

“What? You forgot? I was pretty serious about it, you know.”

On the day they first met and Noein invited Yuri to join his domain, Noein had said, “If I don’t strive to be a good lord, feel free to kill me.” Yuri had agreed to those terms.

At the time, he had meant it, but as it turned out, Noein was a lord who devoted himself wholeheartedly to his people.

While Noein distrusted anyone outside his domain, sometimes even displaying an almost frightening hostility, he was undoubtedly a lord to be admired by his own people.

“Let’s consider that promise void. I no longer doubt your character as a lord. If you ever stray from your path, I’ll be sure to give you a proper warning as your chief retainer.”

“That’s good to hear. I’m happy I don’t have to worry about being killed, but I’d rather avoid any lectures, so I’ll do my best to stay on the straight and narrow as your lord.”

With a playful grin, Noein left the scene, showing a bit of consideration by not disturbing Yuri and Mai’s special moment any longer.

With Yuri’s house completed, the other citizens’ homes were quickly finished one after another.

Compared to Noein’s mansion, the citizens’ homes were far simpler. However, with a large stockpile of wood available in the settlement, the construction speed was just as fast as for the mansion.

As families moved from tents into their new homes, the settlement began to take on the appearance of a proper village.

In addition to the houses, Noein’s wish of purchasing horses was finally fulfilled. Though they were draft horses rather than warhorses, they meant that Noein no longer had to personally control his horse-shaped golem for every trip to Retvik, as he could now assign someone else to the task.

A few chickens were also brought into the settlement, and stables and coops were built.

Everything in the settlement was progressing smoothly. However, it was this very smooth progress that soon led to a significant problem.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



not work with dark mode