Switch Mode

Chapter 46

Slum Cleansing Operation

I’m living as a freeloader in Francis-chan’s mansion.

Lately, I’ve been considering buying my own estate, but it seems that the good land has all been monopolized by the nobility, so there’s no wide open space available.

Suburbs are nearly full as well.

There seems to be almost no large, vacant land available.

In the capital, land ownership is so convoluted that there’s no time for anything else.

I wonder if there’s still a small plot of land left somewhere? Swearing that I haven’t committed any murders?

So, I decided to buy up the entire slum.

The slum is an abandoned development area outside the outer walls of the royal capital. Various properties have land ownership rights but are considered non-performing assets due to the illegal residents and dangerous underground organizations lurking there.

Therefore, I plan to eliminate the orphans and beggars in the slum, purify the area, and build a massive mansion and a personal town on the cleared land.

Using magic makes it easy.

What about the feelings of the less fortunate in the slum?

I don’t care, let them die.

But maybe I’ll pick up some kids from the slum.

Old people probably have poor memories, so I’ll drive them away and brainwash the kids to make them my subordinates.

After all, I’m creating a secret society.

An organization is made up of people; creating an organization means creating people.

People are like stone walls, right?

Anyway, the uncle who used to say that people are like stone walls ended up making his son commit seppuku1. I wonder what he was thinking when he said that?

Well, warlords are all perverted gay sadists, so it’s probably fine.

As I was surveying the slum with drones created by magic…

“Exus! You have a visitor!”

Francis-chan appeared.

Today, her sun-tanned, wheat-colored skin was dazzling.

There was no particular reason, but I lifted her skirt.

“Hyah?! What are you doing?!”

“Francis-chan, I’m busy right now. Go away and I’ll play with you later.”

“No, it’s not that! There’s a visitor!”

“I don’t care, send them away.”

Is it another nuisance from someone with opinions on the game?

Seriously, just tell them that customer support is at Beaks Trading Company.

“No, it’s not that…! It’s a messenger from the royal family!”


You mean a royal envoy?

Why would someone like that be here…?

Well, whatever.

“I’m busy now, tell them to come back later.”

I don’t like that someone is trying to summon me, or rather, me, the great me.

I’ll just ignore them!

“Please! Really, please! Sending away a royal envoy is truly, truly a serious matter?!!!”

Shut up! I don’t care!

“Even just meeting them! Just meeting them!!!”

Fine, fine, if Francis-chan is asking.

It can’t be helped.

I met the royal envoy at Francis-chan’s mansion.

“Why do you not kneel?! This is a letter from the king?!”


Some pale, lanky guy was shouting in a high-pitched voice.

“Exus! Bow your head!”

Francis-chan whispered that next to me.

Well, I understand the meaning.

When receiving a letter from the king or royal orders, one must show a respectful attitude.

I understand that.

The words of the royal envoy carrying the king’s orders hold the same weight as the king’s words at this moment.

But wait a minute.

“Why should I, someone stronger and more capable, follow some foolish royal family in this stupid country?”

Follow someone weaker and more idiotic than me?

Hah, they have a good sense of humor.

“W-What are you saying?!”

“Get lost, you cross-dressing fool.”

Saying that, I burned the letter the envoy was holding with magic.


It feels good!

Francis-chan, who was watching beside me, seemed to faint after frothing at the mouth.

So funny.

I chased away the enraged envoy and continued through the slum.

“Hehe… the noble’s young master is in trouble.”

I moved through the slum, blowing away the heads of the trash that popped up in front of me.

“Uwaaah!!! This kid, did he just kill someone?!!”

“Michael! No way!?”

“You! What authority do you have to do this?!!!”

Some mob characters are being noisy…

“Isn’t it just trash from the slum? I heard that killing slum dwellers is okay because they don’t have citizenship. So I killed them?”

“W-What? This guy is insane.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter what you say. I’m handsome, kind, and a good person, so I’ll properly give a warning to trash like you who don’t deserve to live.”

Saying that, I used a magic amplification spell to address the entire slum.

“Ah, ah, mic test, mic test… Ahem, good morning, trash of the slum! This is Exus!”

First, a greeting.

Then, the main point.

“Recently, I purchased all the land in the slum! The entire slum, from end to end, belongs to me! All of you here are now considered illegal occupants, and extermination is permitted!”

And to finish…

“Anyone who doesn’t leave by sunset will be killed. Get out quickly.”


And one more thing.

“However, I am magnanimous and tolerant. If you are under twelve years old and swear to obey me, regardless of race or gender, I may spare you. Old people should quietly disappear or be eliminated.”

There, perfect.

“This is terrible…! A war is about to start…!”

The trash from the slum muttered in terror and ran away.

  1. seppuku“which refers to a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment that was practiced by samurai in feudal Japan. It was considered an honorable way to die, especially as a form of protest or to restore one’s honor. ↩︎

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Programmer Reincarnation: Magic in This World Seems Like Programming

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Japanese

A story in which the heroine begs for the enemy's life

Reincarnated into another world! A programmer who died on Earth wakes up to find himself a baby in a fantasy world! Though it may seem like a fantasy world, magic is processed in a computer-program-like manner for some reason! Being an Earth programmer, he can manipulate spells to wield powerful magic! It's cheating! Totally OP! I see, it's a common setup. ...But there's one problem. This guy is fatally unsuited to be the protagonist.



not work with dark mode