Switch Mode

Chapter 17

I see, it's true that women cost money

I head to the Kargan Company first thing in the morning.

I am soon shown to a reception room, where I wait for a bit.

I take a sip of the tea served. This aroma… it’s the same as what I drank when I met the princess. They seem to be doing quite well.

Before I finish drinking, the door opens.

Chairman Kargan comes in with two girls.

The two girls are the slaves I purchased.

Noel and Arnella. Both of them are humans, like me.

I have no bias against demi-humans or beastmen. I get along well with Nia, a beastman.

However, when it comes to living together, differences in species can be troublesome.

Food preferences are different, and there are various customs. If we are to live together, it’s best to be the same species.

Noel and Arnella grasp their skirts and bow to me in unison.

The scent of floral perfume tickles my nose.

“Thank you for waiting, Mr. Orbst. We have brought the slaves you purchased. As requested, we have educated them in household chores and magical furniture while they were in our care.”

“Ah, that’s helpful. I recently bought a new house, but it would be vacant when I’m not there. I’ve heard that a house deteriorates quickly if left empty, so I wanted someone to manage it.”

“Indeed. I assure you these two will be very useful.”

“Yes, I can tell they’ve been well-educated. They might be more cultured than I am.”

I make a light-hearted joke. They must have received quite an education.

Noel bows her head at my remark.

Arnella follows shortly after. Noel seems a bit quicker in her actions.

“Please make use of us, Master.”

“I have high expectations. Chairman Kargan, may I take them with me now?”

“Yes, of course. They are already registered. Please adhere to the slavery laws.”

“I’ve reviewed them. Surprisingly, adventurers are quite bound by rules. Don’t worry.”

Though considered free spirits, adventurers have many rules to follow.

Empire laws, as well as some laws that vary by territory.

Chairman Kargan makes a show of being humbled.

We shake hands, and I stand up.

The two girls immediately fall in behind me like subordinates.

“If you need anything else, please let us know.”

“Yes, I will.”

We leave the company, escorted by Chairman Kargan.

However, I don’t think there will be such an opportunity anytime soon.

After all, these two alone cost a fortune.

Normally, slaves like these are not casually purchasable. But I can afford it.

Looking back, I see the two following me obediently.

They don’t look like slaves. The clothes they are wearing are those of girls their age, but well-tailored. If they were dressed in gowns, they could pass for noble ladies with their refined looks.

It might be fun to dress them up like dolls.

Like many adventurers, I have a collector’s mentality.

Various items can be found and collected from dungeons, but non-mainstream items are often cheap or take time to sell. So I tend to hoard them.

Gold and silver treasures are generally bought by the country and are easy to dispose of, so that’s the main source of my income. Magic swords can be sold quickly at a high price.

Among them, there should be outfits that suit these two.

There were dress-like items too. It might be interesting to dress them up.

The two follow me silently as I feel pleased.

They probably sensed I was thinking something strange.

Well, I don’t expect genuine loyalty from slaves.

As long as they serve me well for better treatment, and I can use them conveniently. They’re also nice to look at.

I like women with long hair.

In that regard, both of them are beautiful. One with long flaxen hair and the other with long silver hair.

Their appearance combined with their elegance makes them fitting for the word “charming.”

I enter a frequently visited store and buy daily necessities for the girls.

I don’t quite understand, but as their master, I can’t let them be inconvenienced. If slaves are looked down upon, it reflects poorly on me.

I call a female clerk and let the girls get what they need. They need not hesitate to ask for necessities. There’s no need to hold back on things that can be bought with money.

Underwear, changes of clothes, beauty products for skin and hair care, all quickly pile up into a mountain.

I’ve heard it takes more effort for women to dress up than men. It’s impressive.

I also buy a lot of clothes to my liking. These two are also here to please my eyes.

The slaves keep asking if I mind every single item, but that’s understandable.

They don’t want to risk displeasing me by making decisions without my consent. Especially as slaves.

I have the mountain of items delivered to my house. It should arrive by tomorrow.

The female clerk handles the payment with a beaming smile.

Spending this much must make her happy. I hope they stock good items with their profits.

I pay in imperial gold coins. I leave the change for the periodic delivery of the girls’ consumables.

It does cost money to keep women.

The girls are visibly surprised at how much I bought for them on the first day and thank me, albeit nervously.

I have far more money than you might think.

That’s what being at the top of adventurers means.

Oh, speaking of money, I need to collect interest from the money lender.

Since I’m often away from home, I need to go there myself.

Banks are troublesome; withdrawing money once deposited is difficult, despite the fees.

Now that I have these two, I can have things delivered to my house.

Having slaves at home is convenient. I already feel the value.

“There’s one more place to visit. Follow me.”


They follow without complaint.

It might tire them out to drag them around too long. We’ll head home after this.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

The sudden dissolution of the Empire’s strongest party. I’ve decided to travel freely through life with my cute companion.

帝国最強のパーティー、突然の解散 可愛い従者を手に入れて人生を自由に旅することにした, The Empire’s strongest adventurer party suddenly disbands. Getting married and retiring as adventurers? Opening a shop too? Lowering the prices so we can visit? Well, if that’s the case, there’s no helping it. Be happy!
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
I had achieved great success as an adventurer of the empire and was even called a heavenly knight. I was at the forefront of the empire's strongest party and had a promising future ahead. However, one day, I suddenly ceased to be at the forefront of the empire's strongest party. If the other two are retiring due to marriage, there's nothing I can do about it.



not work with dark mode