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Chapter 3

Report of the investigation

A week has passed since I arrived at the Heinfeed family estate.

Although we’ve grown closer, allowing each other to call by first names, I still haven’t done anything yet.

Well, I have been studying the Heinfeed territory, but…

That’s right. What I haven’t dealt with yet is the matter of the steward. There’s a process to be followed in removing him.

If I don’t first understand the extent of his involvement in the household’s work, it could lead to unnecessary confusion.

I also need to have a detailed grasp of any other misdeeds he may be involved in.

While I could have overlooked it if it were for the sake of Liel due to some hidden circumstances, based on the way he treats her, it’s almost certain that’s not the case.

When I spoke with her, she told me that he rarely even shows his face, and that the work assigned to her is just left in her room without any report on what he’s actually done.

Even without explicit permission, it’s clear that such behavior wouldn’t be allowed, even if it wasn’t the steward. Without the head of the household’s approval, it’s not even permitted to assign tasks to the lady of the house.

Especially when it involves the head of the family. It’s something even a commoner would likely know.

Therefore, I simply need to thoroughly investigate him and decide how far he should be punished.

With Liel’s permission, the investigation began, and I also set my servants into motion. Officially, she was supposed to inspect the estate from a duchess’ perspective and give her insights on any internal issues.

And today, we uncovered decisive evidence.

This old man named Brown, the steward, had been embezzling the marquess family’s money.

And it wasn’t a small amount — it was at the level of thousands of gold coins, and it had been going on for more than ten years.

In this country, embezzlement of taxes is considered a very serious crime, one that’s almost certainly punishable by death.

Actually, in this case, it’s likely to affect his entire family. That’s because the amount he embezzled was enough to endanger the town.

It’s not just theft within a noble’s household. This far exceeds the category of robbery or fraud — it’s practically an attack on the state itself.

And now, I have to inform Liel of this.

There’s something she’ll have to do herself: she will need to make the difficult decision of sentencing the long-serving steward and many of the branch family members to the gallows.

To avoid making her feel left out and upset, I also asked her to call Lady Emelia, so the three of us could have a private discussion.

“I’m here. So, what’s this important talk about?” her younger sister asked, as cautious as ever.

Liel, who came in with a smile, sat down on the sofa.

At the same time, I ordered my servants to clear the room, and after confirming no one else was around, I began to speak.

“Liel, I’m sorry, but this isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. Please brace yourself.”

“Huh?” she began to panic, even though I hadn’t said anything yet.

“Just say it already!”

“Alright. As you know, I had my people investigate the estate to check for any internal issues, right? During that, I was also studying the territory, and we discovered that someone in this household has been embezzling funds from the domain.”

I said it, but both of them just stared at me blankly.

“Then just have the guards arrest them and throw them in jail,” Lady Emelia replied, making it clear that the two of them misunderstood.

“If it were that simple, it would be easy… But the culprit is the steward of this house.”

“W-what…?” Both of them froze as if time had stopped.

They probably thought it was a servant who had stolen something.

But in such cases, it would typically be classified as simple theft.

Embezzlement, however, refers to taking money through administrative means.

“That guy, if he says it’s on the head of the family’s orders, he can even get the soldiers to move. As long as he keeps you away from the soldiers, he can pretty much do anything.

If Liel were to be confined, he could get away with a lot.”

“Immediate action is needed. Here’s the evidence,” I said, handing over the estate’s financial ledgers, reports from trading companies, and the past transaction records my people had gathered.

Though confused, I could see her eyes rapidly scanning the numbers.

I was impressed by her quick understanding and became curious about how much she was grasping.

“Can you tell what’s wrong?”

“Yes… The ledgers show that the amount of monster materials has been decreasing year by year, but in reality, there’s no such decline.”

“What? How can you tell?” an astonished Lady Emelia asked, prompting an explanation.

“Although the quantity of monster materials hasn’t changed, the trading company’s reports and the ledgers show a decreasing amount. This discrepancy has been growing year by year, and now the difference is enormous.”

Even if the false reports misappropriated Heinfeed’s tax revenue, the actual number of materials coming in would be checked elsewhere.

The reports are simply compiled by specific trading companies for the lord.

“I understand that, but how do you know it’s Brown?” Liel asked, looking anxiously at me.

“Who else would handle the ledgers but the steward or you? This has been going on for ten years.

The steward of the Heinfeed family is also in charge of the treasury. Is your management really that lax?”

“That’s… true.”

“Ten years?! He’s been doing this since father’s time?!”

“Lady Emelia, please lower your voice. I’ve ordered everyone out, but if he catches wind and flees with the money, it will be a huge problem. The total damage is at least two thousand large gold coins.”

“W-what…?” Both of them shuddered as if a chill ran down their spines, whispering in disbelief.

“To be honest, this is a result of the former head’s negligence. It’s difficult to notice unless the discrepancy started to increase.

But, well, it’s pretty obvious once you visit the steward’s house…

There’s no way a mere steward could build a grand mansion and multiple houses for the branch families on the same estate.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t even be able to maintain such property. Anyone who received proper education as a lord and faced their duties would have noticed.

These people are living in a far better house than the steward of a duchess’ family. It seems the entire branch family is living in far more luxury than you, the lord of the domain.”

“Y-Yes, now that you mention it, that’s true… I always thought that’s just how the steward’s house was, since it’s been there since I was a child,” muttered Lady Emelia.

It seemed she had known it was the steward’s house and had seen it before. I could understand how, having grown up with it, she would think it was natural.

“If only… if only I had been braver and explored outside more,” Liel said, holding her head in despair.

She regretted choosing to withdraw from society due to her appearance.

“You can still make up for more than half of it, so please don’t worry. Also, neither of you are to blame. The real culprit is the tutor, who was supposed to teach you everything. But, if we make a mistake, there’s a chance they could escape, so I’d like you, Liel, to directly mobilize the territorial army.”

“Eh, not the guards…?” Liel asked in confusion, and I answered clearly.

“They’ve now rebelled against the nation. We must apprehend all members of their family. If they resist, please give the order to kill them.”

There was a reason I was speaking so strongly in this situation. It was because this was now an act of treason against the state. At this point, it went beyond the jurisdiction of even the lord. If we didn’t follow the rules to some extent, it could become a major failure for the Heinfield family.

I said this, but seeing Liel still looking unconvinced, I pressed her further.

“You’ve studied law, right? Please take your time and compare it with this case.”

“I understand that Brown and the head of the merchant guild deserve the death penalty, but… their entire family?”

“Yes. The amount of money involved is so large that it’s clearly affecting the town’s defense. In this case…?”

“Oh! It’s considered an attack on the state…”

I nodded at her response and added as a newcomer, “This information comes from the Duke’s investigators. If you’re left with any doubts, I recommend using the territorial army for further investigation. I don’t recommend using the guards, though.”

“Isn’t it just suppressing an unarmed group? Why can’t we use the guards?”

“Because it’s an organization that couldn’t detect fraud for ten years. There’s a possibility they’re connected, and if they are innocent, it would only show their incompetence in investigation. That’s why the lord must personally conduct the arrests.”

With this, Lady Emelia seemed to understand. She exchanged glances with Liel, and they nodded in agreement.

“If it can be done discreetly, there’s no need to rush. Even waiting until the next tax collection is fine. Keep that in mind and don’t get too anxious. After all, part of the money is coming from us.”

Well, in that case, we would need to inform the military in advance, though. As I thought of this and was about to close the conversation, Lady Emelia raised her voice.

“You… you’re amazing. You’ve figured everything out and handled it yourselves…”

“I can only do it because I’ve been taught how. If we’re talking about impressive things, your combat abilities are just as extraordinary.”

Lady Emelia widened her eyes and looked at her tightly clenched fist. “I see…” she murmured while staring at it.

I sincerely hoped that fist wouldn’t be directed at me and tried to shift my focus.

“Well then, let’s end this unpleasant discussion here. If we follow the proper procedures and recover the funds before they can flee, everything will be much easier. In that case, you won’t need excessive austerity or military cutbacks anymore.”

“Thank you truly, for everything. I don’t even know how to properly express my gratitude to Lord Licht…”

She must have been feeling inadequate. She looked more dejected than I’d ever seen her, and for some reason, she seemed smaller in stature. Well, no, she still looked large… Yes, she didn’t seem small at all. I guess we’re in the same boat.

Alright, it looks like I’ve gained a bit of trust now. Time to make her feel even smaller.

I make a request to Liel, thinking this would be a good moment.

“Well then, I have one request from you――――――――”

“Y-Yes! Please, ask me anything!” she responds eagerly.

After nodding slowly to acknowledge her enthusiasm, I look directly at her.

“Tonight, would you wear a backless dress, clear the room, and come to my bedroom?”

I was about to continue by saying it was for a confidential conversation――――――――

But before I could finish, I noticed that Lady Emelia’s fist was already flying toward my face.

By then, it was too late.

My vision slowly darkened along with the impact.

“Seriously, can’t let your guard down around this pig!”

“Hey! What are you saying?! You should apologize properly to Lord Licht! Besides… if it’s what Lord Licht desires, then even before marriage, I wouldn’t mind…”

“Wait, sis! You’re okay with being held by this guy?!”

“I… I’m not sure how I’d feel… I don’t know what Lord Licht is like at night, so I can’t say for sure if I’d be okay or not…”

The voices sounded loud and lively as I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a sharp pain in my cheek. Ah, right… I was punched by that violent woman.

It doesn’t seem like much time has passed; the sun hasn’t set yet. Well, I didn’t really sleep, but still…

Wait, why did I get punched again?

I guess the way I phrased it was bad. I should have started by explaining it was about a secret discussion. But is punching someone without hearing them out really justified?

Feeling disheartened, I glance over at the ceiling, and as I shift my gaze, a small, round butt comes into view. It’s so close that if I turn over, my face might touch it.

Huh?! Why is there a butt so close to my face?!

After a quick realization, I notice it’s Lady Emelia’s. She’s already cleared the room! Why is she so close to me?! I don’t want to die just yet!

Thinking that, I quickly turn my face toward the back of the sofa I’m lying on.

“Oh! Lord Licht! Emelia apologizes. See, say you’re sorry!”

“Look, if you’re going to invite someone, at least do it in a better way. In front of my sister, and making it sound like compensation for work… Fine, I’ll apologize for hitting you.”

It wasn’t just a slap; it was a full punch. But it seems like I made it in time to clear things up. While thinking that, I started to feel frustration bubbling up toward the condescending Emelia.

“Are you stupid or what? You think I’d make such an invitation in front of her? There was more to say before you hit me!”

“Then hurry up and say it!” she retorts, her face turning red in anger.

“I’m truly sorry. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you…” Liel apologizes, looking sincere.

“Liel, you did nothing wrong. Let’s continue the conversation. Since I’ll just be explaining, I guess we can do it here. But listen up, no raising your voice, okay?”

As I give Emelia a sharp look, she reluctantly agrees, saying, “Fine, just hurry up!”

“You remember how I spent ten years locked up in the archive, right? That was to find a cure for my illness.”

“What?! But isn’t that an incurable disease if it progresses too far…?”

“Yeah. It was, until I developed a new magic.”

Both of them let out a startled “What?!” and I quickly signal them to lower their voices by saying, “Shh~,” to which Emelia impatiently urges, “We get it, so hurry up!”

“To treat it, I need to touch either the chest or the back. I figured a backless dress would be the most convenient, so that’s why I asked. Also, I don’t want anyone to steal this technique, so I don’t want people knowing I can perform this treatment yet. That’s why I’d prefer people to think that something else was happening between us if they hear about it…”

This magic is the result of ten years of hard work, and it’s a product of both determination and sheer luck. It was incredibly difficult to develop, and its potential use extends beyond just medical purposes. That’s exactly why I want to keep it secret for now. Even within my own household, I’d rather it remain private for a while.

I explain this to them, but Emelia still looks at me with suspicion.

“What’s your deal…?” I ask, confused by her glare.

“If you can heal yourself, why are you still fat?”

“…Shut up. I’ve lost weight, actually.”

“Wait, you’ve lost weight? By how much?”

“I’ve lost thirty kilos already! Isn’t that enough for now?”

“What?! Thirty kilos?! I would only be ten kilos! Being a disgusting pig must be hard, huh!”

I snapped. As I glared, wondering what to do about her, Liel, with a furious expression, slapped Emelia’s cheek.

“How could you say that! That’s the lowest! I can’t believe it! Deep down, you’ve always looked down on me too, haven’t you!?”

Her face filled with anger and sadness as she glared at her sister. This must have never happened before. Emelia’s expression quickly crumbled, and she looked on the verge of tears.

“N-No, I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t talking about you, sister!”

“It doesn’t matter! If that’s what’s in your heart, then it’s the same for me and Lord Licht!!”

Emelia, murmuring “No, that’s not true,” began to cry, but Liel didn’t relent and drove her out of the room.

“I’ll say this first: no apology is necessary. You’re Liel, and you’re going to be my wife. I don’t want you feeling sad about apologizing for something you don’t need to.”

“Ugh… Lord Licht, why are you always so kind?”

I’m not kind at all. Most of my actions are calculated. The reason I came to this house in the first place was to create a situation where everyone would recognize me and I could live an easy life in a comfortable position. Even now, I’m working to execute that plan.

Liel is a pure-hearted person, and being with her feels pleasant, so there’s no lie in the vows I made to her. I’d be happy if I could help her, and I do hope we can truly care for each other.

As for this overweight body, I’ve seen it in the mirror enough times to get used to it, and I’ve already figured out how to slim down. That’s why, for me, Liel is someone I genuinely want to marry.

On the other hand, no matter how good-looking someone is or how comfortable their position might be, I’d rather not marry someone who insults me.

I conveyed those thoughts to her clearly.

“I-I see… That makes sense. I’ve also grown used to your body, so it doesn’t bother me. So… is it okay if I truly wish to be your wife?”

“Um, you got what I meant, right? I’d be happy to ask you to be mine, but I’m not a nice guy. I’ve got my cruel sides too.”

I emphasized my point, but she shook her head as if to say it wasn’t a concern.

“No. As long as you’ll accept me, that’s enough.”

Her words, “That’s enough,” struck a chord deep inside, and I felt my eyes water, but I held back and smiled at her.

“I see. Then I’ll trust you. Just don’t abandon me, okay?”

I smiled as I said that, and she finally showed her usual smile. “That’s my line,” she said with a soft laugh.

After that, the two of us discussed how to capture the culprit behind the embezzlement case. Surprisingly, she was eager to end it as soon as possible, and that very night, a large-scale raid was conducted by the domain’s army to apprehend the suspects.

Born the Son of a Pig Duke, Engaged to the Ugliest Woman, Together We Rise to Power

Born the Son of a Pig Duke, Engaged to the Ugliest Woman, Together We Rise to Power

豚公爵令息に生まれて国一の醜女に婿入りすることとなったが、僕は彼女と成りあがる。~ふふふ、絶対的な立場を作ってわからせてやろうじゃないか~, I Was Born the Son of a Pig Duke and Became Engaged to the Ugliest Woman in the Kingdom, but Together We Will Rise to the Top. Heh Heh Heh, Let’s Build an Absolute Position of Power and Make Them Understand
Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
While I was attending the academy, often insulted as a “pig,” I was summoned by my father during the summer break. When I listened to what he had to say, it turned out I was to be engaged to a girl who was a frontier marquis, suffering from the same illness that caused limitless weight gain and eventual death, just like I had.
Since she’s the head of her family, I would marry into hers.
Apparently, it was an order from His Majesty the Emperor. They said it would be just right for us to comfort each other, since we’re both going to die from the same illness. But I’m already cured… So what happens in this case? And so, I ended up marrying into her family. I rebuilt the territory and silenced those who mocked me at the academy, gradually establishing my own position of power.



not work with dark mode