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Chapter 9

The Luvell Baron's Household

The story of the duel spread like wildfire.

The fallen noble challenged the son of the Townset Duke, as well as the sixth seat of the Sword Demon Ten, to a duel. There was no way this wouldn’t become a topic of conversation.

Furthermore, it seemed that Tim was quite angered by this, as he intended to make this duel quite grandiose.

The preparation period was one week.

They rented out a training ground and apparently invited quite a few guests from the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire. Of course, the Townset Duke was among them.

Such large-scale duels were rare.

Normally, they would be conducted quietly under the supervision of a teacher. At least, the audience would only consist of students.

Inviting people from the outside was something that only happened in duels between highly skilled students.

Because it wouldn’t be a spectacle. In other words…

“To think he would bring his parents just because he wants to show them him winning… He’s someone who can’t separate from his parents, huh.”

“Are you one to talk?”

As I muttered on the bed in the room, a voice of exasperation returned.

Gray hair and black eyes.

The first difference between us is that he’s tall. And he ties his long hair back.

His name is Liam Luvelll.

My elder brother, four years older than me.

Twenty years old.

He’s currently an elite assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the royal castle.

“When I heard that you were going to duel with the son of the Townset Duke, do you know how I felt?”

“I’m always causing trouble for you, Brother.”

I quietly bow my head.

My brother is a hard worker. Because of his earnest personality, he ends up taking on a lot of burdens.

The Townset Duke is a prestigious family in the Albios Kingdom.

If someone from the troubled Luvelll Baron’s family were to get into a dispute that escalated into a duel, it would put my brother in a delicate position at the castle.

“My troubles don’t matter. I’ve heard the details from Lena. It irritated me too. If it were your position, I might have done the same. But… do you have a chance of winning?”

“About eighty percent.”

“Do you think you can win!?”

Oh!? My brother’s expression showed surprise.

He involuntarily sat up straight in his chair.


“I’ll lose.”

“Then, isn’t it twenty percent!? Don’t get my hopes up!”

My brother sat back in his chair with an expression that said he had expected as much.

But he asked again after thinking for a moment.

“… Is there really twenty percent?”

“I do have a general idea of his weaknesses.”

“You’re keeping it a secret from me?”

“As a little surprise.”

“Fine. At least if you have a chance of winning, it’s okay. You may have noticed, but I came to persuade you. Before the duel, go and bow your head. That’s my persuasion.”

“It’s understandable from your position, Brother. I’m always sorry.”

My brother is an assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

From the perspective of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, they would want to avoid conflicts between influential nobles of the Albios Kingdom and their own nobles, no matter how small they may be.

Especially the Luvelll Baron’s family. Whether it’s in the Albios Kingdom or the Lutetia Empire.

The Luvelll Baron’s family doesn’t have a good reputation.

Well, what’s done is done. It can’t be helped.

However, it’s the nobles of the Grand Duchy who are most wary of the Luvelll Baron’s family.

They fear when Father’s schemes will turn against them.

So they won’t raise their peerage, nor will they take up important positions.

My brother works at the castle to change that image of the Luvelll Baron’s family. Like a packhorse.

It’s all for me and Lena.

If he’s at the castle, suspicions about Father may diminish a little. It’s like he’s become a hostage himself.

I can’t thank my brother enough for that.

“I would persuade you to bow your head if you didn’t have a chance of winning, but if you do, it doesn’t matter. After all, it’s just a quarrel between students. There’s a limit to how much importance you can attach to it. Even if you lose, it won’t tarnish the family name. Do your best.”

“Thank you. But, Brother, is it really okay with you?”

“I don’t think it will end peacefully at this point. If they’re irritated enough to make a big deal out of it, they won’t be satisfied unless they defeat you in front of the public. So you’ll just have to face them head-on.”

“No, that’s not what I meant… I’m worried about what will happen if I win.”

“You’re already thinking you’ll win? You’re quite confident. But don’t worry about that. I’ll talk to the Townset Duke beforehand, settle it as a dispute between students. Even if you lose, they won’t be able to make any false accusations.”

I nod at my brother’s words.

Considering Tim’s pride, I’m not sure if it will go that smoothly.

But there’s no point in worrying about it now.

“Then I’ll go. I’ll come to watch on the day, so practice hard until then.”

With that, my brother left the room.


The day before the duel.

I’ve managed to deceive Lena and Yukina by telling them I have a good chance of winning.

In the meantime, the preparations for the duel were completed.

The conditions for victory as well.

Our condition was only “an apology to Rena and Yukina.”

On the other hand, their condition was “never approach Yukina again.”

It seems He’s quite obsessed with Yukina. If Tim wins, it’s unlikely anyone brave enough would approach Yukina. That’s why he challenged me to a duel. He probably wants to isolate Yukina for real.

He’s like the embodiment of possessiveness.

It’s not that I approached her, but from his perspective, it probably doesn’t matter.

No matter the circumstances or reasons, He doesn’t like having a man around their fiancée.

“I’m in trouble…”

I can’t afford to lose.

But, the problem is, I can’t think of a good way to win just enough.

Ideally, I don’t want to show too much strength, but I don’t want to lose either.

It’s a luxurious worry, but since many people are coming to watch, I don’t want to show the swordsmanship of a Sword Saint. I don’t know how it could be connected.

Above all, Yukina is watching. If she uses her Heavenly Wolf Eyes, I can’t deceive her.

“It seems you’re in trouble.”

The door to the room opened silently.

There stood a man. His long, disheveled grey hair, black eyes. He held a cane in his right hand and dragged his right foot. Just over fifty, but perhaps it’s the result of his many battles. He had an aura of isolation from others.

A sly smile was plastered on his face.

“I’m sorry for calling you, Father.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

With that, the man entered the room laughing and sat down in a chair.

He was once a schemer who used his own territory as bait to pit the Kingdom of Albios against the Lutetia Empire.

The most unmanageable man in the three countries.

The head of the Luvell baron family, my father, Linus Luvell.

“I was surprised when I heard the story. I thought you picked a fight with a great noble because you wanted to leave the academy quickly, but it seems that’s not the case?”

“Well, there’s a lot to it.”

“I understand. I caught a glimpse of the daughter of the Crawford Duke’s family, and such a beauty is rare to come across, isn’t it? You have a good eye. You’re truly my son.”

“That’s not it. It’s not like that.”

“Don’t be shy. You’re at that age. Is Rena just a front, and that girl is the reason? The opponent seems to be her fiancé. The two families are advancing the engagement to make her the next Sword Saint… but if one side is defeated by a dropout called a ‘failing noble,’ the engagement will likely be called off. Quite the plan, isn’t it?”

“I admit that such a thought crossed my mind… but that’s not the main reason. I was just annoyed.”

“Men’s excuses are unsightly. So? What are you thinking? Are you considering her as a wife? Or as a successor to the Sword Saint? You meet both conditions. Well, compared to the wife of a Sword Saint and a Great Sage, it might be a bit inferior.”

With that, Father laughed merrily.

He’s truly enjoying this.

Only three people know my true identity. My master, the previous Sword Saint, and the previous Great Sage.

And Father.

“Father, please stop joking around. I called you because I need your wisdom.”

“Don’t be angry. I’m just happy to see my son’s growth. Now, let’s get to the main topic. What’s troubling you?”

Father narrowed his eyes. It’s the face he makes when he’s scheming.

“Yukina Crawford… she has the Heavenly Wolf Eyes. If she sees me fighting carelessly, my identity could be revealed.”

“The magical eyes that can see through everything. I see, I see. A natural talent. But if you’re a Sword Saint, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Can’t you cut at a speed that can’t be seen?”

“If I do anything, it will be revealed. There’s the fact that it wasn’t seen. That could lead to me being connected to the Sword Saint.”

A slash so fast that it can’t be captured by high-performance magical eyes. There are only a few who can do such a thing. Therefore, I can’t do anything careless.

“Then it’s hopeless. Give up and make her your disciple or wife. If you bring her into the family, there should be no problem. If she’s strong, there’s no problem, right?”

“I also want to see grandchildren soon,” Father laughed.

I sighed in exasperation at Father.

“I’m trying to have a serious conversation, Father.”

“I pride myself on being wiser than others, but I can’t think of a strategy to overturn a situation that even you, a Sword Saint and a Great Sage, can’t handle. Don’t be unreasonable.”

Father shrugged his shoulders.

Indeed, the situation is already set. It’s hard to do any tricks in this situation.


“Please, think of something. If you’re the greatest schemer in the three countries, you should be able to come up with a nasty plan.”

“What kind of language is that towards your father? Really…”

While grumbling, Father looked up at the ceiling and pondered.

And then.

“There might be one way.”

“Please tell me. How can we prevent her from using the Heavenly Wolf Eyes?”

“Don’t be unreasonable. There’s no such thing, and if you act to prevent it, you’ll be exposing your own identity. A secret is a secret because it’s hidden. You have no choice but to let her use it.”

“So, you’re saying to let it be revealed?”

Father nodded at my words.

Indeed, there’s some truth to it. If I hide it poorly, I’ll only be suspected. So.

“As long as I’m not revealed to be the Sword Saint, that’s all that matters. So you’re saying to show some strength, right?”

“Exactly. The opponent may think you’re hiding your strength, but they don’t think you’re the Sword Saint. So, you just have to reveal that you were hiding your strength. Just defeat them without showing any hint of the Sword Saint.”

“I understand what you’re saying, but… will it really go that smoothly?”

I muttered while sighing. Even a light swing of the sword can reveal habits. It’s an eye that can see through such things. If I could do it without revealing anything, I wouldn’t be struggling.

“It’s not impossible. In addition to your swordsmanship as a Sword Saint, you have another sword technique. The one inherited from your mother.”

“It’s just something I imitated from memories of my childhood and knowledge from books, right?”

“However, if you use it, everyone will be convinced. Your mother was once the best swordsman in the Grand Duchy. Everyone will think, ‘That’s the son of that woman.’ Of course, the daughter of the Crawford family too.”

It’s a typical unreasonable demand from Father. Indeed, if I seal the sword techniques I usually use and face the duel with a technique I rarely use, the chances of being revealed as the Sword Saint will decrease.

But it’s very difficult. Habits come out even without thinking. Whether I can keep it hidden or not.

It’s an unreasonable demand based on my skill. But after all, it’s a seed I sowed myself.

“If that’s the case, I’ll just do what I can. If I can’t deceive them… I’ll think about it when the time comes.”

“Do that. And don’t settle the matter too easily, okay?”


The longer it drags on, the more likely habits will emerge. If I admit that I was hiding my strength, I should defeat them quickly. I don’t want to be traced back to my true identity.


“Well, leave it to me. If I play my cards right, it might turn into a profitable deal.”

With that, Father grinned slyly.

He’s got another bad idea in mind.

The Tale of the Strongest Failed Noble, Mastering the Sword Demon in the Dark Battle

The Tale of the Strongest Failed Noble, Mastering the Sword Demon in the Dark Battle

剣魔極めし落第貴族、学院生活の影で無双する ~しょうがないから剣聖と大賢者してるけど、さっさと守護神やめて自由に生きたい~, ken ma kiwameshi rakudai kizoku , gakuin seikatsu no kage de musō suru ~ shōganaikara ken kiyoshi to taikensha shiterukedo , sassato shugojin yamete jiyū ni ikitai ~
Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In the face of the Galiaar Empire’s invasion, two powerful forces stood firm against their malevolent grasp: the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire. Each nation possessed formidable defenders who repelled the tides of aggression. In the Albios Kingdom, there was the unmatched dual-wielding swordsman known as the “Sword Saint of White,” Cloud. Meanwhile, the Lutetia Empire relied on the ancient abyssal magic wielder, the “Great Sage of Black,” Eclipse. These two individuals, often mistaken for demons by the Empire, harbored a secret—they were one and the same person. And that person’s true identity? None other than Roy Luvell, the second son of a minor noble from the remote borderlands. Despite his clandestine efforts to safeguard both nations, Roy’s life at the academy was far from exemplary. Chronic tardiness, frequent absences, and lackluster grades earned him the nickname of the “Noble Failure.” He wanted to quit the academy if possible, and he wanted to pass on the titles of Sword Saint and Grand Sage to successors. But things didn't always go as he wished. He couldn't easily quit the academy, he was trusted by his diligent sister, he was followed by a cool beautiful girl who was the successor to the Sword Saint, and he was liked by a lively girl aiming to become the Great Sage. And so, amidst this tumultuous existence, Roy Luvell continued to navigate his restless daily routine.



not work with dark mode