Switch Mode

Chapter 30

Devil's Name

I’ve tested the extent of the angel’s blessing several times.

Whenever I used the angel’s blessing before, I only used the minimal, most efficient amount that put the least strain on me. But the maximum blessing surpasses even the power of a fully grown dragon.

Of course, even if I direct part of the blessing to protect my body, the damage is immeasurable.

I tried pushing the limits once, but after the blessing wore off, I could barely move for several days.

Since then, I’ve trained my body further, so I should be slightly better off, but I still prefer not to use it much.

I could feel the expanding power raging within me.

Compared to the sense of omnipotence I had earlier, it was now excruciating.

That’s how formidable my opponent is. It had to be done. The demon girl in front of me.

I drew my lightning sword.

With the holy sword in my right hand and the lightning sword in my left, the weaknesses of dual-wielding were meaningless with my current strength.

“Be mindful of your mana. This blessing won’t last long. Neither will you.”

“Just keep supplying the power.”

“Alright, alright. You’re a rough handler for an angel user.”

With that, the angel’s apparition fell silent.

I focused all my attention on the battle.

Our gazes locked.

In that instant, I moved first. By imbuing the blessing into my lightning sword, I accelerated.

I got behind the demon and slashed at her back with both swords.

After a sensation like cutting through tough rubber, my swords tore through the demon’s back.

It works. This might be winnable.

Without turning, the demon kicked the ground hard.

The impact cratered the ground, disrupting my stance.

It happened in a flash. I tried to regain my posture, but the demon turned and swiped at me with her claws.

I leaped backward, but her claws grazed my chest plate.

Like a knife through softened butter, her claws gouged the plate.

This plate is made of mithril, yet to the demon, mithril was no different from any other stone.

I swung my sword to clear off the blood.

How much is that blood worth?

I took up my stance again, holding both swords ready to thrust.

Channeling mana into the lightning sword, my whole body became charged with electricity.

The pressure from my mana and the angel’s blessing warped the surroundings.

The demon raised an eyebrow slightly.

Finally, I had caught her attention.

She flapped her wings and took to the air.

“You’re not getting away!”

Before she could lift off, I thrust both the holy sword and the lightning sword into her shoulders.

The speed of the thrusts surpassed the sound barrier, successfully piercing through the demon’s resistance.

I tried to slide the swords upward with all my might, but they didn’t budge.

The demon stopped the swords with her sheer strength.

She flapped her wings again, lifting us both into the air.

In no time, the ground receded far below.

While I could use a levitation spell, at this height, even with the angel’s blessing, it would be too dangerous.

We locked eyes.

Another anti-curse coin shattered.

“You’ve got quite a beautiful face. Do you have a name?”

“Strange human. Do you control an angel? How can you resist so much? Fine, I’ll tell you.”

The demon smiled for the first time. It was so beautiful that it rivaled a charm spell.

“I am Mastema, a general serving the Demon King, the demon of enmity and hatred.”

“Quite a big deal.”

The angel spoke.

I didn’t recognize the name, but it seemed significant to the angel.

“Good for you, human. In Hell, I could kill you with just a glance.”

“Hey, Mastema, don’t get too full of yourself. This isn’t Hell. You can’t use your full power—”

Before I finished speaking, Mastema pulled out the swords impaled in her.

The painful wounds began to heal instantly, and the scars vanished.

She kept hold of the swords.

Even with the enhanced blessing, her strength was overwhelming.

I tried to channel lightning into the sword, but it was repelled by her skin.

“The Demon King wouldn’t be here. You’ll pay for summoning me.”

“The one who summoned you was the first to be killed.”

“That wasn’t enough. I need more magic to return to Hell.”

“You’re quite talkative.”

“I’m showing you respect. Weak humans like you did well to come this far.”

Mastema raised both swords above her head and looked down.

“Hey, stop—”

With ridiculous strength, she threw me toward the ground.

I fell at a speed that left me barely able to breathe.

The levitation spell was negated by the speed of my descent.

The ground rushed up too quickly. I had no choice but to take out a ring.

With a sound that tore through the air, a crater formed where I landed.

My whole body felt broken, and without the blessing, I would be dead.

I looked at the ring.

It was a magic item that nullified any physical impact once. A safety ring. It had no effect against magic, and once used, it required a recharge, but it saved me. This ring alone was worth a house. I also had two slaves equipped with them.

Mastema descended to where I was.

She seemed slightly surprised that I was unharmed.

“Hey angel, how’s the mana?”

“She’s down by ten percent. We’re down by over half.”

“I see.”

It’s going to be a long fight.

“Interesting. Let’s play a little more.”

Mastema took a deep breath.

This looked just like the breath attack I’d seen when fighting dragons…

I wrapped myself in my cloak.

Black flames spewed from Mastema’s mouth.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

帝国最強のパーティー、突然の解散 可愛い従者を手に入れて人生を自由に旅することにした, The Empire’s strongest adventurer party suddenly disbands. Getting married and retiring as adventurers? Opening a shop too? Lowering the prices so we can visit? Well, if that’s the case, there’s no helping it. Be happy!
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
I had achieved great success as an adventurer of the empire and was even called a heavenly knight. I was at the forefront of the empire's strongest party and had a promising future ahead. However, one day, I suddenly ceased to be at the forefront of the empire's strongest party. If the other two are retiring due to marriage, there's nothing I can do about it.



not work with dark mode