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Chapter 25

The High Priest

◆Kurt’s Perspective◆

Kurt Almstar had come to the church.

He was summoned by Bonifatius, the high priest and head of the church.

The fate of the nation could hinge on the presence of the Magiharriers. The high priest, who holds the top position in the church that oversees them, wields a significant influence second only to the king.

Kurt hadn’t met the high priest since he reported on the results of his expedition beyond the country’s borders, where he received a curse. Normally, his duties as a Magiharrier were assigned by a second-tier priest, so he only met the high priest during state-level missions or ceremonies.

The fact that such a person had taken the time to summon him meant that there must be a corresponding reason.

Kurt, feeling slightly tense, steeled himself as he entered the room where the high priest awaited.

“Kurt Almstar, reporting as requested.”

“Thank you for coming.”

Standing across the large round table was an elderly man with a white beard.

This man was High Priest Bonifatius. Despite the dignity and authority that came with his position, there was a certain warmth to him.

He gestured for Kurt to take the seat in front of him.

“Relax, if you will.”

“Thank you.”

The room was empty aside from Bonifatius. Even the first-tier priests who usually accompanied him were absent.

Kurt felt a sense of unease at their absence.

He waited for Bonifatius to sit opposite him before taking his own seat. No sooner had he done so than the high priest began to speak.

“Regarding your son, I’ve heard he was judged to be at the Seventh Mage Horn level.”

“Yes… indeed, to my own surprise as well.”

The sudden mention of his son caught Kurt off guard.

The Seventh Mage Horn level was legendary. It was no surprise that news about Nero had reached the church. In fact, it would have been stranger if it hadn’t.

However, starting the conversation with Nero’s achievements was unexpected, leaving Kurt unsure of how to respond.

“To think that a homunculus could produce a child with magic power—we may need to rethink our understanding.”

“I feel the same way.”

No one was more shocked than Kurt himself.

All he had wished for was a child.

Driven by that desire, he turned to homunculus technology, never expecting that such a gifted child would be born.

He believed that Nero would likely become a person who could save the future of this nation.

He felt both pride and anxiety over this.

He worried about his child being drawn into battles, regardless of his own will.

With such extraordinary talent, it was only natural that those around him would continually seek out his power.

It would also mean that he would be exposed to many dangers.

Being at the Seventh Mage Horn level, Nero would likely overcome most challenges.

But even so, his mind was still that of a child.

Inexperience might lead him into danger.

Moreover, he did not yet fully grasp the grim realities of battle.

When he grows older, there may come a time when he wishes to resist his fate.

When that time comes, what could Kurt do for him?

One thing was certain—he always wanted to be on his son’s side.

Diana felt the same way.

“Your son’s name is Nero… isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I hear that at his young age, he has already mastered the use of magic.”

“Yes, though he still has rough edges, his ability to absorb new skills and his intuition for battle are remarkable.”

“Hmm, his growth will be something to watch. He even played a major role in the Tsuchigumo extermination, didn’t he?”

“Yes… well, yes, he did.”

“The reports suggest that he has inherited both of his parents’ attributes, and that he even managed to wield them simultaneously.”

“Yes… that’s true. It was unprecedented, and I was at a loss as well. But I believe it is due to his unique talent as a Seventh Mage Horn.”

“Indeed, that must be the case.”


While Kurt answered, he couldn’t help but wonder.

There had to be an urgent matter, given that the high priest had called him in person.

But so far, the conversation had revolved solely around Nero.

Even if it was a formal exchange, the prelude to the main topic felt unusually prolonged.

Did the high priest have some intention behind this?

Kurt decided to gather his courage and ask directly.

But just as he was about to speak—

“Are you wondering why I’m focusing so much on your son?”

“Oh… well, yes.”

It felt as if the high priest had read his mind.

Kurt could only nod honestly.

Bonifatius stroked his long white beard and fixed his gaze on Kurt.

“What I am about to discuss is not entirely unrelated to your son.”

“What do you mean by that…?”

A sense of unease crept through Kurt.

“The recent case of missing residents… it remains unresolved.”


This was completely unexpected.

“Has the Tsuchigumo appeared again?”

“We cannot be certain yet. However, the fact that residents have vanished without a trace remains consistent.”

“So, it could be…?”

“Camouflage ability… is one possibility.”

The Tsuchigumo’s illusion magic could not only create structures resembling walls or trees but also blend itself seamlessly into its surroundings, much like the mimicry of insects.

With this ability, it could infiltrate towns unnoticed, capturing residents with its threads and spiriting them away.

So far, several other creatures with similar camouflage abilities have been identified, making it possible that the perpetrator isn’t a Tsuchigumo.

Of course, there’s also the possibility of a lower-class demon, like a black ant-type, preying on the residents.

However, such creatures tend to be noticed more frequently, leading to eyewitness reports.

The absence of such reports suggests that a lower-class demon is less likely to be involved.

“But this time, I believe the enemy is not a Tsuchigumo.”

“…Why do you think that?”

Bonifatius narrowed his eyes.

“I’ve already sent members of the Gutstein family to investigate, but the affected areas seem to shift as if avoiding their efforts. Two weeks ago, the West District saw the disappearances, so we focused our investigation there. But the next week, the incidents moved to the East District. Even when we respond quickly, it’s as though the enemy is anticipating our moves. Currently, we have surveillance across all areas, yet the incidents continue, slipping past our watch. And it doesn’t ravage its victims mindlessly—each incident affects only one or two people, as if mocking us.”

“Could it be…?”

“Yes… I suspect it might be at least an upper-intermediate level entity… or perhaps even higher.”


Kurt felt a chill run down his spine.

An upper-intermediate level would correspond to a Fifth Mage Horn.

The thought of an enemy that could be his equal or greater made his body tremble unconsciously.

“I sense intelligence far beyond that of the lower-class Tsuchigumo. We cannot rule out this possibility.”


Kurt had only fought a higher-intermediate-class monster once in the past.

At that time, he barely managed to secure a victory, but he believed that if he had let his guard down even a little, he could have easily been sent to the afterlife.

And if he were to face a higher-class opponent, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance.

By coincidence, he had also once encountered a demon far beyond that level, but that was on an entirely different scale.

It wasn’t even at a level where one could think about fighting; it was more about accepting death rather than wondering whether he could escape.

In any case, it was certain that a threat was approaching this town and the country.

He understood that he had been called upon to confront this danger.

“I’m sorry to ask this of you when the exhaustion from defeating the Tsuchigumo hasn’t even healed yet, but I’d like the Almstar family, one of the three great demon-slaying families of Felgeia, to join the investigation alongside the Gutstein family. Ideally, I would have asked the Giesbert family as well, but they are currently on an expedition… Bringing them back would take time. …Will you do it?”

“Of course.”

In this city-state of Felgeia, there are three noble families known as the three great demon-slaying families.

The Almstar, Gutstein, and Giesbert families.

Each family has passed down the fifth-grade demon-horn level for generations and is considered the strongest noble families in the country.

Ayra’s family also inherits a fifth-grade demon-horn level, but for various reasons, her family was excluded from the three great families.

If the opponent is one that even the three great families can’t defeat, then there is no one else who can protect this town.

In such a case, there was hardly a choice to refuse.

However, there was something that concerned him.

Bonifatius had mentioned this as a request to the Almstar family—not to Kurt personally.

He also knew that Diana could not fight.

Which means…

“You spoke of Nero for that reason, then…”

When Kurt asked, Bonifatius lowered the hand that had been stroking his beard.

“Indeed. Considering the worst-case scenario, we cannot ignore the power of the seventh demon-horn level. He has already proven his ability by seeing through the Tsuchigumo’s camouflage. To resolve this before the damage spreads further, I believe his power is essential. Of course, I’m aware that he is still a child with little experience.”

Nero’s talent was indeed exceptional.

His rate of growth was astonishing.

Even in his current state, he could be a formidable asset in actual combat.

But that assessment only applied when facing low-level monsters.

Against enemies that attacked with calculated thought rather than pure instinct—essentially those of a higher-intermediate class or above—it would be too much for a child.

Aside from the difference in experience, there were concerns about physical stamina due to his small body, and the immaturity of his muscles.

No matter how much he might master physical enhancement magic, his base stamina and strength were still inferior to an adult’s.

If possible, Kurt did not want his child to participate.

“I understand your feelings as a parent. But I must ask this of you.”

What an unreasonable request.

Kurt cursed inwardly.

There aren’t many parents willing to knowingly send their child into danger.

But as Bonifatius said, it was true that they couldn’t overlook the power of the seventh demon-horn level.

Kurt took a moment to breathe.

No matter what happened, he would protect Nero at all costs.

With that resolve in his heart, he looked up.

“I understand.”

“That’s a relief to hear.”

With that, the discussion came to an end, and just as Kurt was about to turn to leave the room, he was stopped.

“Oh, and one more thing…”

He turned back after being called.

“From the perspective of protecting human resources, the church cannot openly request that a child be sent into battle. I’m sorry, but… I’d like to ask you to handle it as a sort of ‘educational observation,’ as you did before.”

—So that’s why no high-ranking priests were present.

Kurt had always been grateful for the church’s support, but for the first time, he felt a surge of frustration.

The Incompetent Unmatched: I Reincarnated as a Defective Homunculus and Became the Strongest Through Overwhelming Effort

The Incompetent Unmatched: I Reincarnated as a Defective Homunculus and Became the Strongest Through Overwhelming Effort

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
The protagonist, who had lived an ordinary and dull life, one day gets into an accident and dies. Naturally, he assumes this is the typical isekai reincarnation— Or so he thought, but instead, he reincarnated as a homunculus "cell"!? How is he supposed to survive in this strange culture medium!? In a world where monsters run rampant, While trying various methods to protect himself, he gradually starts gaining power— This is the story of an incompetent man who, through hard work, ends up obtaining overwhelming, unmatched strength.



not work with dark mode