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Chapter 62

Heart-Pounding Dungeon Team Selection


During this period of adolescence, everyone starts to truly care about evaluations from others.

What do others think of me?
Am I liked or disliked?

What position do I hold within the group?

Do I even have any value?

It’s difficult not to care about this approval and evaluation from others.

Romantic relationships and friendships.
Who are you dating, and who are you hanging out with?
These determine an individual’s value.

Attractive people gather with other attractive people.
Those good at sports stick with other sporty types.
Those who excel in academics associate with other academic achievers.

School is a microcosm of society.
This doesn’t change even in a fantasy world of swords and magic.

Within that microcosm,
there are those who cannot belong anywhere.

Yes, I am one of them.
Kotori Harusaki, 17 years old.
In this world, I am Kotori Tyler.
I come from the humble background of a woodworking craftsman.

I have memories of my previous life.
My life changed during a school trip in modern society…

No, it didn’t really change much.
I only recently started to remember my past life.
I received a gift, trained as a reincarnated hero, and enrolled in a magic academy.

And after a while, while everyone around me was having fun, I was lying down pretending to sleep when I remembered.

Wait, I really recognize this feeling… Am I, like, in a fantasy world reincarnation?

Since then, I’ve been recalling fragmented memories.
My solitary life without friends in my previous life.
Even in this new world, I was still just a loner.

After all, I’m not cute, my eyes are small and look unfriendly, I’m scared to dye my hair, so it’s black, I gain weight easily, my stomach is, well, chubby overall, I’m shy, I’m scared of people, and I don’t have any special talents.

Even in this reincarnation, I am still me.

Even after enrolling in a magic academy, I, Harusaki Kotori, still have no real friends.

This is my life in another world.
And now, I’m facing the biggest crisis in this new world.

“Alright, everyone! Today we will decide on our teams for the dungeon exploration practice. Exciting, right?”

The cheerful voice of our homeroom teacher makes me break out in a cold sweat.

Yes, the team selection!!!!

The number one source of stress in school life decided by the Loners’ Committee, made by a loner for loners!!

Coming in at second place is the occupied desks and chairs while I’m in the restroom, and third place is the social butterflies blocking the hallway while walking side by side, but team selection takes the first place by double the score!!

No, no, I really don’t want this!!

I don’t want to choose a team because it will definitely lead to an unpleasant experience! It makes me feel miserable!

Why do I have to feel this way?
Just because I’m a little bad at talking to people, why…?!

“For a wizard, a dungeon is a special world. There, due to the dense magical essence, our magic power becomes more than double the usual level… In short, dungeons are also a training ground for wizards. Of course, looking for treasure like adventurers is also acceptable from the teacher’s perspective. If your future career is that of a full-time wizard, research and conference fees can be very costly. The more money you have, the better!”

I can’t focus on the teacher’s explanation.

Please, at least let us decide by drawing lots!!

If it’s by drawing lots, even if I end up with someone popular, I could at least just get a “Ew, do I really have to be with this person?” kind of reaction.

What if this is one of those devilish situations where it’s like, “Alright, everyone, pair up with someone you like!”?

No way, I don’t have that kind of social skill.
What on earth would I say to approach someone? No one would talk to someone like me, a lonely green algae.

Please, I beg you, God! Seven Gods, the Supreme God Maris!!
Please, please, let it be a lottery! A lottery!!

“Well then, regarding the team selection everyone is curious about, we’ll have everyone pair up with someone they like.”

Oooooooh, what?!
It’s over…

“I thought that, but I also think it’s educationally questionable for S-ranked Gifted individuals or those with high-level gifts or magical talent to gather together. So, this time, we’ll decide by a lottery based on compatibility using the chatty sauna hat.”

Wow! Thank you, God!!
Thank you!! Thank you! Honestly, I’ve cursed my D-ranked Gift for not being good enough and resented my violent medieval family background a few times, but God is real!!

From now on, I won’t ignore the trash on the church grounds, and I’ll seriously train this “gift of making salt”!!

God, from today on, I’ll change my heart—

“I thought that, but some of you will become adventurers, right? Especially for reincarnated heroes, gathering companions is one of their abilities. Therefore, this year’s first-year dungeon exploration practice teams will be decided freely by all of you!”



Ah, I can hear the cheers of the popular kids…

And thus, the adventure of Kotori Harusaki in another world came to a close.

“Excuse me, may I ask a question, teacher?”

“Yes, Ritsu Sebuns! Go ahead!”

“You mentioned that we could decide our teams freely, but are there any restrictions on the number of people…?”

“Ah, well, it’s generally around a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 6.”

“Is there any reason for that? Logically, it seems that the more people there are, the more roles can be divided, making dungeon exploration safer and more efficient.”

“Oh, how clever! You’ve developed the habit of thinking for yourself—I’m impressed! Ah, I see, the dorm selection sauna hasn’t ended yet, so I’ll hold off on your scores for now. Oh, and about that reason—this is a good opportunity, so think about it while deciding your teams.

‘Why is it standard for wizards to form teams of 4 to 6 for dungeon exploration’… A hint would be, well, [a dungeon is also a nest for monsters] and [you are beings who can use magic], perhaps? If you can guess the answer before the dungeon exploration begins, I’ll give you extra points!”

“Y-Yes, understood, thank you.”

“You’re welcome! Now, do your best with the team selection! Think about your own abilities and those of your partners—what skills you need to progress in dungeon exploration. Or simply team up with those you get along with. The trust you’ve built up over time is not something to take lightly!”

N-no way! What is that?!
Can we really build up trust over time?!
It sounds as if being a loner makes me a bad hero… What should I do!?

If this continues, I’ll end up like during that school trip, with team selection, and during free time too… Oh no, I’ve spent too much time thinking.

The chatter grows louder.
My classmates are already getting up from their seats.

“Ritsu, let’s team up!”
“… Ritsu, let’s go together.”
“Yeah, of course. Kai is coming too, right?”
“… Yeah, but there are still some leftovers if we’re a team of 6…”
“Ah, don’t worry about it, Kai! We’ll just make a team of leftovers! Right, 1.5 team members?”
“Sasaki, you’re overdoing it!”
“Hmmm, but…”
“If possible, I’d like to find a way for everyone to be together.”

W-what’s this? Those first-stringers.
Can’t they have more of a struggle!?
Even among friends, when it comes to dividing up the numbers, it’s like a brutal separation of the true starters from the bench!

Why are they so casual about it!?

Ah, and the energy of the class is rising higher and higher.
Probably, everyone’s focus is on…

“Natsu-kun! Let’s go to the dungeon together!!”
“Kasuya-kun! Please!! We want to be on the same team!!”
“Aki-sama!! Please let me be your shield!!!”

Wow… This is amazing. People are forming an island.
The first-stringers of the class, to me, someone even above them, it’s like they’re gathering around a goddess, Snow-sama.

But there’s one place with more people than anywhere else.

“Snow-sama!!!! Please let me team up with you!!!!”

“Oh, ahaha. Everyone, the energy is incredible!”

Classmates gather around Snow-sama, regardless of gender…!
Amazing, she’s a real princess, yet her angelic smile remains unchanged even in this other world.
I’ve experienced it myself a few times, like when I dropped my eraser and she picked it up or when she greeted me as we passed by.

That person is a thief of first love!!!!!!
Because she’s so incredibly cute, slender, beautiful, small, and smells so nice!!! She smells so good!!! Even though she’s a girl, why does she smell like lemons?

Ah, life is so unfair.

“Please, Snow-sama! My A-rank gift, ‘Guidance’, can be useful in dungeon exploration!”
“My gift, ‘Star Impact’, can allow me to fight even against A-rank monsters!”
“No, my gift, ‘Physical Enhancement’, can let me be a shield for Snow-sama!”

“Oh, ahaha… um, everyone, let’s, first, calm down…”

What incredible enthusiasm.
It’s something I’ll never experience in my lifetime.
Because I never approach people or get approached by them.

But then, I noticed.
There’s an oddly quiet area in this class.


“…… The sky is beautiful. Hehe…”

“Magic power, magic power, magic power, magic power… Creating the magic circle… Magic power, no, is this… heavier than mana? Hmmm, then how to kill a mental mage…”

“…… Haa”

I’m glad! It wasn’t just me!

Bocchi-z, I believed in you!

Let me explain, Bocchi-z refers to those pure loners recognized by me, Kotori Harusaki.

Even during the class selection for the school trip, it was like that, and in the end, the teacher made a group from the leftovers!

I hope it turns out like that this time too.

I mean, Bocchi-z, please realize.

We were loner companions in our previous life!

“Magic power, magic power, magic power, magic power… Hm?”


Oh no, did he notice my gaze? Am I found out?

That’s definitely Kasuya -kun.

Even with the class having this atmosphere, he’s been sitting alone with his notebook open, muttering something.

Yeah, I get it. It’s a technique to reduce feelings of loneliness or not having friends by doing something! I’ll name it, “Currently working!”

This is a skill only a concentrated loner can do.

As expected of a Bocchi-z comrade, I believed in you.

…But Kasuya -kun is a bit of a different kind of loner.

Somehow at school, he sometimes gets spoken to by Snow-sama, and somehow, even the first-string people seem to care a little, but he’s subtly disliked by the sports clubs or delinquents…

A true loner wouldn’t be disliked in the first place…

Kasuya -kun, so you weren’t a loner…?

“Magic power, magic power, magic power, magic power… Can’t I simplify the Zodiac Hundred Sceneries seal… Mixing the absent and present during combat could be useful for bluffing… Hmmm, should I try it during training with White and the others?”

No, no, no, that’s not true!

That grand solitary monologue!

I can tell! You are an excellent loner!

I’m so glad, so glad.

All I have to do is wait for time to pass, and the teacher should form the Bocchi-z.

Hehe, in this other world, Bocchi-z… If I post about it on a site for aspiring novelists, it might become pretty popular…

“Snow-sama, please! Please join our group!!”

“Ahaha… Umm. I’m so sorry, everyone, but actually, I’ve already decided who I’ll go with for the dungeon exploration team…!”

“I-I know, it’s Aki-sama, Haru-sama, and Natsu-sama, right?!”

“B-but there are still two spots left! Just two more!”

“That’s right! The group can have up to six members! Please, please let me join!”

Phew… It must be tough for the social butterflies.

Good luck with that. As for me, I’ll be here waiting for the formation of Bocchi-z.

“So, um, the spots are… filled already…”



“…What’s wrong?”


“Eh? Seriously—!!?? O-Oh no, besides the people from the border count family, there’s already…!?”

Oh, I see.

So a new top caste has been born.

Well, it doesn’t concern the Bocchi-z, but I’m a broad-minded woman.

“Wh-who is it!?”

“Well, right over there, um, Kasuya … kun.”

Let’s give him praise, the lucky one who caught the princess’s eye!

…Did you just say Kasuya -kun?

Wow, what a coincidence. There are two people with the name Kasuya  in this class…

…Did you just say Kasuya -kun!?!?!??

“Magic power, magic power… Huh? Snow-san, did you say something?”

“W-Well… Katsuk… I mean, Kasuya -kun, what have you been doing since a while ago? Right now, it’s the team selection for the dungeon practicals. Were you listening to the teacher?”

…Snow-sama is quietly moving to Kasuya -kun’s seat.

The wave of people parts for Snow-sama like magnets repelling each other.

“Eh? Ehhh…!?!?”

Eh. Eh.

Everyone is frozen.

Including the first-string people.

Right in front of Kasuya -kun’s desk, there’s an empty chair.

Snow-sama sat there.

Snow-sama is… going to Kasuya -kun――????????

“Are you studying independently again? That’s not good. That’s called doing side work, right?”

“You know a lot of words, Snow-san.”

“Oh, you don’t seem like you’re listening… What kind of notebook is this?”

“Huh? Ah, it’s a secret… I’m researching various things about mages.”

“Hmm… You’re also a mage, though?”

“I can’t use mana, so I’m not a mage.”

What’s happening here?

Ah Kasuya -kun looks really distressed…

Other first-string boys have similar expressions.

The nerds are shedding tears…???

“Snow, what are you doing?”

Ah, Aki-sama!

Uh-oh! Aki-sama hates boys getting close to Snow-sama! (Thanks to my observational studies of loners, haha.)

Oh no, the combat training with Kasuya -kun was canceled due to a gift runaway, but between the S-rank gifted and Kasuya -kun, the difference is like a Chihuahua and a lion!

Kasuya -kun, run away!

Bocchi-z’s motto is to value life!

“Really… what are you doing?”

Aki-sama approaches the two.

“Let’s move on to the meeting. I can fully guess the reasons for the four to six-member group limit that the teacher mentioned. Kasuya , I want to hear your opinion too.”

“Oh? Schwarz-sama, what’s this about?”

“Are you really saying you didn’t hear anything from that flow in class? Hah, well, it’s typical for you. Also, Kasuya , just call me Aki, okay?”

“Ah, my bad, Aki-kun.”

Eh. Eh. Huh?

What’s with this conversation, like an older brother taking care of his somewhat strange younger brother!

It’s kinda cute though!!!

The combination of a golden-haired, blue-eyed, tall handsome man and a black-haired, mob-cat-faced boy is intense!!!

“Did you see that? There was something just now, right? You can’t explain that distance unless you slept or something. I want to buy some paper and a pen. I felt libido.”

Oh, several girls in the class are about to remember their previous lives!

Those corrupted people!!

“Well, that’s fine. In any case, the group selection is already finished. Kasuya  here is our fifth member.”

“Ahaha, I’m sorry, we decided on this beforehand… I really appreciate your feelings, though.”

Aki-sama and Snow-sama announce the facts to everyone.

The classroom falls silent, and then――


The classroom shook.


Thank you always for your continued support.

As you know, Banjin Jujutsushi is an entertainment work that allows readers to experience life in a magic academy in another world alongside a protagonist who has only high combat IQ.

For a little break and distraction, here’s a quiz.

“Why is it standard for mages to form teams of four to six people for dungeon exploration?”

Post your answers on Twitter (now X) with #BanjinJujutsushi, and if anyone gets it right, I’ll post a special short story for supporters only.

This is part of my reader service and an experimental attempt, so if I suddenly stop, please forgive me and think that I gave up.

Look forward to the book version of Banjin Jujutsushi!

Please continue to follow along.

July 29, 2024.

The Ordinary Sorcerer: Growing My Trash Gift to Become the World’s Strongest While Hiding My Identity as a Mastermind Villain—Now S-Rank Beauties Are After Me!

The Ordinary Sorcerer: Growing My Trash Gift to Become the World’s Strongest While Hiding My Identity as a Mastermind Villain—Now S-Rank Beauties Are After Me!

凡人呪術師、ゴミギフト【術式作成】をスキルツリーで成長させて遊んでたら無自覚のまま世界最強〜異世界で正体隠して悪役黒幕プレイ、全ての勢力の最強S級美人達に命を狙われてる? …悪役っぽいな、ヨシ!, The Ordinary Sorcerer: While I Was Playing Around and Unknowingly Growing My Trash Gift [Spell Creation] Using the Skill Tree, I Became the Strongest in the World—In Another World, I Hide My Identity and Play the Mastermind Villain Role, But Now All the Most Powerful S-Rank Beauties Are After My Life? …That Sounds Like a Villain, Perfect!
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
He’s the only one who hasn’t realized he’s the strongest. During a school trip, he was reincarnated. While his classmates were reborn as nobles or knights, Takuto Kasuya, the mob character, started his new life as a homeless orphan.
The gift he was granted as a reincarnator was the lowest-ranked G-grade gift. With no protection or privilege as a reincarnator, he was forced to start his life over from scratch as someone who has nothing. But this man realizes something. —An unfortunate environment, a life at the bottom of the caste system… Wait, doesn’t this sound like the setup for a villain? Not magic, but Kasuya’s own unique power. He hones his curses and earns money, aiming to play the mastermind villain role! However, one day Kasuya realizes something. All the events happening around him… are they the same as in the god-tier game Life Field?
Wait a second… are there others trying to play the mastermind villain role too!? Unforgivable! The true mastermind villain is going to be me! To achieve that, he trains his gift, strengthens his curses, completes his spells, and collects his perks— Without even realizing it, Kasuya became the most powerful being, rampaging through the other world with misunderstandings, momentum, and sheer enthusiasm. He has fun interacting with his classmates who still retain their memories of their previous lives, while hiding his true identity. He starts spreading wild ideas to some overly delusional high-ranking beautiful girls, and before he knows it, he’s worshiped as the King of Curses. Before he realizes it, he also ends up becoming the leader of a shadowy organization that lurks in the world’s darkness, created by a group of high-spec beautiful girls.
He finds himself being hunted for his life and virtue by powerful, intense beauties from high-ranking races. And in the end, he’s going to have to kill a god. All of this, for the sake of shedding his mob character status! To enjoy playing the mastermind villain role! This is the story of an idiot who, while swallowing up every troublesome event, continues to be misunderstood by those around him, as he gathers spells and strives to become the strongest.



not work with dark mode