Switch Mode

Chapter 6

Protagonist Conducting Human Experimentation with the Heroine

I’ll teach this kid, Ada, some magic.

First, let’s start with manipulating magical energy.


From what I’ve observed, it seems to reside in every living being… and not just that, but in all matter as well.

Regardless of the quantity, magic exists in everything.

However, the distribution of magic appears to vary.

In the case of humans, most of them have magic reservoirs in their bodies. But there are beings whose magic reservoirs extend all the way to their heads.

These are what we commonly refer to as “wizards.”

…More accurately, individuals with the talent for magic, perhaps?

Let me explain my theory about how this works.

Magic is the power of “information.” It’s the ability to enhance or create information.

During my training in magic manipulation, I discovered that concentrating magic in specific areas strengthens it. For instance, when I focused magic in my arms, I exhibited incredible strength. And when I concentrated it in my eyes, my vision improved significantly.

…Now that I think about it, maybe I didn’t need to make a lens to spy on my surroundings. This should suffice. Well, never mind.

So, here’s the idea…

I hypothesized that individuals with the talent for magic have their brains naturally connected to magic. They can perceive and manipulate magic from birth.

If that’s the case…

What if we could infuse magic into the brains of those without magical talent? Could they awaken as wizards?

That’s the premise of our experiment.

Now, let’s take a look at Ada.

In Ada’s case, her magic reservoir is located in her lower abdomen.

Right around where her uterus would be. It appears to contain quite concentrated magic.

In reality, the position of magic reservoirs varies among people and substances, but generally, they’re located in the torso.

So… I want to experiment by pushing this magic, using my own magical abilities, up into Ada’s brain and see if she can become a wizard.

By the way, I’ve tried this with mice I caught around here, but experimenting on a human body is a first for me, so I have no idea what will happen.

If she dies… well, my apologies!

“Show me your belly.”

“Huh? Okay.”

Her khaki dress was lifted, revealing something akin to a loincloth for underwear.

So, people wear pants like this… interesting.

As I touched Ada’s lower abdomen, I infused magic into her…


“What’s wrong?”

“It feels… strange! My stomach suddenly feels warm!”

“Is there any pain?”

“No pain… it’s actually quite pleasant.”


I continued, using my magic to push Ada’s magic upward.


Ada’s body convulsed violently.

Uh-oh, did she die?

Where should I dispose of the body? Maybe dismember it deep in the forest… no, perhaps bury it?

“Cough! Cough!”

Ah, she’s alive.

“My stomach… from below, it feels warm! What’s happening?!”

Now, let’s see…

“Ada, do you see anything sparkling?”

“Huh? Um… yes! Exus-sama seems to be sparkling!”

Great, it worked.

Is this crude method acceptable?

Well, what’s done is done.

Now, should I train her in magic manipulation?

Magic exists in everyone, but without awareness, training becomes challenging.

Although I mentioned that magic reaching the brain could awaken magical talent, there seems to be a certain level of permeability.

In other words, it’s a complete hypothesis, but if we enhance the eyeball itself with magic, eyesight improves.

And perhaps, when magic permeates the brain region equivalent to the optic nerve, one can see magic.

Well, that’s the general idea.

Even if someone can manipulate magic, there are those who cannot see it. For instance, my mother seems to fall into that category. When I tried displaying numbers using magic on my fingertips, she didn’t seem to see anything, much like a scene from a certain manga.

However, now that Ada can perceive magic like this, her training should progress more smoothly. Fortunately, she’s a quick learner, and within about two weeks, she’s become reasonably proficient at manipulating magic.

Now, let’s move on to the next experiment.

First, I’ll have her try a simple spell.

Pop Fire Mana Add One Output Front.”

Activation seems fine.

“Wow! Can I really become a magician?!” Ada innocently rejoices.

Encouraged by her excitement, I proceed to teach her the next incantation.

“Next, try saying ‘Load Fire.’”

Ah, yes—the variable load that I was too afraid to attempt before. I discovered that there seems to be a predefined variable, likely set by someone else.


For example, in this case, it’s “Fire.”

By adding “Mana” (magic) to “Add” and “Output,” we can activate magic.

So, what’s the content of the command “Fire”?

If we know that, we can create custom instructions at will.

Hence, the need for analysis.

However, I must clarify: there’s a possibility that an immense amount of data could flood into the brain, potentially causing damage. That’s why we’ll leave this kind of experimentation to guinea pigs.

But rest assured, I hold Ada in high regard.

She’s adorable, obedient, and surprisingly intelligent for her age.

If, after various experiments, you manage to survive, I might consider taking you out into the outside world with me.

As for what you think about it, that might matter, but if you wish, I might consider employing you as a subordinate.

“Let’s go! ‘Load Fire!’”

Now, how does it feel?


Phew, you’re not dead! Good!

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… I’m fine, but…”

“What happened?”

“I see patterns floating in my head.”

“Write them down here.”

I handed Ada a twig.

She began writing…

1100101100111011… a sequence of binary numbers.

Ah, I see. So that’s what’s inside “Fire”?

“Is your head hurting?”

“No, I was just surprised.”

Alright, let me try it too.

Load Fire.”

And… it appears in my mind.

A string of binary numbers.

Now, if we analyze this value, we should fully understand the mechanics of magic!

Oh, and in parallel, Ada might become a test subject for dangerous magic.

Things like raising her body temperature or transforming her body into another substance.

Don’t die on me, Ada!

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese

A story in which the heroine begs for the enemy's life

Reincarnated into another world! A programmer who died on Earth wakes up to find himself a baby in a fantasy world! Though it may seem like a fantasy world, magic is processed in a computer-program-like manner for some reason! Being an Earth programmer, he can manipulate spells to wield powerful magic! It's cheating! Totally OP! I see, it's a common setup. ...But there's one problem. This guy is fatally unsuited to be the protagonist.



not work with dark mode