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Chapter 54

The Blacksmith is an Eccentric③

“Even so, I wonder why the master ignored such a brilliant idea for a new weapon…”

“That old man is so stubborn and stuck in his outdated thinking. Even when I showed him these blueprints, he barely glanced at them. And whenever I tried to explain, he’d just say, ‘Bows are meant to be shot by archers, what would you know, never having been a soldier.’ He’s never fought a day in his life, though…”

When Noein asked, Damian grumbled in frustration.

“Still, you were at least allowed to create a prototype, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, he let me make one, but it was all trial and error, guessing how to shape and attach the parts. The prototype didn’t shoot arrows straight, lacked power, and was pretty much useless.”

“I see. But those issues can be solved with repeated prototyping and refinement, right?”

“Exactly! That’s what development is all about—trial and error! But after just one prototype, the master said, ‘See? I told you it wouldn’t work. Stop dreaming and focus on your training.’ That stubborn old man…”

Damian’s open defiance made Noein chuckle.

The master of this workshop, being a seasoned veteran, was undoubtedly skilled as a blacksmith, but his mindset was deeply rooted in the conservative culture of the northern kingdom. He was the very picture of a ‘stubborn craftsman.’

He and someone young and ambitious, with a flexible mind like Damian, were a terrible match.

The master likely disregarded Damian’s brilliant designs out of sheer pride, thinking, “An inexperienced young craftsman has no business developing new ideas.”

“Well, I imagine the master has his own philosophy as a craftsman that he refuses to compromise on.”

“Hmph, that kind of worthless philosophy isn’t even fit to feed pigs.”

“Haha… Still, after looking at your blueprints and hearing your detailed explanations, I see a lot of potential in this weapon. I believe it can reach a practical level.”

As Noein said this, Damian’s eyes lit up, and he leaned forward eagerly.

“Really?! Then…!”

“Yes. I would like to bring you into my territory. I’ll provide you with a workshop and a development budget. Of course, you’ll still need to handle blacksmithing tasks like repairing iron goods, but I believe you’ll have enough time to focus on development as well.”

“I don’t mind at all! Up until now, I wasn’t even allowed to develop anything. Being given both permission and a budget for development feels like a dream! This is amazing! Amazing!”

As Damian was practically jumping for joy, Noein asked Mathilda to call the master.

When the master heard that Noein was taking Damian in, he was greatly surprised.

“Are you serious about taking him in?! This young… this disrespectful fool?”

“But I’ve heard he’s more than skilled enough as a blacksmith.”

“Well, it’s true that he’s far more skilled and experienced than most of the younger guys… But if he joins your territory, will we lose out on all the orders?”

The master, worried that Damian might steal his business, spoke in a panicked tone.

“No, I expect Damian to handle repairs within my territory, but for new orders—like tools, weapons, and farming equipment—I’ll be relying on you for the foreseeable future.”

It would be impossible to burden Damian alone with all the blacksmith work for the growing Arlkvist domain. Keeping Damian tied up with too much blacksmithing would limit his development work, which would ultimately benefit both the territory and Noein.

When Noein explained this, the master let out a sigh of relief, realizing that his business wouldn’t dry up.

A mere week after the discussions at the Retvik workshop, Damian swiftly quit his job and moved to the capital city of Arlkvist, Noeina.

He brought along a large amount of belongings, including his tools, the prototype crossbow he had previously made, the iron he bought using Noein’s initial development funds, and more. His luggage was so substantial that he had hired a wagon and driver just for the move.

“Noein-sama! Sorry for being late. I was tied up with handing over my tasks at the workshop, and gathering materials for development took longer than I expected.”

“No, you were plenty fast. I’m just glad you made it safely. But you sure brought a lot of stuff, didn’t you?”

“Well, since I’ve been given both the environment and funding to focus on development, I couldn’t help but buy a bunch of materials and tools!”

“I see. I’m glad to see your enthusiasm.”

Now that Damian was a citizen of the Arlkvist domain, Noein shifted to a more formal tone, addressing him as the domain’s lord.

“Then, let’s head to the workshop right away!”

“Hold on, first, I’ll show you the room where you’ll be staying. Let’s head to the mansion.”

Damian, eager to get started, was gently held back by Noein, who smiled as he replied.

Damian was welcomed as a temporary retainer and given a private room in Noein’s mansion where he would live.

Noein planned to officially appoint Damian as a technical officer under his service if he successfully developed and mass-produced the crossbow, and if there were no issues with his work as a blacksmith.

Personally guiding Damian to his private room in the mansion, Noein explained the locations of the steward’s office, dining room, and bath. He also took the opportunity to introduce the three maids working at the mansion.

“So, if you need anything, you can ask Mary, Kimberly, or Rosetta. As for now, that’s about all the explanation you need.”

“And where’s the workshop I’ll be using, Lord Noein!?”

“The workshop is built by the riverside, southwest of here. There’s a small gate in the wooden fence that surrounds this town, Noeina. You can go through that—”

“The southwest, right!? Just go through the gate in the fence, got it! Thank you! I’m off!”

“Ah, wait—”

Before Noein could stop him, Damian had already dashed out through the mansion’s main entrance.

“The new steward is even more energetic than I am, Lord Noein!” said the cheerful Mary.

“How reckless to leave without heeding Lord Noein’s words. I wonder if his head is in order,” commented the serious Kimberly.

“With such a lively person around, the mansion will be even more exciting!” added the laid-back Rosetta.

“He may seem like that, but I bet he’s quite skilled as a craftsman…” Noein remarked.

“Still, both as a subordinate and as a citizen, he seems to lack proper manners. Should I teach him his place?” Mathilda, visibly upset, suggested, feeling that Noein had been disrespected.

“No, no, his behavior shows his passion as a craftsman. He’s a bit out of control, but as long as he’s not causing any harm, he’s fine as he is.”

In the books Noein read as a child, many people with great talents and skills had eccentric personalities. If Damian’s behavior came with professional results, Noein saw no reason to complain.

“However, at this rate, he’ll probably forget to eat or sleep while absorbed in his work… Mary, Kimberly, Rosetta, could you keep an eye on him and make sure he’s eating and resting properly?”

“Leave it to me!” said Mary enthusiastically.

“I’ll keep a close watch,” affirmed Kimberly.

“It would be terrible if he got sick,” Rosetta agreed in her usual relaxed tone.

The maids each responded in their own distinct manner to Noein’s request.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



not work with dark mode