Switch Mode

Chapter 29

Guild Master's Determination

“Truly amazing…!”

It wasn’t just the city’s adventurers watching the battlefield.

Albedo, the deputy priestess and guild master of this region’s adventurer guild, had also come close to the battlefield.

Of course, it wasn’t for a leisurely visit.

“Are there no more sheets!?”

“Opening <Storage Space Item Box>! Here, more sheets! And also, some replenishing fluid!”

“<Appraisal Analyze>! Oh, this person’s wound has reached their internal organs, and they’ve contracted tetanus too. Triage priority: Level 1 Red! Prepare for an urgent laparotomy and disinfection!”

The “field hospital” unfolded at a speed almost too fast to see.

Those making it happen were a group of adventurers with medical skills who had arrived immediately after Jade and his team.

If they were told, “The city’s adventurers have been fighting on the verge of exhaustion near the cemetery for nearly a week,” they would have immediately shouted, “Are you crazy!?” and decided to treat them right on the edge of the battlefield.

They said, “The city’s adventurers are probably at their limit, and they could die before being transported to the urban area. Plus, can we even treat them in such an unsanitary city?” Truly shameful.

“Hey, Guild Master of the ‘Pioneer City Agravain,’ help transport patients from the front lines! Go, go!”

“Yes, yes!”

Following the orders, Albedo ran.

She thought the one giving instructions was a fourth-ranked tag, but there was no time to care about that.

To do what she could to the fullest, the guild master had already made several trips back and forth.

Old wounds all over her body ached.

“Ha, ha… Are all the people from ‘Tristain’ this different…!”

It wasn’t just those fighting on the front lines.

Even those engaged in rear support seemed to have excellent knowledge and skills.

“This is their secret strength…!”

Better hygiene and sanitation awareness made it easier for adventurers to heal from their wounds.

Additionally, the medical knowledge and techniques, once considered heretical, saved adventurers from retirement or death due to injuries.

As a result, a vast number of “veteran adventurers” remained active, having completed numerous missions.

These veterans protected and guided the “rookies,” further reducing the overall mortality rate.

“I was wrong.”

I should have known more about the neighboring territories.

Even if the priest of this land deemed ‘Sara the Dark Lady’ a heretic and commanded not to listen to her knowledge, I should have ignored it.

Even if the lord of this land disliked ‘Saint Noble Iskar’ and ordered not to use his spread techniques, I should have ignored it.


Before I knew it, I was crying while running.

Tears flowed ungracefully.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Images of the dead adventurers of the city flashed through my mind.

Many had already died over the past week.

“If only I had been more responsible…”

I recalled a conversation with the adventurer named Jade.

He was a young man with an intelligence and calmness unbecoming of an adventurer.

But when I said, “Because of the doctrine, I haven’t learned about the neighboring territories,” his sharp retort, “What’s the point if people die because of that,” was exactly right.

If I had been more resolute as a guild master, the adventurers might not have died.

“I’m sorry…!”

Regret and helplessness made the tears unstoppable.

At that moment.

“For whatever reason, now isn’t the time to be crying!”


Two swift figures overtook Albedo.

Two heroes, holding fists and swords, charged into the battlefield with incredible speed.

“Are they ‘Lua of the Strong Fist’ and ‘Shirokusa of the Absolute Sword’!?”

They were famous adventurers whose portraits were even circulated on miniature cards.

The two leaped in front of the undead monsters and unleashed their skills.

“Magia Skill <Enhance Spell> activate!”

“Battle Skill <Samurai Sword Draw> activate!”

With extraordinary attack power and speed, the two charged at the enemies, cutting them down in an explosion of power.


“Yikes! Those perverts are heading straight for big brother!”

“We won’t let them! The heroines of big brother’s life are us!”

“Why are you competing with men…?”

Silver-haired sisters and a blonde female knight followed.

“Those are ‘Genius Girls Niesha & Kuesha’!”

They were also prominent adventurers Albedo knew.

Rumor had it that they were prodigies who had reached the upper ranks of second grade in just a few years. They led the all-female party ‘Fairy’s Prank,’ so the female knight was likely a member of that group.

“Magia Skill <Red Spell of Flames> activate! Fire Boost!”

“Magia Skill <Blue Spell of Water> activate! Splash Boost!”

The sisters activated red and blue spell formations from behind, shooting flames and water at high speed toward the battlefield.

It was an extremely precise use of magic.

Unless the coordinates were constantly set at zero distance behind, it couldn’t be used as propulsion. If the coordinates bit into the skin even once, the flesh would be blown away by the spell.

In contrast, the unknown female knight,

“Skills <Speed Run>, <Eagle Eye> activate. Mind Skills <Save Heart>, <Flexible Mind> activate. Battle Skill <Gigantic Blade> activate. Magia Skill <Azure Spell> activate—Aerial Boost!”

She used an unbelievable number of skills simultaneously.

In an instant, she became a storm, charging forward, leaving Albedo in a cold sweat.

“Could it be, really—a knight from the ‘Holy City’!?”

I thought she was dressed like a knight, but I was wrong.

Those numerous skills, her princess-like beauty.

There was no doubt. She was certainly a superior race high human from the ‘Holy City,’ where eugenic marriages were the norm.

“To think…to this extent…”

The neighboring territory ‘Pioneer City Tristain’ had become a place where even the noble people of the ‘Holy City’ settled as adventurers.

The guild there must be so comfortable that they didn’t mind resigning from knighthood.

“Follow Lua’s lead! Don’t fall behind ‘The Defender’s Blade’!”

“Damn it, you ‘Dream of Heroes’ guys are in the way! Shirokusa-sama, I’m coming!”

“‘Fairy’s Prank,’ let’s follow our sisters and mother!”

The top adventurers’ party members followed, achieving more and more results.

The monsters that the adventurers of ‘Pioneer City Agravain’ couldn’t handle were hunted down and scattered like trash.

“…This is as far as we go…”

This was the overwhelming power of the neighboring territory.

“This is…as far as we go!”

New technologies and knowledge.

If they had been accepted, could adventurers have become this strong?

Is that so?

“Ah…Goddess Sophia…”

Albedo, the priestess, wiped her tears.

They were right; now wasn’t the time to be crying.

It was time to act to save as many as possible.


“I have decided.”

In moments of decision, there is no need for tears.

The former adventurer guild master Albedo harbored a strong resolve in her heart.

When I Was Reincarnated, I Became the 【Dark Destruction Dragon, Genocide Dragon】 I Just Want to Live Moderately, So I’m Casually Being an Adventurer

When I Was Reincarnated, I Became the 【Dark Destruction Dragon, Genocide Dragon】 I Just Want to Live Moderately, So I’m Casually Being an Adventurer

転生したら【 暗 黒 破 壊 龍 ジ ェ ノ サ イ ド ・ ド ラ ゴ ン 】だった件 ~ほどほどに暮らしたいので、気ままに冒険者やってます~'
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
A former corporate slave reincarnated into another world as the most terrifying and evil dragon. For a while, he rampaged against monsters, spreading fear and chaos, but such a life started to feel embarrassing. "After all, living moderately as a human is the way to go." With determination, he reconstructed his cells and became the "kind-hearted multi-weapon adventurer, Jade." Though he possesses high combat abilities and modern knowledge, he doesn't really utilize them much. He's tired of being forced to work hard due to his past life experiences. This is the story of a weary-hearted man (dragon) who, while assisting various individuals, indulges in a slow life of hunting and crafting weapons from monster materials.



not work with dark mode