Switch Mode

Chapter 29

One Ending and Beginning

Fleur Knight was waiting for someone.

She was waiting for his arrival on the company rooftop.

Although it was Fleur who had called him out, she felt a bit anxious, worrying that he might not come, and gently pressed her thumping chest.

Fortunately, he arrived at the location even before the appointed time.

Her colleague—Lux wright.

“I heard you have something important to discuss,” Lux said, looking slightly nervous.

He seemed to be a bit anxious about what he was going to hear, which surprised Fleur slightly.

“Well, you see, Lux-kun, you might already have an inkling of what I’m going to say.”


“I should have told you this sooner, but with everything that’s been happening, it took me this long.”


“But I can’t keep suppressing these feelings any longer.”

Up until now, Fleur had been fooling herself, putting a lid on her feelings. But she couldn’t continue to ignore these emotions.

So, gathering her courage, she said to Lux:

“Listen, Lux-kun, I want you to hear me out.”


With a solemn expression, Lux nodded. After taking a deep breath, Fleur said:

“Lux-kun, I—”

“—want to quit this job together with you.”

It seemed everyone was planning to quit their jobs together.

I thought it was a joke, but since Fleur wouldn’t lie about something like this, it was probably true. Recently, the workload had been getting worse, and everyone seemed fed up.

I had noticed it too, especially after hearing complaints and truths from various people.

Our workplace was toxic.

But given the current times, with society and the whole of Neon City feeling a bit unstable, I hesitated to quit so easily. Especially considering the current state of the Thirteen Steps and the Light King.

For now, I’ll leave the decision for later. I’ll think about it after I drag my tired body home.

When I reached the front door, I found Livia-chan and, as always, the deathly pale Thanatos-chan waiting.

“Oh, Ojisan.”


Livia-chan greeted me energetically, while Thanatos-chan spoke in a voice matching her pallid complexion.

“Good work—though I wouldn’t recommend going inside today.”

“Why not?”

“If you go inside, you’ll probably end up dead.”

“I know.”

“Even so, you’re going in?”

“Well, it’s kind of my responsibility.”

Thanatos-chan tried to smile but failed, her lips twitching instead.

“How about a takoyaki party at my place instead?”

“No, you should focus on getting better first…are you alright?”

“Honestly, not really…I feel like I’m dying.”

“No wonder, given how pale you look.”

“…No more online shopping for me. I should’ve known better than to get interested in suspicious stuff.”

Even as she reflected on her mistakes, I doubted it would last. She’d probably buy something shady again soon.

After a quick greeting to the two, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

From inside came angry shouting. But it wasn’t directed at me, so I quietly made my way deeper into the house.

“That’s what I said! We need more personnel there to avoid future problems! Please fill the positions immediately!”

The shouting came from a girl. If I had to describe her in one word, she looked like me. Like me from back when I played at being a magical girl.

She was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, tablets on her lap, a laptop in front of her, and a smartphone in her hand.

Empty cans of Elixir lay scattered around, some already drunk.

Noticing me, she spoke sarcastically.

“Welcome back. Tough day at work?”

“Well, actually, it seems everyone’s planning to quit together.”

“Are you planning to run away from work? Even though I’m struggling so much here?”

“Is it really that bad?”

“Yes, it is. Thanks to you giving me this body, my efficiency as the Light King has dropped by ten percent!”

“Only ten percent?”

That day, I gave my body to the Light King, resulting in a shared existence. As long as I live, it can’t return to its previous form as an electronic entity.

It often tries to kill me, but it’s too weak to succeed so far.

“I never imagined you’d be so foolish. I manage and run Neon City, and now this. Do you know how many people you’re inconveniencing?”

“I’ve been helping with some of your tasks, haven’t I?”

“Yes, but the Thirteen Steps members aiming for my downfall and those trying to use me are becoming more active. Handle them too, please…Humans are so foolish!”

Ignoring its outburst, I went to wash my hands. The face in the mirror looked a bit older, not at all happy.

In the end, what I did was give the Light King a human body to experience human misery. For now, there’s no chaos in Neon City.

But if it gets tired of managing humans and tries to escape, who knows what will happen?

So, in the grand scheme, what I did might be—

“Lux! Get back here, we have work to do!”

For now, I dried my hands and hurried back to it.

End of webnovel chapters.

Translator’s Note: With this final chapter, we’ve caught up to the raws. The author has decided not to continue the web novel version. Instead, the story continues from volume 2 of the light novel.

I will start translating Volumes 1 and 2 of the light novel [I Reincarnated as a Powerful Character Completely Unrelated to the Story].

We need some donations to support the translation process. By joining the Patreon, it will be easier for me to continue translating, and Patreon members will get first access to the translations as they are released.

I Reincarnated as a Strong Character Type Unrelated to the Story

I Reincarnated as a Strong Character Type Unrelated to the Story

Monogatari Ni Issai Kankei Nai Type No Tsuyo Kyara Ni Tensei Shimashita, 物語に一切関係ないタイプの強キャラに転生しました
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Just by chance, there was a presence there – the strongest. A Japanese-style RPG based on modern times, “Neon Light”. I, who spent my life on that game and loved it so much that I played it over and over again, am now standing on the stage of that dream – no, I was reincarnated. The character I was reincarnated as is a young man in a tired salaryman style named “Lux,” whom I have never seen even in conversations, a strong character that makes you worry if the game balance will collapse. Despite living quietly to not ruin the scenario of the beloved game… saving characters who were supposed to die, being respected by the final boss more than the original protagonist – how did this happen!? An out-of-setting character unconsciously overpowering!? A new sensation, an otherworldly fantasy!



not work with dark mode