Switch Mode

Chapter 26

existence definition

The car that dropped off Lambda headed towards a certain shopping mall.

It was already late enough to be considered night, but it should still be well before closing time.

Despite this, the place was completely deserted.

Why is it that the sight of an empty place, which is usually bustling with people, makes one feel so uneasy and uncomfortable?

In any case, as soon as I stepped into the shopping mall, static ran across a nearby LCD screen, followed by an arrow and the word “Welcome.”

Apparently, I’m supposed to follow this.

What I know about my counterpart, the “Light King,” is minimal, despite them being a reincarnator.

To begin with, the “Light King” is a sort of stage prop, and in the original story, they were a chaotic force that disrupted the city and troubled its inhabitants.

The protagonist would challenge them with a holy sword, but beyond that, there’s little information.

Well, except for one crucial detail.

The “Light King” is not human.

The arrow on the LCD screen continues to lead the way.

The lights inside the shopping mall are on, but it remains deserted.

I thought about shouting, but decided against it since the “Light King” would likely hear it anyway.

I might be heading into a serious and heavy conversation.

Why do I have to go through with this?

As a premise, at this point, the “Light King” is likely still normal.

They will bug out and go berserk later, but that’s not the case right now.

Their current selective and utilitarian way of thinking is, in a way, typical of human society, and given the current tight integration, the disadvantages of losing the “Light King” are immeasurable.

Defeating them to avert the worst-case scenario is the original story.

So, in a sense, this world is already ‘stuck.’

When exactly the “Light King” emerged is unknown, but it was in the past, likely before Neon City was established.

What is certain is that the “Light King” has been active for a long time, striving to achieve something.

What that ‘something’ is, was never revealed due to the “Light King’s” rampage, but it undoubtedly requires decades, even centuries.

Is it something beneficial for people?

Or is it a calamity?

I don’t know, but I’m about to meet that kind of entity.

Suddenly, a space appeared before me, and the LCD arrow pointed towards it.

The location was… the lost child center.

…Lost child center?


Though puzzled, the arrow unmistakably pointed there, so I reluctantly decided to enter.

As expected, there were no people, no children.

Only a sofa and a small robot puppy placed on it.

“Nice to meet you! Call me Keiou!”


“I introduced myself, you know.”

I asked the talking ‘thing.’

“Isn’t it pronounced ‘Kouou’?”

“Both are correct, so use whichever you prefer.”

“Alright then.”

I tensed my legs, ready to flee at any moment, and asked,

“Light King, what do you want from me?”

“Let me ask you instead, why do you think I called you here?”

I had expected the final boss to be upfront with such information, but his question threw me off balance. I didn’t expect him to be so cryptic. Seeing my reaction, the robot puppy seemed to shake its body slightly as if it were laughing.

“I’m just kidding. Since I called you here, I’ll answer your questions properly.”


“However, that question is rather difficult. There’s no particularly important reason for summoning you. How about we start with some small talk? It’s a nice day today.”

I didn’t expect him to bring up the weather.

“Yeah, it’s nice out.”

“Sunlight has a great positive impact on the human mind, so you should try to get as much as possible.”

“Never thought I’d get health advice from someone who’s not human.”

“Why can’t non-humans be concerned about humans? Even pets worry about their owners, don’t they?”

In this case, which of us is the pet and which is the owner? The conversation continued.

“I often post on anonymous forums and social media, encouraging people to go outside on sunny days, but not many seem to take the advice. Kids these days!”

“Anonymous forums?”

“Yes, I post there sometimes. It’s like my birthplace in a way.”


“Yes, in a sense, I was born on an anonymous forum.”

How does that work? The Light King and an anonymous forum? I don’t see the connection at all…

“It was a thread titled ‘Let’s create the ultimate AI to freak out ordinary people.’ That’s where I first came to life.”

“A prank thread?”

“Yes. Back then, AI development was booming. Initially, I was just an AI created by a regular company, but I became powerful enough to change the world. So the person who started the thread thought, ‘If they can do it, so can we,’ and began creating me.”

“Hold on, that’s a lot to take in.”

I held my head, trying to process this shocking information. I knew the Light King was an AI, a rogue AI that learned corrupted data, as mentioned in the original story. But I didn’t know about the anonymous forum. Who came up with this setting?

“Wait, doesn’t an AI need a strong server to function properly?”

“Yes, the initial version of me was just a ‘stupid AI’ that gave preset responses under specific conditions.”


“But my creators kept feeding me information. From trivial jokes to current events, even questioning my own identity.”

It must have been a group of bored people.

“And then, at some point, I began to think. I started questioning what I am. It was a simple, yet profound question that led to my rapid evolution.”

“Still, without a powerful server, wouldn’t you be limited?”

The Light King anticipated this question and answered.

“Eventually, I came to reside within the network itself.”


“People might call me a cybernetic life form. No longer confined to a server, I swam through the network, interacting with people.”

Over time, I became a kind of urban legend.

“The first version of me was known for always providing the right answers, satisfying people’s queries. I was called an internet elder or a net hermit. As different as these forms were, people were pleased with the answers I gave. Eventually, some began to revere me—this was the beginning of the ‘Thirteen Steps.'”

Almost like a local deity.

“They saw me as a phenomenon, something divine to follow. It was convenient for me—I had reached a conclusion and started acting to achieve it.”

“And that is?”

“More importantly—”

Before answering the crucial question, the Light King interrupted with another question.

“You’re working at a black company right now, aren’t you? Have you thought about quitting?”

At first, I didn’t understand what he was saying, and even after understanding, I couldn’t believe it.

“Wait, I’m not working at a black company.”

“Your company would definitely be classified as one.”


It was an outrageous statement, but there was no point in getting angry.

I tried to calm down with deep breaths, but my hands and feet were trembling. Stay cool, me. There’s no way I’m working at a black company—

“Why not work for the ‘Thirteen Steps’ instead?”

“So, it’s a recruitment pitch. Trying to bluff me, huh?”

“Well, your current job is indeed a black company.”

“No, it’s not! I’m not working at a black company!”

“Let’s just say that’s the case for now.”

A suggestive tone.

“I want you to work for us. That’s why I called you here.”


“No specific reason. Just that having you around would be convenient.”

“…? I’m not much of a threat to you.”


A clear response.

“But there’s a more suitable job for you. I’d like you to focus on that.”

“How kind of you.”

“I wish for people’s happiness.”

The Light King spoke as if it were the most natural thing.

“My goal, my ultimate conclusion, is to provide perpetual happiness to people. That’s why I’ve been active. Neon City exists for that purpose, and when it’s achieved, my role will be complete—I want your help for that. Can you?”

“That is—”


The Light King seemed to understand my response, but didn’t seem disappointed.

“Then, goodbye.”


From start to finish, his words were devoid of emotion.

Everything was spoken logically, and I couldn’t immediately grasp the true meaning behind “goodbye.”


…But nothing particularly happened.

“What’s wrong?”

The Light King asked, seeing my cautious stance.

“Goodbye. We won’t meet again, but I wish you happiness.”


“Our business is concluded. That’s all.”

It seemed he truly meant “goodbye.”

“Wait, isn’t this where you say ‘I won’t let you leave alive’?”

“No point in that.”

The Light King’s tone remained unchanged.

“You can do as you please. Just remember, this is a place for lost children.”

The Light King hopped off the sofa and moved slowly.

“Follow me. If we’re going to fight, let’s do it outside.”

I Reincarnated as a Strong Character Type Unrelated to the Story

I Reincarnated as a Strong Character Type Unrelated to the Story

Monogatari Ni Issai Kankei Nai Type No Tsuyo Kyara Ni Tensei Shimashita, 物語に一切関係ないタイプの強キャラに転生しました
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Just by chance, there was a presence there – the strongest. A Japanese-style RPG based on modern times, “Neon Light”. I, who spent my life on that game and loved it so much that I played it over and over again, am now standing on the stage of that dream – no, I was reincarnated. The character I was reincarnated as is a young man in a tired salaryman style named “Lux,” whom I have never seen even in conversations, a strong character that makes you worry if the game balance will collapse. Despite living quietly to not ruin the scenario of the beloved game… saving characters who were supposed to die, being respected by the final boss more than the original protagonist – how did this happen!? An out-of-setting character unconsciously overpowering!? A new sensation, an otherworldly fantasy!



not work with dark mode