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Chapter 1

The training partner is a cool beautiful girl.

There are several countries on the Rodinia continent, which is shaped like a distorted D.

However, when divided into large, medium, and small sizes, there is only one country classified as large.

It is the “Galiaar Empire”, a major power that claims almost half of the continent as its territory.

The eastern half of the continent can be said to be the territory of this Galiaar Empire.

The Empire has been expanding its territory through aggressive invasion policies for twenty years since the current emperor took the throne.

However, shadows began to appear in its invasion about two years ago.

The resistance of each country became intense.

Especially the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire, located in the northwest of the continent. They belong to the middle in terms of territory. And the small country that supports both countries, the Bellrand Grand Duchy.

The empire is having trouble with this “Tripartite Alliance”.

At the center of it are the White Swordsman and the Black Great Sage.

The empire frequently dispatches troops to somehow defeat them, but they are all repelled.


The Tripartite Alliance is not content with the status quo. They are not in a dominant position just because they are repelling the invasion.

The immediate task is to develop better and stronger human resources.

Therefore, in the Bellrand Grand Duchy, which is located in the rear and does not border the empire in terms of territory, there is an academy jointly operated by the three countries.

Its name is “Glassrain Academy.”

This academy, established ten years ago, is an academy for educating the talents of the three countries, gathering excellent teachers from the three countries.

There are middle and high schools, and there are two departments.

The “Magic Sword Department” taught by the teachers of the Sword Country, Albios Kingdom, and the “Magic Department” taught by the teachers of the Magic Country, Lutetia Empire.

The uniform of the Magic Sword Department is white. The uniform of the Magic Department is black.

Become strong to protect the country.

With such a strong will and pride, talented young people are gathering.

The last seat of that Magic Sword Department.

I, Roy Luvell, am always the regular bottom.


“Hey, ‘Noble Failure,’ you’re late as usual.”

“I thought you might skip today’s practical training!”

“Because you always end up losing miserably every time!!”

Entering the classroom labeled “Sword Magic Department First Year,” several people notice my presence and start hurling words at me.

It’s too much hassle to argue back, and what they’re saying is true anyway, so I quickly take my seat.

I slump over my desk and close my eyes.

Sleep is a natural right given to people.

I’m lacking sleep because I went to the Lutetia Empire early this morning.

I should be allowed to sleep for the short time before class starts.

“Sleeping again, huh?”

“That’s because you’re good at nothing else, right?”

“With the title of Baron Luvell, it’s surprising, isn’t it?”

“Truly the ‘Noble Failure.’ Your father, brothers, and even your sister must be embarrassed.”

Commonly known as the “Noble Failure.”

It’s quite a fitting nickname.

The current head of the Luvell Baron Family is my father, who manipulated the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire with his cunning. Twelve years ago, he used his territory as bait to lure out extremists from both countries to the battlefield, exterminating them and creating the Three Nations Alliance. A remarkable figure hailed as the “Gray Fox” by both countries for his scheming.

My older brother is an elite serving the current king. My sister Rena ranks second in the middle school section.

Those with gray hair, in other words, the Luvell Baron Family, are excellent. That was the common knowledge in the Bellrand Grand Duchy. However, exceptions exist.

That would be me.

My nickname as the “Noble Failure” stems from being the only dropout in an excellent family line, and from not failing due to certain circumstances despite the expectation. And the disgraceful incompetence of accepting such a situation.

In other words, as a member of the “Luvell Baron Family,” as a “student of the academy,” and as a “noble.”

I’m failing in all respects.

Well, regardless of the truth, judging solely by what the students at the academy see, I’m quite the problematic child.

I rarely attend morning classes, and when I do, I sleep through them. But that doesn’t mean my grades are good.

The students who come to this academy all have some degree of ambition. Whether it’s to protect their homeland, their family, or to advance in society, they have various reasons, but they are all looking forward.

If someone like me is mixed in there, there’s bound to be gossip.

Even I think they should just expel me already.

It’s quite absurd to play the role of both a student and a Sword Saint and Great Sage.

But I don’t get expelled.

That’s due to certain circumstances.

Even I, to the Bellrand Grand Duchy, am considered a “valuable talent.”

From the perspective of the Bellrand Grand Duchy, both the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire are major powers. Naturally, there’s a difference in talent as well.

Currently, there are hardly any top-performing students from the Bellrand Grand Duchy. That’s how big the difference is. However, due to the founding principle of fostering talents cooperatively among the three nations, a certain number of young people from the Bellrand Grand Duchy are admitted to the academy every year.

It’s called the “local quota.”

However, the Grand Duchy struggles even to secure that local quota. There are so few who can even meet the minimum admission requirements. That’s why I’m not expelled.

That’s the reason why I, despite poor grades, don’t fail. Even if my grades are terrible.

Because I’m a crucial part of the local quota.

Naturally, this special treatment doesn’t sit well with the diligent students who attend the academy to protect their homeland.

But it’s the academy’s—and the Bellrand Grand Duchy’s—policy, so there’s no helping it.

“Alright! Take your seats! All of you!”

A stern-faced teacher enters the classroom.

The previously bustling room falls silent as students settle into their seats.

The teacher scans the room, noticing me, and smirks.

“So, the late riser is here.”

“I was woken up.”

“Grateful for that. Now we have an even number.”

With that, the teacher raises their voice.

“Everyone, change into your practice attire and assemble at the training grounds! Today’s practical training will be a mock battle!”

Hearing the announcement, I grimace.

I won’t be able to sleep during a mock battle.


“Today, it’s a tournament format. Win, and you’ll face stronger opponents. Lose, and it’s back to basic training. If you want experience, win. The top-ranked student gets permission for special training.”

The students here are driven by ambition.

Losing early means missing out on valuable experience—an opportunity they find wasteful.

Moreover, special training is reserved for high-achievers. That reward alone ignites their passion.

But I’m different

“I might as well lose quickly and slack off.”

I didn’t come here to study; I came here to sleep.


The academy is a place to nurture exceptional talents who will protect the country.

Naturally, to defend the nation, one must become strong. After all, there’s a clear enemy—the Empire—across the three countries.

In the massive circular training ground, students clad in practice attire have gathered.

”First, pair up for warm-up exercises! You were informed of your partners in advance!”

…Except I wasn’t informed.

Other students quickly find their partners, forming pairs one after another. Meanwhile, I stand there, feeling like an outcast. Is being a loner too intense?

Just as I ponder this, the teacher calls my name.

”Luvell! Roy Luvell!”


”Don’t space out. Your partner is her.”

The teacher points toward the entrance of the training ground.

There stands a girl with jet-black hair—an astonishingly beautiful girl. My gaze is involuntarily drawn to her.

Her posture is elegant, her skin fair, and her expression icy. The girl walks toward me, her long black hair swaying.

Around me, others murmur.

”Third seat of the “Sword Demon Ten”—the Ice Sword Princess, Yukina Crawford…”

”Wasn’t she supposed to be recalled to her home country? Why is she back…?”

”Winning first place today seems impossible…”

The collective loss of enthusiasm from those around me indicates her absolute presence.

Perhaps the teacher was pleased about achieving an even number because she returned.

‘Sorry for being late, Sensei.’

”Don’t worry. You’re just in time for the mock battle. Is that okay?”


The girl known as the Ice Sword Princess lives up to her nickname with her cold voice. Many seem to appreciate that, but personally, I prefer warmth in a woman.

However, I can’t deny her appearance.

Among the male students, she’s dubbed the ‘prettiest girl in the Magic Sword Department,’ and that’s not far from the truth.

Indeed, she’s beautiful.

Her jet-black hair exudes a captivating allure, like the night sky. Her pale blue eyes emit the same chilly light as her voice.

Her snow-white skin makes me wonder if she even has body heat—it’s that unsettling.

Her icy expression adds to her mysterious aura.

Despite not having an imposing physique, she exudes a presence greater than anyone else here.

”Roy, she’s your opponent. Take this seriously, or you’ll get hurt.”

With a smirk, the teacher leaves, leaving me standing there while Yukina readies her practice sword.

“Nice to meet you, Roy-kun.”

“Ah, y-yes…”

The warm-up exercises are already underway.

All the students here are part of the Magic Sword Department, which means they’re all swordsmen. The warm-up consists of simple sword sparring.

However, she’s known as the Ice Sword Princess—an exceptional talent. Warm-ups for highly skilled individuals require a certain level of proficiency.

“Here I come.”

With those words, Yukina moves her sword.

A slash from the left.

It’s fast, but not at full strength. She’s probably testing if I can react.

Against an ordinary opponent, this strike would catch me off guard, but she’s a bit different.

Yukina Crawford is a descendant of the former Sword Saint.

Hailing from the renowned Crawford Duke family in the Albios Kingdom—a country known for its swordsmanship—she aims to become the next Sword Saint.

She openly declares this goal, and it’s no mere boast.

The academy has a rank called the “Sword Demon Ten,” which includes only top-performing students from both the Magic Sword and Magic Arts Departments. These ten individuals are considered rising stars with the potential to become the next Sword Saint or Great Sage.

Despite being a first-year student, Yukina holds the third seat in this prestigious ranking.

Truly a prodigy. Across the entire academy, there are no swordsmen as talented as her.

In other words…

She’s a contender for inheriting the Sword Saint’s position—the very seat I currently hold.

If a genuinely strong successor steps up, I have no reason to continue as the Sword Saint.


The current Yukina isn’t even on par with the Seven Celestial Swordsmen.

That’s because she has a clear weakness.

As the “noble failure”, my influence on her training might be limited. I rarely have opportunities to personally mentor her as the Sword Saint, and I certainly don’t have time to take on an apprentice. She needs to become stronger on her own, at least to a basic level.

Given her clear weakness, perhaps I should offer some guidance here. If her growth accelerates, it’s a win for both of us.

I parry Yukina’s sword strike with my own blade.

She looks slightly surprised but attempts to increase her attack speed.

However, I won’t allow it.

Yukina excels in offense, but her defense is lacking.

At the student level, few would dare to engage Yukina in a defensive battle. Consequently, her defense skills lag behind her offensive abilities.

But when faced with a battlefield or formidable opponents…

Defense becomes crucial. Surviving provides opportunities.

Yukina pulls back her sword, preparing for the next attack, revealing a slight opening.

I step forward and deliver a straightforward thrust.

It’s an unremarkable thrust without much speed.

Yet, it perfectly exploits Yukina’s vulnerability. She was too focused on attacking. Assuming an opponent is weak just because they don’t counterattack is hubris.

Caught off guard, Yukina can’t react even to this modest attack. Now she’ll be more conscious of defense.

I stop my sword just in front of Yukina’s throat.

“Give it a little more effort, and you’ll be fine.”

“…I see. In that case, I’ll take you up on your words.”

With those words, Yukina’s gaze intensified.

She’s quite competitive, it seems.

As if starting over, we both raise our swords once again.

And then, Yukina launches a relentless assault.

Right, left, thrust, high, low.

I intercept her diverse attacks, doing my best to keep up.

I try to create the illusion that I’m holding my ground.

Against my defense, Yukina becomes impatient and goes for the decisive strike.

Another slash from the left.

However, this is a feint. I detect it from her slight weight shift and react only with my hands, preparing for the actual attack from the right.

It’s still a shallow feint, but maybe I can fall for it.

Let’s make it seem like I barely manage to react in time.

As I consider this, I shift my gaze to the right.

That’s when I notice Yukina’s eyes locking onto mine.

Her eye color catches me off guard for a moment.

Golden irises gleam. Yukina’s natural eye color should be a pale blue. Clearly, her eye color has changed.

Magic eyes. The term flashes through my mind.

An exceptionally rare manifestation of magic. A rare skill that occasionally appears in individuals with high magical potential.

Described as a work of art, these eyes hold the power of stars within their irises. Merely possessing them elevates one’s status.

Few people have them, and if someone does, it becomes a topic of discussion. I’ve never heard that Yukina possesses magic eyes.

Did she decide to use something she hadn’t used until today, just on me?

And to top it off…

The “Sirius Ark,” classified as an A-rank magic eye—the highest tier.

Its effect is “Insight.” To put it bluntly, it significantly enhances vision. However, its effects are abnormal.

These eyes can see through everything, and they’re probably capturing all my movements.

There’s an absolute gap in our abilities between Yukina and me. So, she must have assumed I wouldn’t hold back, which led to this situation.

The Sirius Ark allows her to see even my subtle movements.

Her eyes widen in surprise.

Because I didn’t fall for the feint and accurately predicted her next attack.

She has good eyes. Thinking that, as the slash from the left stops and transitions into an attack from the right, I move my sword in that direction.

She’s aware of the feint, and deliberately taking the hit would be unnatural.



The attack from the right.

Yukina did indeed intend to move that way.

But having seen through my prediction, she forcibly changed it to a thrust.

Caught off guard, I can’t react.

I raise both hands as if conceding defeat.

“Excellent job.”


Yukina doesn’t react to my praise. Her eyes, now back to their original blue color, stare intently at me.

She seems like she wants to say something, but the words don’t come out.

Instead, Yukina readies her sword once more.

“Another round.”

She wants to confirm something.

However, her intention is interrupted by the teacher’s words.

“Warm-up over! We’re moving on to mock battles!”

With the teacher’s announcement, our warm-up concludes.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I lower my sword and give a casual wave.

“Good job. I’ve learned a lot.”


Yukina wears a dissatisfied expression, having missed her chance to speak, but she remains silent.

Truly a prodigy. Who would have thought she concealed magic eyes? Perhaps I let my guard down too much because she’s just a student.

The fact that she saw through my hidden strength using those eyes means she noticed I wasn’t giving my all. However, she can’t possibly know the full extent of my abilities.

She’s a rising star expected to become the next Sword Saint, while I’m the academy’s underachiever.

Although this time the teacher assigned us as sparring partners, we wouldn’t typically interact.

Doubts will likely fade away eventually.

With that in mind, I turn away from Yukina.

The Tale of the Strongest Failed Noble, Mastering the Sword Demon in the Dark Battle

The Tale of the Strongest Failed Noble, Mastering the Sword Demon in the Dark Battle

剣魔極めし落第貴族、学院生活の影で無双する ~しょうがないから剣聖と大賢者してるけど、さっさと守護神やめて自由に生きたい~, ken ma kiwameshi rakudai kizoku , gakuin seikatsu no kage de musō suru ~ shōganaikara ken kiyoshi to taikensha shiterukedo , sassato shugojin yamete jiyū ni ikitai ~
Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In the face of the Galiaar Empire’s invasion, two powerful forces stood firm against their malevolent grasp: the Albios Kingdom and the Lutetia Empire. Each nation possessed formidable defenders who repelled the tides of aggression. In the Albios Kingdom, there was the unmatched dual-wielding swordsman known as the “Sword Saint of White,” Cloud. Meanwhile, the Lutetia Empire relied on the ancient abyssal magic wielder, the “Great Sage of Black,” Eclipse. These two individuals, often mistaken for demons by the Empire, harbored a secret—they were one and the same person. And that person’s true identity? None other than Roy Luvell, the second son of a minor noble from the remote borderlands. Despite his clandestine efforts to safeguard both nations, Roy’s life at the academy was far from exemplary. Chronic tardiness, frequent absences, and lackluster grades earned him the nickname of the “Noble Failure.” He wanted to quit the academy if possible, and he wanted to pass on the titles of Sword Saint and Grand Sage to successors. But things didn't always go as he wished. He couldn't easily quit the academy, he was trusted by his diligent sister, he was followed by a cool beautiful girl who was the successor to the Sword Saint, and he was liked by a lively girl aiming to become the Great Sage. And so, amidst this tumultuous existence, Roy Luvell continued to navigate his restless daily routine.



not work with dark mode