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Chapter 1

Farewell, My Life

――A sword is a weapon meant to be used alongside a shield.

――A swordsman cannot defeat a mage.

This is the common knowledge that prevails in the world.

Block your opponent’s sword or spear with your shield, and swing your sword in return. If arrows come flying, you raise your shield to defend. If magic comes flying, then――


I was blown back hard, tumbling over the ground several times. The pain from the bruises and burns spreading all over my body screamed that I had reached my limit.

Ignoring it, I forced myself to stand up. When I looked ahead, a single monster was calmly standing there.

It was humanoid, draped in tattered black robes, emanating a sinister aura. A creature with a certain level of intelligence, wielding the forbidden magic that is the origin of sorcery.

This thing.

It was this thing’s magic that had blown me away.

I forced myself to regain full consciousness, which had become hazy from the shock. Without taking my eyes off the monster, I glanced around. Countless people were lying on the ground.

It seems everyone but me is dead. Well, that makes sense. The opponent is a monster ranked third out of a scale from tenth to first. There’s no way someone like me could ever hope to win.

The monster still doesn’t move. It’s as if it’s gauging my condition. Whether it’s being cautious or just mocking me, I don’t know… but this works to my advantage.

I take deep breaths to calm my ragged breathing and slowly reinforce my entire body with fighting spirit. The effects of my reinforcement are limited, but it’s better than nothing.

My armor is in tatters. My weapons are a mass-produced sword and an ordinary round shield. I can’t use any magic at all, so no magic for me.


The situation is so hopeless that I can’t help but laugh. I’m practically already halfway submerged—no, waist-deep—in the swamp of the afterlife.

I’m going to die. This is a certainty, an unchangeable future. I don’t know how much longer I’ll last, but by the time the sun, now sinking below the horizon, has fully set, I’ll be dead.

“Ha… ha… ha ha ha ha!”

Ah… how wonderful…

A thrill so intense it makes my spine tremble.

I was born unable to use magic, so my path inevitably led to the sword. At first, I despaired over my inability to wield magic, but then I met a swordsman.

Well, “met” isn’t exactly right—I only knew him one-sidedly. Still, I was captivated by the sword he wielded.

A sword flash so fast you couldn’t even follow it with your eyes. In the next moment, the monster was cleaved in two. Movements that looked like a dance. I was captivated by it all.

From the next day on, I swung my sword. Every single day, from sunrise to sunset, I swung endlessly. I’m confident that no one has swung a sword more than I have.

But I had no talent whatsoever. My basic physical abilities, my coordination, my capacity to store fighting spirit in place of magic—none of it was good enough.

This was no good, that was no good, nothing worked. I had no talent to the point where it was laughable.

So, I came to terms with reality and adopted the common swordsman equipment—armor and a shield.

Now, I think I’ve at least managed to become a competent fighter, despite my lack of talent. I’m not especially strong, but I’m not particularly weak, either. Just an average swordsman.

But it’s not enough.

The swordsman I aspire to be is different.

No armor, no shield, fighting with nothing but a single sword. No matter how strong the enemy, no matter how large, they face it with only their sword.

Even if the enemy uses long-range magic, it doesn’t matter.

They cut down everything in their path with their sword.

…The desires I had buried deep down began to surface.


That’s right.

I was like that, wasn’t I?

I was captivated by the sword, loved the sword, and was driven mad by the sword.

“Thanks… for reminding me!”

Shield? It’s a hindrance.

Armor? It’s just heavy.

I throw my shield away and discard my armor.
As long as I have my sword, I don’t need anything else.

…Ah, yes.

I grip the sword I’ve been carrying, sheath and all. This is a custom-made sword I bought for a hefty sum long ago. It was the chain that held my desires in check.

I discard the sword I had been using and draw the new one from its sheath. The blade glows faintly blue, and its sharpness is undeniable.

This color comes from a special ore used in the blade. It dramatically improves both durability and sharpness compared to ordinary steel swords.

…I’ll never sheath this sword again.
With a hint of hesitation, I let the scabbard fall to the ground.

This is right.
This is how it should be.

I stand now, in the same form as the swordsman who was forever etched into my mind. Though my appearance, skill, and everything else are different, I’m standing on the same battlefield as him.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”


A deep rumble resonates from the monster.
Heh, looks like it’s ready to fight, too.

“Let’s go.”

I relax my whole body and lean forward. Just before I collapse forward onto the ground, I push off with all my strength. The ground feels solid beneath my feet, and the wind rushes past my ears.

I’m in good shape.
I’m at my peak concentration.

Faster. Faster. I need to cleave through everything before the monster can cast its magic. I close the distance with the footwork I’ve practiced for over twenty years.

But… my body is at its limit.
I don’t even feel the pain anymore.

Please. I don’t care if I lose everything in this moment. Take it all. Just let me endure for this one instant.

As if answering my plea, my body moves.

I can do it.
I can do it!

I’ve abandoned all defense, all safeguards. One misstep and I’ll die. But right now, I’m more exhilarated and thrilled than ever.

I’m closer to that ideal I once admired… staking everything on my sword!

Magic comes flying at me… but I twist my body and dodge. One, two, three shots. My skin burns, my flesh tears from the shockwaves, my body freezes from the cold, but I don’t care.

Just a little more. Just a little more.

Keep your eyes open, focus every nerve. Use every sense, every instinct to anticipate the next move.

The monster’s hand moves.

Magic is coming.

My instincts tell me it’s fire magic. If I don’t make a big move to avoid it, I’ll be engulfed in flames, and the lack of oxygen near my face will suffocate me.

But I didn’t choose to dodge. I don’t even know why. My body moved before I could think.

I charge ahead without slowing down.

The next moment, the magic is cast. It’s just as I thought—fire magic. A roaring fireball comes hurtling toward me.

Dodge it?

Defend with fighting spirit?

I have only one course of action.


With madness in my heart and my sword in hand…

I cut the approaching fireball in half.


The sound of explosions echoes behind me as I swing my sword toward the monster, leaving a blue trail in the air.



A dumbfounded voice escapes my lips as a shock runs through my body. I try to make sense of the situation, trying to comprehend the sound that lingers in my head and the sensation left in my hand.

…I see. My sword was blocked.

Then, I’ll swing it again. I’ll swing my sword as many times as it takes…


Wait, what state am I in now? I cut through the magic… I slashed at the monster… and it was blocked. Then, a shock ran through my body…


The smell of earth and the hard sensation all over my body. Am I lying on the ground? My right cheek feels something hard, so I must be lying face down.

I don’t feel much of anything anymore… but my left arm isn’t moving. My right arm still works. My legs are still okay. I press my right hand against the ground to try to get up.

But I can’t muster the strength, and I fall back, sitting on the ground with my back against a tree. What am I doing? I need to get up and face the monster.

As I fumble around on the ground with my right hand, I find my sword. I grip the hilt and lift it.

…Huh? Why does it feel so light?

I look at the sword through my blurry vision.

It’s broken.

It’s snapped clean in half, right in the middle. The top half is lying a short distance away on the ground. I stare vacantly at the broken sword.

Then, I look down at my body.

“I see…”

From my left side, across my ribs, there’s a huge gash. And my left arm is missing from the upper arm down. No wonder it wouldn’t move.

Looking ahead, I see the monster approaching. It’s probably coming to finish me off up close. Well, it doesn’t really matter.

“Heh… guh…!”

With what little fighting spirit I have left, I summon the very last of my strength and use the broken sword as support to stand up.

I plant my feet on the ground, pointing the tip of my broken sword at the monster.

It’s not over yet.

My madness isn’t finished.

Lose my limbs?
Have my stomach ripped open?
My sword breaks?

Ha, don’t be ridiculous.

Something like that can’t extinguish my madness.

I’ve finally remembered it. I won’t forget it now. No matter what happens, I’ll never forget this madness that drives me.

“So, one more time――Guh!”

Hey. Let me finish my sentence.

A spear of rock, conjured by magic, pierced through my chest. The spear skewered me to the tree behind me, pinning me in place.

The monster isn’t moving. Maybe it’s realized I’m about to die and sees no need to attack further. Or maybe it’s giving me time for one final reflection. Either way, I don’t care.

…So, this is how I die.

I lived my life to the fullest, so I have no regrets. I became a competent fighter, ate good food… I wouldn’t say I’m completely satisfied, but I have no real complaints about my life.

What happens after death? Is there really an afterlife? Will I see the others who died before me? If they’re there, maybe we can exchange some silly stories.

That would be nice.

My consciousness starts to fade――

Wait a minute.

Why am I satisfied?

This isn’t right.

I’m not satisfied, am I?

I’m frustrated.

I’m frustrated with a life where I never had the talent to reach my dreams. Sure, it’s too late to say anything now that I’m about to die, but…

I’m still gripping my sword. Even in death, I’m holding on tight. And I absolutely refuse to die lying down. So, in a way, being pinned to this tree and dying standing up is just fine with me.

Hah… just a few more seconds now.

It wouldn’t be bad to die content, but I think I’d rather go with regrets in my heart.

I wanted talent.

I wanted the talent of physical strength.

I wanted the talent of agility.

I wanted the talent of fighting spirit.

Magic… I don’t need.

If I could use magic, it would take away the fun.

What I seek is the romance of it.

Facing down monsters with nothing but a sword.

Isn’t that the best?

Ah… I’m getting sleepy…

Farewell, my life. If there’s a next life… I hope I’m born with talent.

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic

剣鬼転生 極めし剣は魔術を斬り裂く, Reincarnation of the Sword Demon: The Mastered Sword Cuts Through Magic, Kenki Tensei: Kiwameshi Ken wa Majutsu o Kirisaku
Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Japanese
In a certain world, there was a man. In that world, magic had developed, and the common belief was that swordsmen wore armor and used shields. However, the swordsman the man had seen as a child was different. He wore no armor, used no shield. He faced off against monsters with nothing but a single sword. The man was captivated by that image and longed to be like him. But the man had no talent. As he grew older, he came to face reality and eventually became a swordsman who wore armor and carried a shield. One day, the man stood before a monster. All his comrades had died, and he was the only one left. In that extreme moment, the man remembered his true desire: —I want to wield the sword. He stripped off his armor and threw away his shield. Just like the figure he once saw, he faced the monster with nothing but a single sword. But in an instant, his chest was pierced, and he realized he was going to die. Frustration welled up inside him, and he wished: —In my next life, I want talent. This is the story of a man captivated by the sword, driven mad by it, and ultimately dedicating his life to it.



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