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Chapter 40

It's time for a bath! Everyone gather together①

If you head southwest from the capital city of the Arlkvist Barony, Noeina, you will soon reach a river.

Since the early days of development, this river has been used as a water source and has been highly valued as a place for clean drinking water, even after wells were dug in the village of Noeina. Today, the road from Noeina to the river is well-maintained, allowing large amounts of water to be transported at once using carts.

One of the first projects Noein undertook at the start of spring was developing the area around this river.

Where there is a river, a watermill can be built to harness the power of the waterwheel for grinding wheat. With the spring wheat harvest beginning in the Arlkvist territory, the watermill would become an essential facility.

It would also be convenient to build a blacksmith’s workshop near the river. There are no blacksmiths in Noeina yet, but advertising the availability of a workshop might attract settlers.

And one more thing—a plentiful water source allows for the construction of a bathhouse. Along with the watermill and blacksmith’s workshop, Noein pushed forward the construction of a public bathhouse for the people.

Due to its simple structure, the bathhouse was completed ahead of other more complex facilities.

“A splendid bathhouse has been built. In terms of size, it’s comparable to those in small cities, right, Mathilda?”

“Yes, Lord Noein. It’s wonderfully done. It could be considered a symbol of Noeina as a civilized place.”

As they inspected the bathhouse, which could accommodate up to about 20 people at a time, Noein was excited. Mathilda, accompanying him, affirmed his enthusiasm.

In the cities of this world, public bathhouses serve as one of the residents’ entertainments, but in poor, small villages, constructing such a bathhouse is impossible.

As a result, the idea that “a city with a bathhouse is a sign of civilization” had taken root. By this logic, even Noeina, with a population barely reaching 100, would be considered a respectable, civilized city.

This was an investment made possible by the Arlkvist Barony, thanks to the lapis lazuli veins serving as a source of wealth.

“With this, the hygiene and health of the people will improve greatly. Their happiness will increase, and labor productivity should rise as well.”

“To think that you would make such a large investment for the happiness of your people and the territory’s economy—truly fitting of you, Lord Noein.”

Noein remembered reading in various books during his time of confinement at the Kivileft estate about the benefits of bathing.

Bathing helps with fatigue recovery. Keeping the body clean reduces the risk of illness, and when cities built bathhouses, the productivity of the workers improved.

From medical texts to the memoirs of ancient rulers, every book he read proclaimed, “Bathing is a good thing.”

Noein himself had experienced the benefits of bathing countless times throughout his life. That’s why he had the bathhouse built so his people could enjoy those same benefits.

Following the example of urban public bathhouses, an entrance fee would be charged, but it was set at just 1 rebro per visit. This amount would allow everyone to use the bath regularly. Although the bathhouse was currently running at a loss, Noein didn’t care about the profits.

“There’s nothing like a bath. I feel alive again.”

“I know, right? That’s exactly how it feels.”

Yuri, who muttered this as he submerged his body into the hot water, was agreed with by Bart, who had entered earlier.

Since there weren’t enough hands to manage the bathhouse’s operations, men and women were each allowed to bathe just once a week for now. On these precious bath days, everyone gathered to bathe.

The bathhouse operated on a rotation, with 20 people bathing at a time. With so many people, the large bathhouse became crowded and lively. On this day too, the steam-filled bathhouse echoed with the voices of the men.

“By the way, Bart, I hear you’re quite popular with the women of Retvik.”

“…Where did you hear that?”

“The men in the village were talking enviously.”

When men gathered in a bathhouse to relax both body and mind, the conversation topics were predictable.

The married men complained or bragged about their wives, while the single ones discussed their tastes in women and who they had their eye on.

“You’ve never had trouble with women since your mercenary days. Every time we visited the city, you’d have a mistress and get pampered… And now you’re a vassal serving a noble. You’re bound to be even more popular.”

“Well, yes, there are plenty of women interested in me… But finding a wife isn’t as easy as that.”

“What, you’re giving up on playing around with women?”

“I’m in my mid-twenties now. Since I’ve become a vassal and even have my own farmland, I want to settle down soon.”

“So, you’re finally at that age, huh…”

The mercenary group had been like a large family. Bart, who had been an orphan before being taken in, was like a younger brother to Yuri.

Hearing that Bart, who he’d known since he was a young boy, was now seriously searching for a wife brought a wave of nostalgia.

“How should I decide on a marriage partner, with so many girls around?”

“That’s quite a luxurious problem you’ve got there. Are you bragging?”

“No, no… Actually, I envy you, Captain. You’ve always been devoted to Mai, haven’t you? You two were practically like a married couple even back in the mercenary days.”

“Well, yeah…”

“Oh? Are you embarrassed?”

“Shut up, or I’ll punch you.”

Bart, cheekily teasing his superior and senior, was met with a blunt retort from Yuri, though his tone was lighthearted.

“But seriously, how do you choose the right person to marry?”

“Well… First of all, don’t just pick someone based on looks. And don’t go for a woman who’s only interested in you for your appearance. You might be young now, but you’ll get older, maybe gain weight or go bald.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“When you’re both old and gray, can you still love each other? And will she still love you when you’re a worn-out old man? Choose someone you can imagine being happy with, even when you’re both like that.”

“I understand. I’ll keep that in mind.”

As Yuri said this, Bart nodded seriously.

“So, did you imagine Mai all old and plump before you got married?”

“Of course. I’d still gladly embrace her, even if she looked like an orcish old hag.”

“That’s… the power of love.”

“Yep, that’s what real love is.”

Whether vassals or townsfolk, everyone spent their time at the public bathhouse chatting with their close companions.

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!

ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality. Born as the child of a noble's concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought: He didn't want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents. He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love. For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone. To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them. He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness. This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.



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