Switch Mode

Chapter 49

The Trigger

In the end, I killed sixteen goblins to complete the request.

The reward I receive is meager, but my purpose isn’t money; it’s training, so it doesn’t matter.

I gained a good understanding of combat without using my fighting spirit, so it’s a good result.

Right now, I’m on my way back from the Adventurers’ Guild.

The sun has already risen completely, and it’s slightly past noon.

That said, there’s still time before the day ends.

After changing at the inn and eating, I thought I’d do some training at the academy’s training grounds.

To be honest, I’m not tired at all from killing just sixteen goblins.

With nothing in particular to do, I hurried back to the inn.

“Well then, let’s head to the academy.”

After having lunch, I headed toward the academy.

Speaking of which… since I’ve cut ties with Arcelia, there’s no need for me to attend the academy.

Thinking about efficiency, it would be better to drop out of the academy and focus on my activities as an adventurer.

However, since my parents are paying for my tuition, I might as well stay enrolled this year and graduate.

Not only tuition but also the inn fees and other expenses are covered by my parents, so I feel a bit guilty.

Even though it’s a trivial amount for a marquis family… I wanted to become independent quickly.

I entered the academy grounds and stepped into the school building.

The training grounds are on the opposite side of the school building from the gate, so this was the quickest route.

It seems to be lecture time, as there aren’t many people in the school building.

As I walked, wondering if someone was using the training grounds today, I saw someone approaching from the front.

…It was my brother.

“Oh, there you are! I was looking for you.”

As the distance closed, my brother called out to me.

“You were looking for me?”

“Yeah. I had something to discuss.”

It seems he had been searching for me.

I wonder what it could be.

“Say, Kraze… has that girl… reconciled with Arcelia-san?”

“No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t apologized.”

“I see…”

My brother nodded at my response.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke.

“I passed by her a little while ago… she looked really haggard. She had dark circles under her eyes and overall seemed to carry a negative Aura.”


“Hmm, don’t you think it’d be good to talk to her? If you leave her like this, I think she’ll fall into a bad situation.”

His tone is light, but his expression isn’t his usual carefree one; he looks quite serious.

Even though he’s the one who was insulted, it’s typical of my brother to be concerned about Arcelia.

That said… that said.

“I have no intention of getting involved until she apologizes.”

After all, it was Arcelia who acted excessively in the first place.

I had no intention of getting involved until there was an apology regarding that.

“Maybe she won’t apologize? I think she doesn’t even understand what she did wrong.”

“Then that’s fine. Our relationship ends there.”

“Hmm, that’s strict.”

It’s not that it’s strict; relationships with people can be cut off easily.

During my previous life as an adventurer, I constantly met and parted ways with people.

It’s rare to stay with the same person for an extended period.

“Well, Kraze can do as he likes. It seems like you have someone waiting for you, so I’ll take my leave now.”

My brother shifted his gaze and walked away.


Someone waiting…?

I looked in the direction my brother had been looking, and someone was watching me from behind a pillar.

Blonde hair… a handsome face… someone I feel like I’ve seen somewhere before…

As I pondered who it could be, that person approached me.

“Nice to meet you. You must be Kraze Reynostia from the House of Marquis Reynostia, right?”

Though still retaining some childhood innocence, they had a firm voice and an arrogant demeanor.

No, it felt natural even with that arrogance.

Then it hit me.

This person is a prince.

“Yes. As you said, I am Kraze Reynostia, the second son of the House of Marquis Reynostia… Do you have business with me, Your Highness?”

“Oh, I’m sorry to bother you so suddenly… but I have something to discuss.”

The prince, stopping his stride, spoke.

As for what he wants to talk about regarding me… I have doubts, but at the same time, I felt a slight sense of discomfort.

It wasn’t that it felt unnatural.

It was just that there was some sort of disconnect.

“I see. Then what is this discussion about?”

“Well, what kind of relationship do you have with Arcelia Oriondor?”

“What kind of relationship…”

I don’t understand why the prince is asking me such things.

However, I suddenly start to think.

What is my relationship with Arcelia?

Although our meeting was unusual… if I think about it objectively, I suppose it could be described as a friendship.

But right now, it’s not quite a complete severance, but our relationship has definitely become strained.

“A friend… I guess.”

After thinking it over, I answered.

“But why did you ask me that?”

“Well, you see…”

The prince shifted his gaze and paused, then opened his mouth again.

“I need to decide on a fiancée soon. I was considering her as a candidate.”

“Eh… eh?”

I couldn’t help but frown.

An engagement with Arcelia… that means she would become the prince’s wife.

“Your Highness… I must ask, with all due respect… are you in your right mind?”

“Why? Arcelia Oriondor is overflowing with magical talent, excels in her studies, and is beautiful… I think she’s more than enough.”

That’s certainly true.

What the prince said isn’t wrong.

Arcelia possesses remarkable magical talent, excels academically, and is stunningly beautiful… she could be considered perfect.

However, even with all that, I thought it was impossible for me to consider her as a fiancée.

“Do you know about Arcelia’s personality?”

“Ah, I know her well enough, though not as well as you.”

“…Are you serious?”


I looked into the prince’s eyes, which showed no signs of deception, and felt exasperated.

She’s a genius, but her personality is problematic; she looks down on others.

And she’s troublesome.

She’s the epitome of a self-centered person.

I’ve been able to get along with her so far because of my generally indifferent nature… but even I lost patience after that incident.

If the prince is someone who derives pleasure from being insulted by women, then there might be a possibility… No, that’s not it.

Before that, Arcelia would refuse.

It’s common sense that she wouldn’t reject a marriage proposal from the prince, but that wouldn’t apply to Arcelia.

She doesn’t abide by common sense.

“I thought you and Arcelia Oriondor were in a romantic relationship. That’s why I asked you.”

“…I understand. I have a lot to say, but for now, I’m just a friend… a friend? Yes. I don’t recommend it, but you can do as you wish, Your Highness.”


As the prince nodded… I heard footsteps approaching from behind.

They weren’t footsteps getting closer but rather fading away.

While being mindful of the prince, I turned slightly.

In my line of sight was the back of a girl.

She seemed to weakly walk away…

I could clearly see her familiar blonde hair.


I murmured softly.

Could it be that she was listening to our conversation?

That’s impossible.

There’s no way I wouldn’t notice her presence… No, I had been distracted by the prince’s words.

There was a good chance I hadn’t noticed Arcelia hiding and listening.

“Oh dear, it seems the person involved overheard us. And she looks quite down. Did something happen between you two?”

At the prince’s words, I turned my face back.

“Indeed, there was some trouble, but that doesn’t relate to what we were just discussing, does it?”

When I retorted, the prince made an exasperated expression.

What’s going on?

Something feels off.

“You… are quite the dense one.”

With a truly exasperated look, the prince muttered.

“Well, it’s not surprising for someone who uses a sword in this era. I suppose it makes sense. Anyway…”

After a brief pause, the prince spoke again.

“I’ll give you some advice, unfortunate as you are.”


“Chase after Arcelia Oriondor right now. Otherwise… it’ll become something irreparable.”

The look of exasperation faded, and the prince spoke to me with a serious expression.

But I don’t understand.

If Arcelia apologizes, things will change… but as of now, my relationship with Arcelia has ended.

What is this all about now?


“Well, it’s pointless to explain it to someone as disconnected as you. For now, just chase after her. Have an honest conversation. This is an order.”

I don’t quite get it.

I could simply refuse the order.

However, I can understand a little of what the prince is saying.

Indeed, the Arcelia walking away looked very fragile.

Especially since she usually has an air of arrogance about her.

…More than twenty days have passed since our relationship ended.

I was angry at that time, but now I’m not particularly angry.

Should I talk to her?

In this life, I plan to devote everything to the sword… but a little detour wouldn’t hurt.

“…Understood. Excuse me then.”

I turned my back to the prince and chased after Arcelia.

I don’t know where she is, but… she’s probably at the inn.

Scene Change

In the corridor where Kraze had just left.

Rowen popped his head out.

“Sorry about that, Your Highness. Thanks to you, I was saved.”

Rowen expressed his gratitude to the third prince, Sheeland, whom he had requested help from.

“It’s no trouble. I would also be troubled if those two remained as they are for my plans.”

As Sheeland said, this wasn’t just for those two.

It was also for his own plans.

That’s why he had taken on the role.

“So that’s the sword maniac, huh? Quite the cunning one. He might just match well with the genius lady… Truly, the younger brother of a pervert.”

The one who then peeked out was the former king of escape, Ishirion.

“Did you just call my little brother cunning?”

“Of course, it was a joke, pervert.”

Rowen and Ishirion exchanged light banter.

Then the three of them turned their eyes to the window, watching Kraze running.

Due to the schemes formed by their respective motives, Kraze and Arcelia were about to cross paths once again.

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

剣鬼転生 極めし剣は魔術を斬り裂く, Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic, Kenki Tensei: Kiwameshi Ken wa Majutsu o Kirisaku
Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In a certain world, there was a man. In that world, magic had developed, and the common belief was that swordsmen wore armor and used shields. However, the swordsman the man had seen as a child was different. He wore no armor, used no shield. He faced off against monsters with nothing but a single sword. The man was captivated by that image and longed to be like him. But the man had no talent. As he grew older, he came to face reality and eventually became a swordsman who wore armor and carried a shield. One day, the man stood before a monster. All his comrades had died, and he was the only one left. In that extreme moment, the man remembered his true desire: —I want to wield the sword. He stripped off his armor and threw away his shield. Just like the figure he once saw, he faced the monster with nothing but a single sword. But in an instant, his chest was pierced, and he realized he was going to die. Frustration welled up inside him, and he wished: —In my next life, I want talent. This is the story of a man captivated by the sword, driven mad by it, and ultimately dedicating his life to it.



not work with dark mode