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Chapter 20

Let's have a big business negotiation ①

Since a lapis lazuli vein had been discovered as a new source of funding, the next step was to secure a sales channel to convert it into significant capital.

Thus, the day after receiving the report from the survey team, Noein loaded the raw lapis lazuli stones onto a wagon and set out for Retvik, seeking help from Miles Trading Company. His companions this time were Mathilda, Radley, and Edgar.

Arriving in Retvik by early afternoon, Noein said:

“Alright, let’s first visit a trading company that handles precious metals and gemstones, but not Miles Trading Company.”

“You’re not going to Miles Trading Company right away?”

“Before that, I want to get an accurate understanding of the current market value of raw lapis lazuli. That’s why I want to gather information. I’ll step into some suitable shop, browse their jewelry, and casually ask around.”

“…Are you implying, Noein-sama, that the head of Miles Trading Company might try to deceive us since we aren’t experts in minerals?”

“Sharp as ever, Mathilda. That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

Noein explained Mathilda’s point to Radley and Edgar, who seemed a bit lost after hearing the conversation.

“In other words, if we don’t know the precise current market value of raw lapis lazuli in advance, Miles Trading Company could potentially buy it from us at an unfairly low price.”

“But… would a major trading company really do something like that?” Edgar asked, looking surprised.

“We’ve built a decent relationship with them through fur trade, so I don’t think they’ll try to cheat us so easily. But this time, the deal is much bigger. Entering negotiations without any information is risky. Better to be overly cautious than regret it later.”

Noein answered Edgar with a sly grin, holding back from saying aloud that you should always assume your business partners are trying to deceive you.

“Welcome. How may I assist you today?” a man who appeared to be the shopkeeper called out as Noein entered a high-end store for information gathering.

“I’m actually looking to buy a gift for a lady I know. Perhaps some sort of accessory,” Noein casually replied.

He had entered the shop alone, leaving the others behind. He wasn’t wearing his usual aristocratic clothing either—dressed instead like a moderately wealthy commoner—so the shopkeeper didn’t recognize him as the “Lord of the Forest.”

“I see. Do you have any preferences regarding the design or color of the accessory?”

“She mentioned that she likes the color blue, so something with a blue gemstone would be nice…”

“In that case, allow me to show you a few options.”

The shopkeeper placed three items on the counter. One was a pair of earrings with a clear blue gemstone, likely sapphire. Another was a ring with a stone blending blue, green, and yellow, probably opal. The last was a necklace featuring a deeply mesmerizing blue stone, polished into a round shape—most certainly lapis lazuli. It looked just like the gemstone Noein remembered his late mother showing him.

“This necklace is beautiful. What gemstone is it?”

“This is lapis lazuli, sometimes referred to as ‘the gemstone that brings good fortune.'”


“Pardon me, but is this gift for someone special?” the shopkeeper asked with a smile.

“Ahaha, yes, it’s a bit embarrassing, but it is. It’s my first gift to her, actually,” Noein responded, smiling warmly—so convincingly that if Yuri had been there, he would have made a snarky comment about the phony look on his face.

Believing Noein’s story, the shopkeeper replied, “In that case, this lapis lazuli necklace would be a perfect choice.”

“And how much does this necklace cost?”

“This one is 800 Rebro.”

“I see… It’s small, but still quite expensive.”

“That’s because it’s a rare stone. Lapis lazuli is highly sought after, not only as a gemstone but also as a pigment. Perhaps you’ve heard of the ‘Blue of the Mother Sea’?”

“Oh yes, I think I’ve heard of that before.”

Feigning a moment of recollection, though he knew perfectly well what it was, Noein continued to chat.

“If you grind raw lapis lazuli into powder, you get that pigment. It’s rare and expensive, so it’s a highly coveted material for artists.”

“That’s interesting… Does that mean even the unprocessed raw stone is quite valuable?”

“Indeed. Raw lapis lazuli can sell for nearly 2,000 Rebro per kilogram, or even more depending on the quality.”

“That much, huh…”

“Yes, the deep blue color is so captivating that even the raw stones are popular as decorative objects.”

After some more casual conversation and pretending to be interested in the products, Noein left the store, telling the shopkeeper he would come back later to purchase the necklace once he had the money—though he had no intention of returning.

He then regrouped with Mathilda and the others at a plaza they had arranged to meet at beforehand.

“I’m back. I managed to get the price for the raw stone. It was the selling price, but using that as a reference, we shouldn’t have much trouble during negotiations.”

“As expected of you, Noein-sama.”

“Thanks, Mathilda. Now, onto Miles Trading Company. We’ll need to be sharp for this.”

Usually, Benedict, the head of Miles Trading Company, didn’t personally attend fur trade negotiations. Thus, it had been a while since Noein had seen him.

They were led to the same reception room as before. Mathilda stood behind Noein, while Radley and Edgar accompanied them to help carry the raw lapis lazuli.

“It’s been a while, Viscount Earlkvist. I understand you have a special matter to discuss today.”

“Yes, it has been a while, Benedict. Thank you for making the time.”

“Not at all. It is an honor to assist the esteemed Viscount Earlkvist. Shall we get right to it?”

“Yes. I was hoping Miles Trading Company could handle a deal involving this.”

At Noein’s signal, Radley and Edgar placed a heavy, cloth-wrapped object onto the table. The high-quality wooden table didn’t budge under the weight. They unwrapped the cloth, revealing the contents inside.

“This is… raw lapis lazuli.”

Impressed that Benedict recognized it instantly, Noein thought to himself, As expected of the head of a major trading company.

The sizeable raw gemstone also caused Benedict’s eyes to widen slightly.

“And where did you… Ah, the Restio Mountains?”

“Exactly. We recently conducted a survey at the base of the Restio Mountains, which border my domain, and discovered what appears to be a lapis lazuli vein. I’m no expert in mining, so I can’t say how much can be extracted…”

Listening to Noein’s explanation, Benedict let out a long sigh.

As far as Noein knew from his reading, there were very few lapis lazuli mines within the Kingdom of Lordberg. The discovery of a vein in the neighboring territory must have been quite a surprise for Benedict. His reaction was understandable.

“My apologies. So, for today, you wish to sell this raw stone?”

“Yes, for now. And ideally, I would like Miles Trading Company to have exclusive rights to purchase all the raw lapis lazuli that will be mined from my territory in the future.”

Benedict’s eyes widened in surprise at Noein’s proposal.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



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