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Chapter 53

Those Eyes Were Clear

I was one of the adventurers dispatched for a crazy plan to develop Nordshale.

I believe the one who came up with the plan was a noble near Nordshale.

They should have realized the dangers with a little investigation, but instead, the fool decided to proceed with the development.

That said, things went smoothly at first.

Adventurers who didn’t understand the dangers of Nordshale, adventurers who knew but couldn’t suppress their curiosity, and adventurers seeking treasure hidden in unknown lands.

There were all sorts, but overall, the adventurers were highly skilled, so the development progressed well initially.

As for why I joined… I think I wanted to change the frustration I was feeling.

Or maybe I was looking for a place to die.

I can analyze it objectively now, but those feelings have long since faded.

Anyway, that’s not important.

The issue at hand is the prince’s offer.

No matter how meticulous the plan, developing Nordshale is an extremely difficult task.

It would take years, not something that could be finished in just a few.

Even with minimal development, it would take decades.

Therefore, if I accept the prince’s offer, I’d be dedicating the rest of my life to the development of Nordshale.

My goal is to master the sword.

Nordshale is teeming with powerful monsters, which aligns with my purpose.

Yet, I hesitate.

Is it really okay to accept?

Is it okay to lose my freedom?

Is it okay to involve Arcelia?

I’m torn.

“…This isn’t good. I can’t concentrate.”

I stop swinging my sword and take a breath.

The training grounds of the academy are empty except for me, and the only sound is the wind.

I sheathe my sword and stand still, lost in thought.

This is a crucial turning point.

The decision I make will drastically change my life.


What would my past self have done in this situation?

If I had gained the talent I longed for, but my thoughts and experiences remained the same, what would I have decided?

There are two choices.

Both have their pros and cons.

How would I determine which to choose?


As I think, I realize just how much I’ve changed.

For better or worse, I’ve gotten too involved with people.

And not the kind of people I knew in my past life.

While the sword remains my top priority, other things have crept up alongside it.

That’s why I’m so conflicted.

Perhaps… it’s also because I don’t want to fail in this life.


I turn around when I hear my name called.

“What are you doing, standing there like that?”

Arcelia approaches, her beautiful golden hair fluttering in the wind.

She’s holding two books, probably having just returned from the library.

“Nothing much. Just thinking about the prince’s offer.”

“…It’s rare for you to be so indecisive.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes—let’s sit and talk for a bit.”

I follow Arcelia’s gesture and sit down on the steps of the training grounds.

Our shoulders are close, almost touching with just a slight movement.

We sit in silence for a while, listening to the wind and watching the fallen leaves roll across the ground.

“I thought… you’d already made up your mind.”

“Why’s that?”

I ask, gazing into the distance.

“Because… you’re obsessed with the sword, aren’t you? You’re also curious about the outside world… and you hate being tied down. So I figured you’d refuse the offer.”

“You really… know me well, don’t you?”

I couldn’t help but look at Arcelia.

Obsessed with the sword, curious about the world outside, and a dislike for being bound.

Those were all my core traits.

While I could accept her knowing about my obsession with the sword, I didn’t expect her to understand the other two so well.

Without paying attention to my gaze, Arcelia continued speaking with her well-formed lips.

“I know because… I’ve been watching you and thinking about you all this time.”


I see, I thought, understanding her words.

Arcelia has no other friends besides me, and apart from that twenty-day period, she’s always been with me.

It’s no surprise that she understands me so well.


Now it’s Arcelia who turns her gaze towards me.

“What are you hesitating about?”

Her sharp gaze made me glance at her from the corner of my eye.

Our eyes met.

Her hair was caught by the wind and fell across her face, so I gently brushed it aside with my fingers.


Then, I looked away, facing forward again.

“It’s true that the sword is my top priority. I also want to travel the world. And I hate being under someone’s control. But, you know, Nordshale is special to me.”

It’s where I died and realized my regrets.

That has been weighing on me.

Logically, considering my desires and the conditions of the prince’s offer, I shouldn’t accept it.

Longings, attachments, gut feelings—none of these are logical.

But, I’m quite the romanticist.

I’m enchanted by the sword, and I cling to the visions of the past.

In fact, I believe that it’s the non-rational things that drive me forward.

That’s why I hesitate.


After a brief pause, Arcelia spoke again.

“I’ve thought about it.”

I turned to look at Arcelia’s profile.

At the same time, she turned her face towards me.

“You don’t have to decide now. Didn’t the prince say after you graduate? So, you have three years. During that time, you can think it over while traveling the world as an adventurer.”


“You may be uncertain now. But… after experiencing new things over the next three years, you might feel differently. You can think about it again then.”

People are constantly changing.

Physically, mentally, and in their thoughts.

No one knows what they’ll be like tomorrow, let alone in three years.

I found myself gazing into Arcelia’s eyes.

Those beautiful golden eyes I had seen so many times before.

When we first met, they were empty.

But she regained the light in her eyes after the martial arts tournament.

However, that light was clouded, casting an eerie shadow.

What about now?

What do her eyes look like now?

I couldn’t help but stare into them… and found them beautiful.

It’s a cliché expression, but they were so pure and beautiful, I was captivated.

They weren’t clouded at all—they were clear and transparent.

They didn’t have the brilliance of a gemstone.

They were like the twilight sky—beautiful, gentle, and serene.

“…You’re right.”

I managed to speak as I looked away.

I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

“…I never imagined Arcelia would say something like that.”

Up until now, Arcelia had only followed behind me.

Selfishly, her world had revolved around me.

But now, Arcelia was different.

She wasn’t following behind me anymore; she was walking beside me.

Realizing this, I felt a mix of embarrassment and joy.

“I don’t want to keep relying on you. I don’t want to keep leaning on you. That wouldn’t be an equal relationship.”

“You’re right.”

“That’s why…”

Arcelia and I locked eyes.

“If you’re ever unsure, I’ll help you. And… if I ever hesitate, you’ll help me, okay?”

Arcelia smiled gently.

It was a small smile, just a slight lift of the corners of her mouth, and a softening of her cheeks.

But it was the first smile I had ever seen from her.

TN:This chapter was such W

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

剣鬼転生 極めし剣は魔術を斬り裂く, Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic, Kenki Tensei: Kiwameshi Ken wa Majutsu o Kirisaku
Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In a certain world, there was a man. In that world, magic had developed, and the common belief was that swordsmen wore armor and used shields. However, the swordsman the man had seen as a child was different. He wore no armor, used no shield. He faced off against monsters with nothing but a single sword. The man was captivated by that image and longed to be like him. But the man had no talent. As he grew older, he came to face reality and eventually became a swordsman who wore armor and carried a shield. One day, the man stood before a monster. All his comrades had died, and he was the only one left. In that extreme moment, the man remembered his true desire: —I want to wield the sword. He stripped off his armor and threw away his shield. Just like the figure he once saw, he faced the monster with nothing but a single sword. But in an instant, his chest was pierced, and he realized he was going to die. Frustration welled up inside him, and he wished: —In my next life, I want talent. This is the story of a man captivated by the sword, driven mad by it, and ultimately dedicating his life to it.



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