Switch Mode

Chapter 2

The ice princess from the next town has a glitch in her sense of distance

“Hey, Oi, did you know?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Isn’t that cold? Like the Ice Princess from the neighboring high school—oh.”

“Ice Princess?”

When I asked him that, Eiji let out a small “oops.” Watching him closely, he sighed in resignation.

“She’s the girl you’re always talking about.”



“You mean the girl on the train? It’s not like I like her or anything… Wait, she’s called the Ice Princess?”

“Yeah. I didn’t mean to shatter your dreams or anything, but here’s the deal: the Ice Princess from the neighboring high school is…”

Eiji began explaining everything to me.

The Ice Princess.

Her gaze is sharp, and her expression is stern. Whether male or female, anyone who speaks to her is intimidated by that piercing gaze. It seems she’s from a wealthy family, and few people even dare to approach her. With such a demeanor and appearance, she’s earned the nickname “Ice Princess.”

“I recognized her from how you described her. Since you’re not going to talk to her anyway, I thought it was better to leave her in your imagination.”

“I see… Well, thanks for the concern.”

But… an expression that doesn’t change, huh?

She must have gone through something tough, something so painful that she can’t even put on a front.

…Whether putting on a front is good for her is another matter. The priority now is not to increase her fear.


Morning. I got on the train. Usually, I head to the back, but today was different.

I stayed near the entrance, getting off and back on at each stop to make room for people.

Then, after a few stops, I spoke to the girl who got on.



As soon as she saw me, she moved closer.

Then, we shifted to a corner, with her against the wall and me standing in front of her.

“Thank you…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

She must have noticed I was subtly shielding her from bumping into any men. After saying that, I fell silent.

Silence settled in. Well, she only asked me to be here. I should let her be. It wouldn’t help to awkwardly start a conversation and make things worse.

“…Um, Umii-kun.”

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

“What’s up?”

“Well, I’m sorry if this is bothersome, but I haven’t talked to people much. If it’s okay, could you help me practice talking to others?”

Wow, she’s honest. But I don’t have a reason to refuse.

“I don’t mind.”

“Thank you.”

She bowed.

Silence fell again.

“What should we talk about?”

I almost stumbled.

“Well, if you’re not used to it, I’m not either… Oh, do you have any hobbies?”

“I practice flower arrangement, tea ceremony, and traditional Japanese dance.”


That’s impressive. I’ve heard rumors that her family is quite distinguished.

“What about you, Umii-kun? Any hobbies?”

“Me? I guess reading light novels and watching anime.”

“Anime… I haven’t seen much.”

Another silence. We’re really bad at this.

“Uh, why did you start with flower arrangement and tea ceremony?”

“My parents made me. At first, I found it boring, but as I did it more, I found it interesting. I’ve been doing it since elementary school. Unfortunately, it’s not a topic that excites people in conversation.”

“I see.”

It’s rare for a high school girl to have those as hobbies.

“Do you have any clubs?”

“The tea ceremony club, as I mentioned.”

“A tea ceremony club? Wow.”

“I’m the only member, so it’s more like a hobby group.”

“I see…”

I’ve been surprised non-stop. Tea ceremony and flower arrangement… It’s like something out of TV shows.

“What about you, Umii-kun? Any clubs?”

“Sorry, I’m in the go-home club. I live a pretty ordinary life.”

“Ordinary, huh?”

“Yeah, ordinary. I’m just a regular guy.”

When I said that, she smiled.

“That’s a bit enviable.”

“Maybe it’s just the grass is greener. But I’m fine with how things are.”

Joining a club might change things, but I’m happy as it is.


She started to say something, but our stop came.

“Never mind. See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

And with that, the day ended.


“Hey, what’s up? You seem in a good mood today.”

“…Do I? It’s just your imagination.”

As soon as I arrived in the morning, Eiji asked me.

“What’s up? Did you finally find someone you like?”

“I wish.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“What about you and your girlfriend?”

“We’re great, just as lovey-dovey as always.”

“Good to hear.”

Eiji has a girlfriend from middle school. They go to different high schools now, but they’re doing well. I know her too.

“You should get a girlfriend too. It’ll change your world.”

“Maybe later.”

“Okay, but let me know if you want me to introduce you to someone.”


And with that, another ordinary day at school began.


“Good morning.”


Another day begins.

“Umii-kun, what should we talk about today?”

“You’re asking me… How about school stuff, like academics?”

“Not a bad idea.”

As she said that, Shinonome stared at me.

“So, any subjects you’re good at or bad at?”

“I’m good at world history and Japanese history. I find them interesting. I’m good at other subjects too, but… I’m terrible at English.”

I was surprised.

“You can’t do English?”

“…Yes, I’m embarrassed to say. I get flustered when foreigners talk to me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. She pouted slightly.

“Sorry, the contrast is funny. Should I tell you about me?”

Feeling a bit bad, I started talking.

“I’m good at English. Bad at classics.”

“You struggle with classics?”

She looked surprised.

“Yeah, I don’t understand how people used to think. I’m also bad at physics and other science subjects.”

“I see… Classics have different values from today. If you want, I can help you with it. If you have a textbook, that is.”


“Yes. I’ve never taught anyone, but I think I can help a little.”

Maybe as a thank you for my help.

If I refuse, she might feel bad.

“Then I’ll ask for your help. Not today, though. We’re almost at our stop.”

“So we are.”

She looked a bit sad but quickly returned to her usual expression.

It was probably my imagination.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

And Shinonome left the train.



“What’s up, Eiji? Sighing?”

“Midterms are less than a month away, and I’m dreading it.”


“I’m fine, but my girlfriend isn’t.”

“Oh, right. You mentioned that.”

His girlfriend struggles with studying, always on the verge of failing.

“It’ll be a nice part of your youth, teaching her.”

“True, I can set rewards for after the tests, too.”

“Are you bragging?”


Seeing him laugh, I sighed.

“You seem like the type who could easily get a girlfriend.”

“If I were that great, I’d have one already.”


Laughing with Eiji, I sighed again.


“This part means…”

In the morning, Shinonome had started teaching me. Initially, it was just classics, but gradually, she began teaching me most subjects except English.

“And this here…”

I felt bad at first, but she said she enjoyed teaching more than she thought, so I let her continue.

However, there was one problem.

She was really close. Very.

Well, it couldn’t be helped since we were sharing a textbook. Sometimes her fingers would touch mine, and her face was so close. And she smelled really nice.

“…? Is something wrong?”

“N-no, nothing.”

She tilted her head, then nodded as if she understood.

“It is a bit cramped. It would be easier if we could sit down and write while studying.”

“Y-yeah, that’s true.”

She misinterpreted my reaction, but I went along with it.

Then she started glancing at me.

She seemed like she wanted to say something. After clearing her throat, she spoke.

“…If you don’t mind, would you like to have a study session at my place?”

And that’s what she said.

When I Saved the Ice Princess of Another School, We Ended Up Starting as Friends

When I Saved the Ice Princess of Another School, We Ended Up Starting as Friends

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
As the Ice Princess Melts Sweetly: A Daily Life I Can Never Return From Souta Umi is an ordinary high school student. Every day, he lives his life as usual. Yet, each time he commutes to school, he savors a particular happiness. On the train he takes, there’s a certain beautiful girl. With pure white hair and blue eyes, her features resemble those of a delicate, beautiful Western person. Her figure is outstanding, surpassing that of idols and actresses with her incredible beauty. She attends the neighboring high school and is known as the “Ice Princess.” Every time Souta rode the train, he couldn’t help but follow her with his eyes. Every student who tried to talk to her was rejected, and now, there were no other high school students in their train car except for him and her. He thought he would continue living his ordinary life. He never intended to get closer to her. Or so he thought. However, one day, an incident occurred. Souta witnessed her being harassed by a molester. No one else tried to help. Gathering his courage, Souta decided to rescue her. The next day, expecting to return to his usual daily life, she appeared before him. "Um... because you helped me the other day, I wanted to thank you." The “Ice Princess”... Nagisa Shinonome, the girl he saved yesterday. Since he had been watching her regularly, Souta was flustered but accepted her words of thanks. However, he was ready to keep his distance once again. He didn’t dislike his usual daily life. At that moment, she spoke. "I have a favor to ask." There was a note of sorrow in her voice that Souta couldn't ignore. He decided to listen to her request. "While I'm on the train... I want you to stay by my side." Souta couldn’t refuse those words and agreed to her request. Yet, little did he know, he would be continually bewildered by this girl.



not work with dark mode